Chapter 346 Seeing is not necessarily believing

Zhou Changan was so frightened that he almost staggered, sat back on the chair, rubbed his butt in embarrassment, and looked at Li Xiangxiu with aggrieved eyes, "Mom, don't scare me, can you? Qi Jiayan's mouth can choke people to death. Just don't embarrass yourself."

Zhou Niannian couldn't help but laugh, "Second brother, speak slowly, be careful and I'll tell Jiayan."

Zhou Changan took the opportunity to stand up, put on a look of teaching Zhou Niannian, and pulled her out, "You little heartless, are you still my sister? You turned to outsiders."

Liang Ying also came out with her luggage.

After leaving the door, Zhou Changan let out a long sigh, "What's wrong with our old man, I haven't heard his long speech for a long time?"

Zhou Niannian shrugged, "I guess I plan to discipline your sister myself."

Zhou Changan blurted out: "Isn't my sister just you?"

As soon as the words fell, it was realized that Zhou Niannian was talking about Bai Yuqing, and she couldn't help curling her lips, "You should be disciplined, at least don't cry at every turn, it's like the whole family is bullying her, it's annoying to watch!"

Zhou Niannian smiled, looked into Liang Ying's surprised eyes, and explained: "Sister-in-law doesn't know something. Our father's education policy for children since childhood is persuasion and education. He never does anything. He can lock us in the room and educate the two of us theoretically." Hour."

Zhou Hongshan and Lu Wenhan are two people, one is in the financial department and the other is the president of a university. The methods of educating children are completely opposite.

Zhou Hongshan from the finance department has a gentle personality and insists on persuasion and education. He always asks them to stand and listen to the training.

Lu Wenhan, who is the president of the university, has a fiery temper. To Lu Qingfeng, it is the belt education model, and he puts on the belt if he is not obedient.

Liang Ying widened her eyes in shock, with a look of fear on her face, "Why do I feel a little sympathetic to your elder brother when he was young?"

Zhou Niannian smirked, "Eldest brother wasn't the worst when he was young, but second brother was the worst. Whoever made him talk hard, he would be read for two hours from time to time."

"Then you must be the one who is read the least." Liang Ying chuckled.

Zhou Niannian nodded without shyness, "That's right, I'm the most obedient."

Zhou Chang'an, who had just been exposed, sneered and rubbed her head, "You're the only one who will be good, let's go, I'll take my sister-in-law to the bus stop, aren't you going to Mr. Guan's house? Let's go."

Parting from the two of them at the gate of the compound, Zhou Niannian walked to Guan Ping's house absent-mindedly.

Bai Yuqing's expression just now is obviously very unwilling to see her parents to see the Bai family. What is the reason that makes her so repulsive?

She remembered Bai Yuqing's confession in her previous life.

In the previous life, because Bai Yuqing had a good relationship with her, she begged her family to take her to the capital, and often went in and out of the Zhou family, only to find out later that she was the lost daughter of the Zhou family.

After confirming Bai Yuqing's identity, Zhou Hongshan and his wife also requested to see Bai Yuqing's adoptive parents.

Bai Yuqing often cried and said that it was at that time that her adoptive parents abused her.

But before she recognized her ancestors and returned to her clan, the Zhou family still met her adoptive parents, but instead of going to Tongcheng where Bai Yuqing grew up, Bai Yuqing's adoptive parents came to the capital.

According to Bai Yuqing, her adoptive parents heard that she had found rich parents, so they came here to ask for money.

Zhou Niannian didn't meet her adoptive parents. At that time, she and Bai Yuqing had a good relationship. When Bai Yuqing heard about this, she burst into tears and nearly passed out. She only cared about comforting Bai Yuqing.

Zhou Hongshan and his wife went to see someone, and when they came back, they said they had given them a thank you fee, and they promised not to contact Bai Yuqing again.

Zhou Niannian walked all the way to Guan Ping's house, but couldn't figure out why Bai Yuqing was so against Zhou's family going to see her parents?

Did she never object in her previous life?She couldn't remember something.

"What are you thinking? We're already at the door and don't know how to knock." Guan Pengtian was about to go out, when he opened the door, he saw Zhou Niannian standing at the door frowning, patted her on the head, and asked with a smile.

Zhou Niannian came back to his senses and smiled, "Brother Tian, ​​are you going out?"

Guan Pengtian nodded, seeing that Zhou Niannian didn't answer his question, nor did he ask, "My dad is waiting for you at home, go in quickly."

Zhou Niannian waved at him and went in.

The case that Guan Ping asked her to attend this time was not complicated. It was a dispute over body rights. The so-called disputes over body rights were fights that resulted in one party being injured or disabled.

The party who was beaten and maimed filed a lawsuit against the court, requiring the battering party to compensate for its mental loss, physical loss, treatment costs, and lost wages due to its physical damage.

This time Li Anming served as the lawyer for the beating party, and Guan Ping insisted on getting Zhou Niannian a seat to sit in on the hearing.

Zhou Niannian was a little strange, "Teacher, is there anything strange about this case?"

Guan Ping pointed to the information on the table, "You have to read it carefully before I talk about it."

Zhou Niannian went through the materials from beginning to end. The case is very simple. The defendant is Wang Quan, who stutters and has incomplete language skills.

The plaintiff is Lin San. One night two months ago, when he was returning home after drinking, he ran into Wang Quan and laughed at Wang Quan. Disabled.

Afterwards, Lin San reported the case. The case was simple and there were witnesses. The court sentenced Wang Quan to administrative detention for three years and compensated Lin San for all economic losses caused by it.

However, Wang Quan refused to accept the court's first-instance judgment and appealed again, so there was a second trial this time.

Zhou Niannian thought for a while and said: "The witness said that he did see Wang Quan beating someone, and Wang Quan himself admitted this, but beating someone is not the same as beating someone disabled, is it possible that Lin San's disability was caused by other reasons? "

Guan Ping sat on the recliner, smiled when he heard the words, and looked at Zhou Niannian approvingly, "Well, sometimes what you see is not always true, as a lawyer, you must carefully study every detail, and try to restore the conditions at that time. All possible combinations of circumstances must be considered.”

Seeing is not necessarily believing.

Zhou Niannian nodded, and when these words flashed through her mind, she suddenly had a strange feeling.

Are the adoptive parents of Bai Yuqing seen by her parents in her previous life real?Is it possible that those are not Bai Yuqing's real adoptive parents at all?

With this thought, Zhou Niannian suddenly became a little uneasy.

Did Bai Yuqing find a pair of fake parents to fool them in her previous life?
"Niannian, what are you thinking? Did you hear what I said?" Guan Ping said for a long time seeing Zhou Niannian was in a deep thought, frowned, got up and patted her on the shoulder.

Zhou Niannian came back to his senses, met Shang Guanping's displeased eyes, stuck out his tongue with a smile: "I'm sorry, teacher, I just thought of something."

"Well," Guan Ping nodded with a serious expression, "A lawyer must think carefully and respond quickly, and he must not be distracted."

Zhou Niannian immediately calmed down and focused on the case.

(End of this chapter)

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