Chapter 347
After discussing the case with Guan Ping all morning, Zhou Niannian went to the kitchen to prepare lunch.

"Let's stir-fry two more dishes today. Pengtian will also come back to eat. I went out to buy a fish in the morning and stewed the fish." Guan Ping said standing at the kitchen door.

Zhou Niannian agreed, and saw that there was indeed a slaughtered fish on the cooking table in the kitchen.

"What day is it today? It's so rich." Zhou Niannian marinated the fish quickly and asked Guan Ping with a smile.

The expression on Guan Ping's face was a little dazed, he sighed softly for a moment, and said in a low voice: "Today is my daughter's birthday, and I have lost contact with her for so many years. Every year at this time, I will still make a table of sumptuous dishes like she is in front of me." For her birthday."

Zhou Niannian's hands paused, feeling a little sour in the eye sockets.

Parents all over the world miss their children in the same way, such as Li Xiangxiu's longing for Bai Yuqing, and Guan Ping's longing for Guan Yun.

"Teacher, I believe she will receive your kindness, no matter where she is." She thought about it and comforted Guan Ping in a low voice.

Guan Ping waved his hand and walked back to the living room slowly, "You don't need to comfort the teacher anymore, I've thought about it all these years, I just hope she can come back to see me before I get old, I'm satisfied. "

Guan Yun is in Hong Kong City, and the information between Hong Kong City and the mainland is not smooth, and they cannot communicate freely. Guan Yun will definitely not be able to come back in a short time.

But Zhou Niannian understood the policies of his previous life, and knew that after the policy was loosened in a few years, there would be communication between Hong Kong City and the mainland.

"Teacher, take good care of your health, there will be a day." She stood at the kitchen door, looked at Guan Ping seriously and said.

Guan Ping sat on the deck chair with a dazed expression, and smiled for a moment, "I hope."

Because Guan Ping was in a low mood, Zhou Niannian stayed at Guan's house for a day, went back to Zhou's house for dinner in the evening, and went back to school with Lu Qingfeng.

The night in October was already a little cold, the street lights were dim, and there were not many pedestrians on the road.

Lu Qingfeng glanced at Zhou Niannian who was in a daze beside him, couldn't help frowning and stopped, "What's wrong with you? Why are you so absent-minded?"

Zhou Niannian raised her eyes to meet Lu Qingfeng's displeased eyes, scratched her head, and told about Bai Yuqing's confession.

"Why do you think she doesn't want my parents to see her adoptive parents so much? Is it just because she has abused her?" Zhou Niannian said, "According to common sense, if her adoptive parents treat her badly, she will find her biological parents. , shouldn't you be proud to show off in front of your adoptive parents?"

Lu Qingfeng frowned, "Are you worried that Uncle and Aunt Zhou will be cheated?"

Zhou Niannian nodded, "I just think her attitude is a bit suspicious, and I'm afraid my parents will be kept in the dark by her."

"Well, I'll ask my friends near Tongcheng to see if I can find some clues, but it will take some time." Lu Qingfeng suggested, "What do you think?"

Zhou Niannian thought it was a good idea, "It's not bad to find a way to find out."

Lu Qingfeng stretched out his hand to smooth her frowning, "Then it's settled, don't frown anymore, like a little wife, it's so ugly."

Zhou Niannian couldn't help kicking her, "Who is the little wife? Okay, Lu Qingfeng, how dare you despise me."

Lu Qingfeng grabbed the foot she kicked over, and with all his strength, Zhou Niannian slammed into his arms lightly.

"You dare to dislike me as a concubine before you are married, Lu Qingfeng, you are so courageous." Zhou Niannian struggled while staring at Lu Qingfeng, as if to beat him.

Lu Qingfeng smiled lowly, easily grabbed Zhou Niannian's fist, placed it on his heart, and pressed his forehead against hers, and said softly, "Then you should marry me quickly, I promise I won't dare to dislike you."

Zhou Niannian curled her lips, "You are so beautiful, just because you are so stupid now, let alone my parents, I have to think about it."

Lu Qingfeng's dark eyes sank, "Do you dare to go back on your word?"

Zhou Niannian snorted.

Lu Qingfeng ground his teeth, hugged her tightly, "Nian Nian."

"Huh? Why?" Zhou Niannian raised her eyes in confusion, a random black shadow pressed down, and then Lu Qingfeng murmured vaguely: "I need you to identify whether I am sloppy."

Zhou Niannian.
The two of them were stuck on the road for a long time before walking into the school hand in hand.

"Niannian, have you ever thought that perhaps your biological parents are also looking for you in a certain corner of the world?" Lu Qingfeng glanced at Zhou Niannian, who was beside him with calm eyes, and asked in a low voice.

The smile on the corner of Zhou Niannian's mouth paused, and after a while he sighed softly, "Maybe."

"Then you... want to find them?"

Zhou Niannian looked down at the road under her feet, the dim streetlights made their shadows long and thin, she remained silent.

When she was in Zezhou before, Lu Qingfeng once asked her this question.

Her answer at the time was firm: she didn't want to look for it.

But now, her mentality has changed a bit. Seeing Li Xiangxiu's concern and guilt for Bai Yuqing, and seeing Guan Ping's longing for his daughter, her firm thoughts have collapsed a bit.

She was thinking that most parents in the world miss their children in the same way, and there are still a few people like Zhang Dahai who don't take their children seriously.

Perhaps her biological parents would miss her as much as Li Xiangxiu missed Bai Yuqing.

"Let's forget it, maybe we will meet if we are destined," she sighed after thinking for a long time, "I don't want to make my parents sad."

Lu Qingfeng looked at her long eyelashes trembling slightly, pursed the corners of his mouth, and reached out to rub her hair, "Okay, listen to you, go back to sleep, it's getting late."

It was only then that Zhou Niannian realized that he had reached the downstairs of the dormitory at some point.

She waved to Lu Qingfeng and went back to the dormitory.

Before entering the dormitory door, Qi Jiayan stopped her and dragged her to the stairs.

"Jiayan, why are you still up so late?" She looked at Qi Jiayan, who was a little out of breath, in surprise, "Did something happen?"

Qi Jiayan held onto the railing and took a deep breath, "Nian Nian, I... I beat your second brother."

Zhou Niannian's eyes widened in shock, and it took him a while to recover his voice, "When did it happen? Why?"

Qi Jiayan rubbed her hands, looking a little uncomfortable, "Just outside the school, I went out with my classmates in our dormitory, and I ran into your second brother outside."

When she said this, her eyebrows were raised, and she still seemed a little angry, "Your second brother doesn't know why he is crazy, he stopped me and insisted on asking me to pay loan fees and reputation damage fees."

"I said he was inexplicable and ignored him. When he was about to leave, he raped me. I couldn't hold back and beat him up."

Zhou Niannian was confused, "What do you think happened to my second brother?"

Qi Jiayan lowered her head, her face was flushed, her voice became softer, "He kissed me."

 After two days of football lessons with my child, I feel that I am not myself anymore, and my whole body hurts. Haha, I really lack exercise.

(End of this chapter)

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