Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 356 1 idea

Chapter 356 An idea

Zhou Niannian hung up the phone and came to two conclusions.

First, although Bai Yuqing's adoptive parents were not good to Bai Yuqing, they were not as bad as she said, and even abused her.

In other words, Bai Yuqing lied in front of Zhou Hongshan and his wife to gain sympathy, so she didn't want her parents to see Bai Yongli and his wife, for fear that her lies would be exposed.

Second, the fire in the Bai family should have something to do with Bai Yuqing. She made up her mind to break off contact with Bai Yongli and his wife.

She just didn't expect Bai Yongli and his wife to find the capital and her by themselves, which made her a little panicked.

Bai Yuqing took Bai Yongli and his wife to Zhou's house to meet Zhou Hongshan and his wife. They were either threatened by Bai Yongli and his wife, or she coaxed Bai Yongli and his wife with clever words.

"What are you going to do?" Seeing her hang up the phone without saying a word, Lu Qingfeng hugged her and sat on the sofa, "Don't let her recognize her ancestors?"

Zhou Niannian paused, then shook her head, "I haven't figured it out yet, as long as she doesn't lie to my parents."

For Bai Yuqing, she was instinctively vigilant, so she wanted to know more about it, so she could be prepared.

"Let's settle the matter in front of us first." She shrugged for a while.

Lu Qingfeng was silent for a moment, then rubbed her head, "I don't want to annoy you so much, just say something."

He paused, and then said: "If your family needs money, I still have [-] here."

Before he finished speaking, Zhou Niannian suddenly turned his head and looked at him with displeasure: "Are you going to give the money to Bai Yuqing?"

Lu Qingfeng's face darkened immediately, "I'm giving you flowers, flowers for your family, what do you think?"

Zhou Niannian pursed her lips. She could understand what Lu Qingfeng meant, but she just felt uncomfortable.

Although Lu Qingfeng said that he gave the money to the Zhou family, but the Zhou family settled Bai Yuqing's affairs, wouldn't that mean spending money on her?

She felt that she was a little too entangled, but she was bored in her heart.

"Forget it, I won't talk to you, let's wait for the results of the discussion between the family and the Bai family." Zhou Niannian felt that a relative might be coming, so he stood up and left inexplicably agitated.

Lu Qingfeng was baffled by her sudden temper, and when he realized it, Zhou Niannian had already left the Lu family.

He rubbed his nose, not understanding why Zhou Niannian was angry.

When Zhou Niannian came home, it happened that Zhou Hongshan's friend had found out where Bai Yongli and his wife lived.

Zhou Hongshan and Zhou Changan left immediately, and before leaving, they resolutely refused to let Bai Yuqing and Zhou Niannian go with them.

Bai Yuqing went back to the room in a daze.

Zhou Niannian simply went upstairs and greeted A Liang: "Go, follow my dad and my second brother, and see how they handle it."

It took more than two hours for Ah Liang to go, and she didn't come back until after nine o'clock in the evening.

Watching Ah Liang fly to the window sill, before Zhou Niannian could ask, she heard Zhou Hongshan's voice downstairs.

Zhou Niannian turned around and went downstairs first.

When Li Xiangxiu and Bai Yuqing downstairs heard the movement, they all ran out.

"How is it?" Li Xiangxiu held her breath and looked at Zhou Hongshan.

Zhou Hongshan sat down with a tired face, and then stretched out two fingers, "[-], and finally they agreed to [-] and signed, and agreed to pay the money the day after tomorrow."

Zhou Chang'an gulped down the water in the glass, frowned and complained: "Those couple only have money in their eyes, especially that woman, who keeps saying that it costs a lot of money to raise Yuqing, how can there be such a rascal."

"Second child!" Li Xiangxiu interrupted Zhou Chang'an in a deep voice.

It was only then that Zhou Changan realized that Bai Yuqing was sitting beside him with tears streaming down his face. He frowned a little irritably, and said in a rough voice, "Why are you crying again? It's not about you. Why are you crying?"

He really didn't like girls crying.

Bai Yuqing wiped away her tears in a panic, and looked at Zhou Hongshan at a loss, "It's all my fault, or I'll just call Bai Yuqing."

Zhou Hongshan waved his hands and looked at her displeasedly: "Dad doesn't want to hear such words next time."

Bai Yuqing pursed her lips and didn't dare to speak. Li Xiangxiu held her in her arms and said displeasedly, "What are you doing? The child loves you too."

Zhou Hongshan was silent for a moment, and said in a low voice: "It's getting late, let's all go to bed, and we will discuss money when the eldest couple arrives tomorrow."

Zhou Niannian dragged Zhou Changan upstairs.

Zhou Changan thumped his shoulders, went upstairs and complained with a bitter face: "Today, I have seen the prestige of a woman crying, making trouble, and hanging herself. If Dad didn't call his friends from the investigation office when he went, I probably wouldn't be able to suppress it." Stay with those two."

Zhou Niannian pushed him, "I know you have worked hard, so go back to sleep."

She went back to her room before she had time to ask Ah Liang what happened.

At first, Bai Yongli and his wife asked for [-] yuan, not less than a penny. It was Zhou Changan who became ruthless. If they said this, they wouldn't let Bai Yuqing recognize their ancestors and return to their ancestors. They should be so stiff.

Zhou Changan was not Zhou Hongshan, he spoke harshly and forcefully, and Bai Yongli and his wife hesitated for a moment.

Later, Zhou Hongshan's friend from the investigation institute persuaded and threatened them, saying that if they insisted on asking for [-] yuan, they would be suspected of extortion and would be arrested at the investigation institute.

Bai Yongli and his wife muttered for a while, and finally let go and changed it to [-].

A Liang said: "After your father and the others left, Bai Yongli asked Zhang Cuihua why she agreed to sign an agreement saying that she would not bother the Zhou family anymore, but Zhang Cuihua scolded her, saying that they were looking for Bai Yuqing instead of the Zhou family. What are you afraid of signing the agreement?"

Zhou Niannian frowned, Zhang Cuihua was so confident, it seemed that they really had Bai Yuqing's handle.

A thought suddenly flashed in Zhou Niannian's mind, and she greeted Ah Liang with a smile, "Well, let's go early tomorrow morning."

The next day, before dawn, Zhou Niannian got up, took advantage of the hazy night, and quietly went out with Ah Liang.

Bai Yongli and his wife, who were still asleep, were put on a sack while they were in a daze. They were jolted for a while, and they didn't know where they were taken, and they were beaten violently.

The couple were beaten in the sack until they cried and shouted for help.

I don't know how long it took before I heard a hoarse voice, "Say, who told you to come to the capital to find Bai Yuqing?"

Bai Yongli and his wife who were trapped in the sack hesitated for a moment, and then fists fell like raindrops.

Zhang Cuihua screamed like she was killing a pig, "I said, I said, it was my uncle who saw Yuqing was admitted to university when he came to Kyoto, and heard that she found her biological parents, so he went home and told us."

There was no sound outside, Zhang Cuihua breathed a sigh of relief, and someone asked again: "Who gave you the idea to ask for 5 yuan?"

Bai Yongli was punched several times and did not speak.

Suddenly someone outside said: "Boss, these two people are tough enough, I don't think there is any need to interrogate them, just kill them."

Bai Yongli was scared out of his wits and shouted quickly: "Don't kill me, I said, it's Bai Yuqing, she asked us to ask for money from the Zhou family."

(End of this chapter)

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