Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 348 Asking You a Question

Chapter 348 Asking You a Question
Zhou Niannian once again felt that his faith had collapsed.

Her stunned second brother actually kissed her good friend Qi Jiayan.

For a moment, Zhou Niannian didn't know what expression to put on his face.

Should she be rejoicing at her second brother's enlightenment, or should she be ashamed of his stupid behavior, or should she be angry at her good friend for being bullied?
Zhou Niannian felt that the expression on his face must be distorted, and it took him a moment to realize: "So you hit him?"

The blush on Qi Jiayan's face gradually receded, and anger surfaced. Hearing this, she glared at Zhou Niannian: "Well, I slapped him twice, shouldn't I slap his mother? He bullied me for no reason."

"Let me tell you, Nian Nian, you can't favor him just because he is your second brother. In all fairness, should I beat him for his behavior?"

Zhou Niannian blinked, and saw Qi Jiayan's eyes were not only angry, but also shy and uncomfortable, and there was no expression of grievance.

She relaxed slightly, and nodded solemnly: "Well, you are right, you should be beaten, and you should be beaten hard. Are you relieved now? If not, I will go to him tomorrow and help you gain weight Beat him up."

Qi Jiayan knew about Zhou Niannian's divine power. She was taken aback when she heard the words, and waved her hand: "There's no need for the fat beating, you...just let him explain to me what's going on."

Speaking of this, Qi Jiayan thought for a while, and then said: "Also, you have to apologize to me publicly, in front of the people in our dormitory, how does he make the people in our dormitory look at me in the future? He must think that I I don’t know anything about it with him, I really don’t know why he is so crazy.”

Zhou Niannian repeatedly agreed to Qi Jiayan's condition, "Don't worry, I will go to him tomorrow and make sure he apologizes to you."

Qi Jiayan's expression turned pale.

Zhou Niannian told Bai Yuqing that she had borrowed Zhou Changan as a fake boyfriend, "It's been so long, I didn't expect her to tell my mother, and my mother has been forcing my second brother to find him recently. The object, if you don’t want to look for it, I will forcefully arrange it for him, I guess the second brother is a little angry."

Qi Jiayan was dumbfounded when she heard this, and it took a long time before she murmured: "I almost forgot about this incident, no wonder he muttered to himself that he asked me to pay the borrowing fee, it turned out he was referring to this incident thing."

When she said this, she still felt a little angry, "Even so, I can pay him, or other things, he can't just bully me in public."

Zhou Niannian also felt that what Zhou Changan had done was a little too much, so she comforted Qi Jiayan for a while before sending her back to the dormitory.

When Lu Qingfeng returned to the dormitory, he ran into Zhou Changan who was smoking downstairs in the dormitory.

The lights in the dormitory hadn't been turned off yet, and Zhou Changan hid in the shadow of the big tree in front of the dormitory building. Lu Qingfeng didn't notice him at first, but when he walked to the door of the dormitory, he realized that the face of the smoker was familiar. Shu looked in front of him and realized that it was Zhou Changan.

"When did you learn to smoke?" Lu Qingfeng leaned against the tree and looked at Zhou Changan calmly.

Zhou Changan let out a circle under his eyes leisurely, and his face with distinct features was full of impatience. Hearing this, he gave him a sideways glance, and said coldly, "Don't say you don't know how to smoke. Don't pretend in front of me. Those who come back from the countryside are ashamed." How many can't smoke?"

After all, he took out a cigarette and threw it to Lu Qingfeng.

Lu Qingfeng smiled lightly, took the cigarette but didn't smoke it, played with it between his fingers, and looked at Zhou Chang'an leisurely: "It seems that you have encountered troubles, do you want to talk about it and have fun together? "

Zhou Changan's expression froze, and a glance flew over, "Which eye of yours saw that I was worried?"

Lu Qingfeng pointed at his eyes with two fingers: "I saw it with both eyes, why? You don't want to tell me?"

He shrugged, "Forget it if you don't want to, I'm going back to sleep."

After that, he turned and left without hesitation.

Zhou Changan's faint voice sounded behind him: "You treat your brother-in-law with this attitude, what do you think is the chance of your success in marrying a wife?"

Lu Qingfeng's steps stopped suddenly, he turned to look at Zhou Changan, grinning and reminded him friendlyly: "Didn't you promise me that when you were eating and drinking the night before yesterday?"

Zhou Changan threw the burnt cigarette butt on the ground, extinguished the sparks with his feet, and said shamelessly: "The day before yesterday was the day before yesterday, and now is now. The situation has changed, and my mood has also fluctuated. Can you keep up with the times?" Come in?"

Lu Qingfeng leaned on the tree with his hands folded, and looked at him with a half-smile: "Then, may I ask, brother-in-law, how do you feel?"

Zhou Changan seemed a little irritable, pulled his hair, and muttered: "It's not my mother, she has to urge me to find a partner. I can't protect myself now, so how dare I talk to you?"

"If I go and tell you that my parents can push me back with a word, they must say that you haven't settled your own marriage, and you still have the nerve to worry about your sister?"

"Besides, Niannian's marriage is mainly in the hands of my father. If my father doesn't let go, I can't help it."

Lu Qingfeng frowned. The reason why he turned to Zhou Changan to save the country was because he wanted to have another breakthrough.

From the looks of it, Zhou Chang'an's approach is no longer feasible.

However, in line with the principle that talking is better than nothing, Lu Qingfeng still asked one more question: "You are just worried about this matter? Worrying so much that you stay up in the middle of the night, hiding here to smoke? Should I express my emotion?"

Zhou Changan's face froze, he kicked his toes again, and said vaguely: "Well, I drank some wine today, and I'm inexplicably annoying."

In fact, drinking is not the purpose, the main reason is that I met Qi Jiayan on the way back after drinking, and saw her walking with a group of people talking and laughing.

Qi Jiayan and a gentle and polite boy next to him got closer and closer, and the way that boy looked at Qi Jiayan made Zhou Changan feel drunk.

He rushed over without even thinking, and pulled Qi Jiayan to ask her to borrow money for her fame.

Qi Jiayan frowned and looked at him displeasedly, saying that he had convulsions.

Zhou Chang'an got drunk, looked at that bright red mouth and said things he didn't like to hear, and he had only one thought: to seal her.

Zhou Changan didn't realize what he had done until two crisp applause came.

This is also the reason why he was smoking downstairs: he felt that he must have gone crazy just now, but he actually ran to kiss that hot woman Qi Jiayan.

Thinking about it makes me feel afraid to recall.

He couldn't say these words to Lu Qingfeng, and it took so long. Seeing that Lu Qingfeng stopped talking, he cleared his throat, "Well, let me ask you a question."

"Tell me."

Zhou Changan pulled his hair again, "A man, um, why would he suddenly kiss a woman?"

"I know, I know, it must be because I like it." Suddenly there was another extremely excited voice from behind the big tree, which scared Zhou Changan almost to the ground.

 I went to the bank to do errands in the morning, and it was 12:30 when I came back. I was exhausted, and the second update was around four o'clock!
(End of this chapter)

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