Chapter 343
"Get up quickly, my dad will definitely run away when he comes in and sees you." Seeing that Lu Qingfeng was motionless, Zhou Niannian quickly pushed him and said in a low voice.

Lu Qingfeng lay on her shoulder, and smiled softly, "Do you think Uncle Zhou is willing to give us an engagement date immediately when he sees us like this?"

Zhou Niannian pushed him away, pushed him to the balcony, and said in a low voice: "Don't dream, my dad can beat you until you can't find the door to go home, hurry up and go."

Lu Qingfeng didn't want to move, but was pushed by Zhou Niannian to the balcony door, so he reluctantly climbed out.

Fortunately Ah Liang was not on the balcony at this time, otherwise he would have made fun of Lu Qingfeng a few times.

Seeing his figure disappear on the balcony, Zhou Niannian opened the door with some guilt, "Dad, what do you need from me?"

Zhou Hongshan frowned and glanced at the skirt on her body, "I haven't changed, why are you still in the room for so long before you open the door for me?"

Zhou Niannian hehe, brushed her hair behind her ears with a guilty conscience, "That... I was going to exchange it, but later I was afraid that you would call me something urgent, so after thinking about it, I decided not to change it."

Zhou Hongshan snorted, and looked at her suspiciously, "What's wrong with you? Why is your face so red, don't you have a fever?"

As he said that, he stretched out his hand to feel the temperature of her forehead, Zhou Niannian grabbed his hand and asked with a smile, "Dad, you haven't said what you want from me."

Only then did Zhou Hongshan think of something serious, "Oh, so what. Your mother told you to go down and ask you something."

"Aren't you going to interrogate my second brother? What's the matter with me?" Zhou Niannian muttered, closing the door, and followed Zhou Hongshan downstairs.

Zhou Hongshan patted her hand, "Your mother was so angry at your elder brother and sister-in-law this time, she just urged your second brother and Qingqing to find someone, but your second brother refused, Qingqing said that he and your good friend Qi Jia Yan has been there before, and I don't know if it's true or not, your mother told you to go down and ask."

Zhou Niannian was immediately scorched by Lei, and remembered that such a thing had happened before.

At that time, Zezhou County issued an order to introduce a partner to the older educated youth who went to the countryside. The deadline was one month. At that time, Meng Sanqiu wanted to introduce a partner to Qi Jiayan, but Qi Jiayan refused.

At that time, Qi Jiayan was also very confused about her future. Zhou Niannian helped her think of an idea and lent her his second brother, saying that Qi Jiayan was dating her second brother, and helped Qi Jiayan lie , solved the predicament at that time.

Afterwards, she had already forgotten about this matter, but Bai Yuqing did not expect to tell this matter.

Zhou Niannian followed Zhou Hongshan downstairs without a word.

In the living room downstairs, Li Xiangxiu was sitting in the middle of the sofa, Bai Yuqing was sitting next to him, and Zhou Changan was sitting drowsy on the single sofa on the right.

Seeing Zhou Niannian going downstairs, Li Xiangxiu hurriedly said: "Niannian, Mom asked you, Qingqing said that your second brother had a date with Jiayan, is it true?"

Li Xiangxiu and Zhou Hongshan both met Qi Jiayan when they went to Zezhou, and Qi Jiayan came to Zhou's house twice after returning to Beijing, and they all had a good impression of Qi Jiayan.

Zhou Niannian pursed her lips, met Bai Yuqing's half-sneering eyes, and frowned involuntarily.

All right, why did Bai Yuqing bring this up?
Seeing Zhou Niannian, Zhou Changan also sat up straight suddenly, and grinned at Zhou Niannian, "My dear sister, tell me, why didn't I know when I had a date?"

Zhou Niannian smiled and pushed Zhou Changan aside, and sat on the armrest next to him, "This is how it happened."

She briefly introduced the situation at that time, "Jiayan and I are good friends, and I didn't want her to rush into a marriage that might not be suitable for her under the circumstances at that time, so I gave the second brother's name I borrowed it and used it."

Talking and flattering, he whispered to Zhou Changan: "I just used it for a while, and there is no loss to you. Don't be so stingy."

"You will bully my second brother." Zhou Changan gave her a blank look, then spread his hands and looked at Li Xiangxiu helplessly, "Mom, please explain clearly, I have already said that I have no relationship."

Li Xiangxiu was a little disappointed, "So it was just a misunderstanding. I thought it was true when I heard what Qingqing said. You fell in love with someone, and then you turned to him and then abandoned him."

Zhou Changan rubbed his head with a headache, "Mom, is that how you treat me? How could your son be that kind of person."

Bai Yuqing smiled softly, and pulled Li Xiangxiu a little embarrassedly, "Mom, it was because I spoke too fast just now, and I didn't understand the truth of the matter, so you misunderstood."

When she said this, she glanced at Zhou Niannian meaningfully, "I was also in the same situation at the time, and I also made an excuse that my parents introduced me to a partner, and I was thinking that Niannian would help me lie, so I went to I found Niannian, but Niannian said she didn't want to lie and rejected me."

"That's why I thought the matter between Jiayan and her second brother was true. Now it seems that it's not because Niannian refuses to lie, but because she and I haven't gotten along well enough to ask her to lie for me."

When she said this, her expression was a little sad, and she seemed a little sad.

Zhou Niannian half-closed her eyes and looked at her. Grandma, she knew that Bai Yuqing would not mention this matter for no reason, so she was here waiting for her.

She really didn't miss any chance to put eye medicine on herself.

Li Xiangxiu frowned, looked at Zhou Niannian, moved her lips, hesitated for a while, but finally said nothing.

Zhou Niannian looked up at Bai Yuqing, "I remember that I didn't explicitly reject you, and I also promised that if no one asked me, I wouldn't take the initiative to expose you. Why did you say it out of your mouth? If I don't help you lie It's like committing a heinous crime."

Bai Yuqing looked embarrassed, "Nian Nian, you misunderstood me, I didn't mean that."

"It's fine if it doesn't mean that." Zhou Niannian replied lightly.

The air in the room was a little stiff for a while.

Zhou Changan stood up impatiently and yawned: "Mom, since the misunderstanding has been explained clearly, I'll go to bed first, I'm so sleepy."

"It's not a big deal at all. You said you have to drag me and talk about it for a long time. Isn't it just to find a partner? I'll work hard, okay?"

Zhou Changan walked upstairs while talking, but in fact it was nothing serious, if Bai Yuqing hadn't talked about Qi Jiayan, he would have gone to bed long ago.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look back at Bai Yuqing, "It's better to clarify what to say in the future, so that the family members won't misunderstand."

The circles of Bai Yuqing's eyes turned red slightly, and she pursed her lips in great grievance, "Second brother, I really didn't do it on purpose, and I was really worried for you."

"In this family, I'm always like an outsider. Whether it's the eldest brother or the second brother, you always treat me like a stranger. After all, I'm also the daughter of this family, and I'm also your own sister, right?"

Li Xiangxiu felt very distressed at her aggrieved appearance, and couldn't help but glared at Zhou Changan, "Second brother, what did you say, apologize to your sister."

I will
(End of this chapter)

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