Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 358 I don't have it

Chapter 358 I don't have it
With Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu in front of him, Zhou Niannian hesitated for a while, but he didn't say this in the end, for fear of making his parents sad.

Bai Yuqing's true face needs to be revealed, but she doesn't want to do it herself, it will make Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu feel even more uncomfortable.

"I have some money on me, not much, only about 300. Mom, you can use it first." She took out the money she put in her pocket before going downstairs.

After returning to the capital, Li Xiangxiu didn't let their brother and sister pay any money. Zhou Niannian still had all the wages he earned in Zezhou.

Bai Yuqing looked at the money in Zhou Niannian's hand, her eyes flickered, and she said in a low voice, "Mom, how much money can I raise in total now?"

Li Xiangxiu did the math, "I still have some at home, but it can be more than 1."

Zhou Hongshan, who had been silent all this time, sighed, "I'll go to Lao Lu next door to borrow some more, and I should be able to make up [-] yuan."

Bai Yuqing covered her face and sobbed: "Dad, it's really all my fault. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have to borrow money from others. Don't worry, I will be filial to you and mother in the future."

Li Xiangxiu hugged her with a face full of relief, "It's not your fault, how can you be blamed."

The mother and daughter hugged their heads to comfort each other, and the scene was warm.

Zhou Niannian sat beside him and watched coldly, and looked at the watch on his wrist calmly, when he suddenly heard someone knocking on the door.

She thought it was Li Dongxing who brought someone here, but when the door opened, it was Lu Qingfeng standing outside.

"Why are you here?" She asked in a low voice in surprise.

Lu Qingfeng shrugged and said in a low voice, "My parents asked me to come here."

"It's Qingfeng, come in." Li Xiangxiu heard that it was Lu Qingfeng, and beckoned him to come in.

Lu Qingfeng walked in with Zhou Niannian hand in hand, "Uncle Zhou, Aunt Zhou, my parents asked me to come and ask, if there is anything I need help with, just ask."

As he spoke, he took out a passbook from his pocket and handed it to Li Xiangxiu, "My mother asked me to give it to you. If it's not enough, let's find a way together."

"Thank you so much to your family." Li Xiangxiu took the passbook with a full face of emotion.

Lu Qingfeng chuckled: "Our two families have been friends for so many years, you don't need to see outsiders, not to mention my relationship with Niannian, we are a family, aren't we?"

Zhou Hongshan pursed his lips, patted Lu Qingfeng's shoulder, and did not speak.

Zhou Changan walked up to Lu Qingfeng, winked and whispered to him, "I'm sure I'll seize the opportunity to act. After this matter is over, my dad will probably agree to give you an engagement date."

Lu Qingfeng smiled and remained silent.

Zhou Niannian curled her lips when she heard Zhou Changan's words, if they knew what would happen in the future, they probably wouldn't be blindly optimistic here.

She couldn't help but whispered to Lu Qingfeng: "Don't have too much hope, sometimes the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment."

Lu Qingfeng frowned and glanced at her.

The knock on the door rang again, and Zhou Changan got up to open the door.

Standing outside the door was Li Dongxing in uniform: "Excuse me, is this the Zhou family?"

Zhou Changan nodded inexplicably: "Yes, comrade, what can I do?"

Li Dongxing showed his ID with a serious expression, and said, "I'm looking for Comrade Bai Yuqing, she is suspected of participating in a blackmail case, please go back with us to cooperate with the investigation."

Zhou Changan couldn't close his mouth in shock.

Li Dongxing gave him a nudge in disgust, thinking that Zhou Niannian's brother is a bit weak compared to her.

He walked into the living room, first glanced around, his eyes flicked past Zhou Niannian, and when he saw Lu Qingfeng next to him, he couldn't help but raised his eyebrows.

Seeing that it was Li Dongxing, Lu Qingfeng's eyes flickered, and he was about to say hello, but Li Dongxing had already turned his head away, and said seriously: "Which one is Comrade Bai Yuqing, please cooperate with us to go back and investigate."

Bai Yuqing's expression changed suddenly, she was completely dumbfounded sitting on the sofa.

Zhou Hongshan stood up with a sullen face, "Comrade, which investigation office are you from? What happened? What happened to my daughter?"

Li Dongxing handed over his ID in a serious manner, "I am Li Dongxing, the team leader of the Tianqiao branch. Yesterday when we were patrolling, we accidentally captured a couple. It was only after the first trial that we found out that they were Bai Yongli and Zhang Cuihua, and they were planning to blackmail your family. "

Bai Yongli and Zhang Cuihua were arrested?

The news was so sudden that everyone in the living room was shocked for a moment.

Bai Yuqing's face was pale.

"According to Bai Yongli's account, it was their daughter who suggested that they ask the Zhou family for a high upbringing fee. She also said that the Zhou family is a high-ranking official and has plenty of money."

Li Dongxing said with a sullen face, "Which one is Comrade Bai Yuqing, please come with us."

All eyes in the room were focused on Bai Yuqing's face.

"What's going on here?" Zhou Hongshan frowned and asked Bai Yuqing.

Bai Yuqing sat on the ground with a puff, shaking her head with aggrieved face, tears streaming down her face, she looked weak and helpless: "Dad, Mom, you believe me, it's really not me, I don't."

She said and took Li Xiangxiu's hand in a panic, "Mom, you know, they treat me badly, I even hate them a little bit, how could I join forces with them to blackmail our family, what does it do to me?" Good thing."

Li Xiangxiu put her arms around her: "Qingqing, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, speak slowly if you have something to say, mom believes in you."

He said and looked at Li Dongxing, "Comrade, do you think there is any misunderstanding in this matter? The Bai Yongli and his wife are my daughter's adoptive parents. We want to recognize my daughter, so they asked us for money. This matter has nothing to do with me. Girlfriend doesn't matter."

"Whether it matters or not, we have to go back to the investigation office to investigate clearly." Li Dongxing said blankly.

Zhou Hongshan stared at Bai Yuqing for a while, "Comrade, is there any other way to do this? If you want to investigate and record a statement, can you do it at my house?"

Li Dongxing frowned, "Minister Zhou, we have our system for doing things, please understand and cooperate."

"In addition, whether Comrade Bai Yuqing was framed or not, the conclusion can only be reached after the two parties confront each other face to face."

Zhou Hongshan's face darkened and he didn't speak.

Li Dongxing's ability to call out his professional title accurately means that he has done his homework.

If he insisted on preventing Bai Yuqing from being taken away, it would indeed be wrong.

Li Dongxing made a gesture of invitation to Bai Yuqing, "Please, Comrade Bai Yuqing."

Bai Yuqing held Li Xiangxiu's hand tightly with a pale face, her eyes flustered: "Mom, I don't want to go, I don't want to go."

Li Xiangxiu looked at Zhou Hongshan.

Zhou Hongshan said in a low voice: "You cooperate with the comrades in the investigation office to investigate the matter clearly, and I will get over it later, don't be afraid."

Li Xiangxiu hugged Bai Yuqing reassuringly, "Qingqing, good boy, you are obedient, Mom and Dad will definitely find a way to get you out as soon as possible."

Bai Yuqing let go of Li Xiangxiu's hand slowly, lowered her eyes to hide the gloomyness in her eyes, and nodded with a sob on her face, "Well, I'll listen to my parents."

(End of this chapter)

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