Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 344 Poverty Limits Her

Chapter 344 Poverty Limits Her
Zhou Changan stood impatiently at the stairs, "I didn't say anything. It was a misunderstanding caused by her nonsense. As a brother, can't I say a few words about her?"

"Zhou Chang'an!" Li Xiangxiu couldn't help shouting, "I asked you to apologize to Qingqing, why do you have so many words to say?"

Bai Yuqing sobbed and pulled Li Xiangxiu, "Mom, don't blame the second brother, blame me for being bad, because I can't talk, but mother, I only talk too much because I care about the second brother, you tell the second brother not to give birth. I'm angry, okay?"

Li Xiangxiu's heart ached because of her timid crying. She coaxed her and patted her on the shoulder. She couldn't help but yell at Zhou Changan, "Look at how sensible your sister is. Just look at you and you'll know how angry I am."

Zhou Changan pursed his lips, wanting to say something. Seeing Zhou Hongshan's sharp gaze, he said sullenly: "I'm not angry with her, she's also my sister, don't I often teach Niannian like this? Why don't you see Niannian?" I want to be angry."

Zhou Niannian, who had been sitting quietly on the armrest of the sofa watching Bai Yuqing's performance, glared at his stupid second brother, stood up straight and pulled Zhou Changan forward, "Aren't you going back to sleep? Go quickly."

As she spoke, she couldn't help but drag Zhou Changan upstairs, so she didn't bother to listen to Bai Yuqing's acting at the bottom of the stairs.

In the past few months, Bai Yuqing lived with them under the same roof in peace for several months, and nothing happened. She thought Bai Yuqing had changed his sex.

Now it seems like a fantasy.

When I went upstairs, I saw Liang Ying lingering at the stairs. Seeing them coming up, Liang Ying hesitated and asked, "Are parents okay? I was afraid to go down and make my mother angry, so I didn't dare to go down."

She couldn't hide her guilt as she spoke, and felt that she and Zhou Changguo were the cause of what happened today.

"It's okay, mom vent out, it will be fine in two days, sister-in-law, you should go to rest early." Zhou Niannian smiled, sent Liang Ying back to her room, told her in a low voice not to think too much, and then returned to her own room.

Lying on the bed, Zhou Niannian lost sleepiness for a while.

Bai Yuqing will definitely not cause this drama for no reason tonight. What is she going to do?

The people upstairs don't feel sleepy, and the people downstairs don't feel sleepy either.

Li Xiangxiu sent Bai Yuqing back to her room to rest. Bai Yuqing took her hand with tears in her eyes and asked in a low voice: "Mom, is Dad still worried about the things I published in the newspaper before? Did he refuse to let me recognize my ancestors?" Returning to the sect?"

Li Xiangxiu hugged her shoulder lovingly, "Don't think about it, our family just returned to the capital before, and everything was unstable. Your father was afraid of causing trouble, but now it is slowly settled down. I will tell your father to recognize the ancestors later. Returning to the sect."

Li Xiangxiu coaxed her with nice words before going back to her room.

As soon as she left, the grievance on Bai Yuqing's face faded instantly, and the expression in her eyes was a little irritable.

As soon as she came back tonight, Li Xiangxiu asked about her and Chen Shangde.

Over the past few months, Chen Shangde has almost been inseparable from her.

As long as there are no classes in the law department, Chen Shangde will accompany her, attend lectures with her, take her around the capital, to play, to watch movies, and even to watch some performances that only rich people can afford.

It can be said that the life of these four months is more exciting than her life in the past 20 years.

For the first time, Bai Yuqing had some understanding of the life of the upper class. This understanding made her feel that she lived in poverty in the past and couldn't bear to look at it directly.

How much poverty once limited her vision and pattern.

Taking a casual glance at the furnishings in the room, Chen Shangde gave her a variety of dresses, high heels, perfume, and silk scarves, all of which she had never seen before.

Frankly speaking, she doesn't like Chen Shangde, she thinks he is too bookish, and she prefers a decisive and manly man like Lu Qingfeng.

But she likes the superior life provided by Chen Shangde.

When Li Xiangxiu asked her if she was dating Chen Shangde, she made a few vague words and directed the disaster to Zhou Changan.

In fact, Chen Shangde also asked her twice: Are they dating like this?

Every time Bai Yuqing smiled shyly and timidly.

She is also hesitating and tangled. In fact, the Chen family does not have much life. The Chen family is in the judicial system, so they can be regarded as powerful.

It doesn't matter if Bai Yuqing agrees to Chen Shangde, anyway, it's just a lover, not yet married.

But when she went to Chen's house two days ago, she overheard the conversation between Chen Shangde's mother Guo Ying and Chen Shangde.

Guo Ying is asking Chen Shangde if she is the real daughter of the Zhou family, and if so, why hasn't she recognized her ancestors for so long.

Guo Ying also said that if she was not the real daughter of the Zhou family, it would be impossible for the Chen family to agree to their marriage.

At that time, Bai Yuqing felt as if she had been poured with cold water. Only then did she realize that even if the Zhou family recognized her, they did not formally recognize her ancestors. In the eyes of outsiders, she was still unknown.

It's a shame that Zhou Hongshan didn't know what he was hesitating for, and he always refused to hold a banquet for her to recognize her ancestors.

When Bai Yuqing thought of this, two points of hatred could not help showing in his eyes.

She is obviously their biological daughter, isn't she?Why not let her recognize her ancestors?
After recognizing her ancestors and returning to her family, she will be the eldest lady of the Zhou family. At that time, she may not be able to like the Chen family.

In the next room, Li Xiangxiu was also talking about this matter with Zhou Hongshan, "I thought that the weather is calm now, and it's not a big deal, so let's hold a banquet in a serious manner."

"Not many people know about Chang Guo and Liang Ying's marriage. It's time to introduce Liang Ying and Qing Qing to relatives and friends together."

Zhou Hongshan leaned on the bed and glanced at her, took off his reading glasses, "Aren't you still angry with Liang Ying today? Why are you willing to introduce Liang Ying to relatives and friends?"

Li Xiangxiu paused for breath, and knew that she was a little too harsh on Liang Ying today, so she said with a embarrassed face, "I don't think what Nian Nian said makes sense."

Zhou Hongshan was noncommittal.

Li Xiangxiu lifted the quilt and went to bed, and slapped her husband with her arm, "Old Zhou, tell me the truth, do you mind Qingqing's last newspaper report?"

After she finished speaking, seeing her husband was silent, she sighed, "Didn't you say that we also wanted the children to issue a statement to sever ties with us? Were we afraid of hurting the children?"

"Besides, in that case, Qingqing can't do anything, can't she? Don't blame the child."

Zhou Hongshan sighed silently, turned his head to look at his wife, "Xiangxiu, have you ever thought that maybe Qingqing's character is not as weak as she showed in front of us?"

Li Xiangxiu was stunned for a moment, and after a long time, he stroked his hair slowly, and smiled wryly, "Old Zhou, I'm not stupid, when you said last time that Nian Nian and Qingqing were at odds, and that you wouldn't let me meddle in their affairs , I thought of it."

(End of this chapter)

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