Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 357 This Wave of Operations 666

Chapter 357 This Wave of Operations 666
After Bai Yongli said this, there was a sudden silence outside, and then the voice outside sounded even colder, "You said that Bai Yuqing gave you an idea to ask you for money from the Zhou family? Asked you to ask for [-]?"

Bai Yongli hesitated for a moment, and the fist outside came down again.

Zhang Cuihua was worse than what he said.

The two of them were trapped in the sack, in total darkness. They felt the pain in their bodies expand infinitely, and they heard the people outside discussing how to deal with the two of them. They couldn't help but panic even more.

Zhang Cuihua was so frightened that she wet her pants, and cried, "Who are you? I don't know that my daughter is about to become the daughter of a high-ranking official in Kyoto. I have offended us. I want you to know how bad it is."

There was a chuckle outside, and then Zhang Cuihua felt something cold against her, "Do you believe that if I tap it lightly, you may have to go underground and wait to see if I'm dealt with."

Zhang Cuihua thought she was being held back by a gun, and was so frightened that she trembled badly, "I told you, Bai Yuqing wanted us to ask the Zhou family for [-], [-] to [-] was my own idea."

"I thought that Zhou's family should be quite rich, so I wanted to ask for more, but I... I later changed it to [-]."

It was suddenly completely quiet outside.

Immediately after a rustling sound, I felt the sack on the top of my head being untied, and the two heads couldn't wait to get out of the sack, and couldn't help being stunned seeing the situation outside.

In the narrow alley, a slender girl with bright eyes was leaning against the wall with her arms folded, looking at them with a smile on her face.

Next to them stood four uniformed policemen, glaring at them.

The leader was a young policeman with a square face, holding a paper and a pen in his hand. Seeing them looking over, he handed the paper in front of them, "No, this is what you just said, sign it."

Bai Yongli and Zhang Cuihua looked at each other in blank dismay, were they arrested by the investigators in their sleep?

"What are you signing?" Zhang Cuihua rolled her eyes, "We were also victimized by others. It must be that the Zhou family didn't want to give us money and deliberately encouraged Bai Yuqing to set up a trap to arrest us. Pooh!"

"My mother, I have raised daughters for the Zhou family for so many years, why do I want to get revenge?"

The leading young man sneered, "What you confessed just now is already suspected of conspiracy to blackmail, it doesn't matter if you don't sign it, take it back and interrogate it slowly."

After finishing speaking, with a wave of his hand, the remaining three policemen came up and handcuffed Bai Yongli and Zhang Cuihua and took them away.

Zhou Niannian stood up straight, looked at Li Dongxing with a smile, "How is it? Brother Li, I told you I wouldn't let you make this trip in vain."

Li Dongxing raised his eyebrows.

It happened that he was on duty again last night. Before dawn, Zhou Niannian suddenly came to him and asked him to bring some people to help arrest the two.

Li Dongxing was very embarrassed. Their investigation office could not arrest people without an arrest warrant, or without seeing the criminals with their own eyes.

But when he was transferred to Kyoto, the reason why he gained a firm foothold in Kyoto so quickly, and was even promoted to the position of team leader, was because he cracked a child abduction case.

And that case was sent to him by Zhou Niannian, so it can be said that he made a contribution without any effort.

He took care of Zhou Niannian, now that Zhou Niannian came to him for help, he must have encountered difficulties.

Li Dongxing couldn't refuse, so he asked Zhou Niannian what happened, and he was willing to help in his personal capacity.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Niannian said with a smile that he would never make it difficult for him.

Li Dongxing hesitated and called three brothers who were very close to him to come out together.

Unexpectedly, all of them were so shocked that their jaws almost dropped.

Zhou Niannian asked them to help enter the investigation station, waved the bird he brought in, opened the door somehow, and then went straight to put a sack on the two people on the bed.

Then he came out with a sack in one hand, and began to question him in a remote alley.

From the time she broke into the guest house to the end of the interrogation, the four of them were in a dazed state.

Especially the three brothers he brought kept looking over and asking: Boss, where did this strange girl come from?

Li Dongxing rubbed his nose and looked at the sky speechlessly, he also wanted to know.

Zhou Niannian's operation can only be described in one sentence: that is 666!

"Brother Li, the next thing is up to you, it's not convenient for me to come forward," Zhou Niannian clapped his hands, stood up straight, and greeted Ah Liang.

Ah Liang immediately stood obediently on her shoulder.

"Don't worry, I know how to do it." Li Dongxing nodded, and then looked at A Liang on Zhou Niannian's shoulder with a look of surprise, "You are a well-raised bird, and you can understand what you say."

Ah Liang proudly raised her head.

Zhou Niannian hehe, thinking that Ah Liang can not only understand me, but also everyone.

Separated from Li Dongxing, Zhou Niannian walked out of the alley, the winter sun had just risen above the horizon, and early risers were already out in the hazy morning light.

When Zhou Niannian came home, Li Xiangxiu got up early because she didn't sleep well.

Seeing Zhou Niannian who came back from outside, she asked in surprise: "Niannian, what did you go out this early in the morning?"

Zhou Niannian smiled, "I couldn't sleep, so I took Ah Liang out for a morning run."

Li Xiangxiu had no doubt about him, and nodded, "It's too early, do you want to go upstairs and sleep again?"

"I'll go up and wash up first." She waved her hand and led Ah Liang upstairs.

The atmosphere at the breakfast table was a little dull. After breakfast, Liang Ying and Zhou Changguo came back.

Li Xiangxiu had already told them what happened on the phone.

Bai Yuqing looked at Zhou Changguo and Liang Ying with guilt on her face, "Brother, sister-in-law, it's all my fault. I feel really uncomfortable for my family to waste money for me."

Zhou Changguo patted her on the shoulder, "The family doesn't say such outrageous things, and you don't blame this matter itself."

Zhou Changguo has a gentle temperament, and has always been gentle with his sister Bai Yuqing.

Liang Ying took out a red passbook from his pocket and put it on the coffee table, "Mom, this is the little money I saved in the past two years, and Chang Guo's salary for more than half a year, all of which are on it. There are one thousand and five, you can use it first."

Li Xiangxiu patted Liang Ying's hand, sighed, and took the passbook, "Good boy, I'm sorry for you."

Zhou Changan shaved his hair, and took out a wad of money from his pocket, "This is what I saved in Qingcheng. It's only about 300. That's all I have."

Bai Yuqing also took out more than 100 yuan, and said with a guilty face: "I used to only have ten yuan a month in the Rainbow Factory, but now I only have that much, unlike Nian Nian, who is the deputy director of the factory. Earn 25, alas."

Li Xiangxiu looked at Zhou Niannian expectantly.

Zhou Niannian didn't even bother to roll her eyes. If she hadn't had to wait for Li Dongxing to come to her door, she would have slapped the table and said, "Don't say I earn 25, even if I earn [-], I don't want to spend a penny for you."

(End of this chapter)

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