Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 359 Anger

Chapter 359 Anger

Li Dongxing took Bai Yuqing away, and the atmosphere in the living room became silent for a while.

Zhou Hongshan led Zhou Changguo and immediately followed them out. Both of them had duties, so it was convenient for them to inquire about the situation.

Li Xiangxiu sat on the sofa blankly, looking at the bankbooks on the coffee table, a little at a loss.

A quarter of an hour ago, they were still sitting here worrying about how to collect enough 2 yuan to give Bai Yongli, but in the blink of an eye they were told that Bai Yongli and his wife had been arrested, and Bai Yuqing was suspected of conspiracy.

Collusion?how can that be possible?
Li Xiangxiu didn't dare to think about this possibility, and her heart ached when she thought about it.

Zhou Niannian looked at the distraught Li Xiangxiu, a flash of guilt flashed in his eyes.

She didn't want her parents to be hurt, but it was impossible for her to watch her parents being played around by Bai Yuqing.

If Bai Yuqing was an abscess in this family, then she would pierce the abscess before it became infected and expanded.

She stepped forward to hug Li Xiangxiu, and said softly: "Mom, let me accompany you back to your room to rest for a while."

Li Xiangxiu turned her head to look at her blankly, and nodded blankly.

Zhou Niannian and Liang Ying helped Li Xiangxiu up from left to right, and sent her back to the room to lie down.

Li Xiangxiu grabbed Zhou Niannian's hand, a little helpless, and seemed to be convincing herself to look at Zhou Niannian again, "It must not be Qingqing, right? It must be Bai Yongli talking nonsense, right?"

Zhou Niannian saw that her face was a little pale, and her eyes could not hide the sadness, she just felt a little sour in her eyes.

Her parents are actually people who have experienced things. It's not that they don't know what Bai Yuqing is like.

Otherwise, why did the two of them never ask her and Bai Yuqing to be good sisters?

It's just that their parents' distress and guilt for Bai Yuqing dominated, so they chose to turn a blind eye to some things.

She lowered her eyes and gently patted Li Xiangxiu's hand, "Mom, close your eyes and rest for a while, I believe Dad will bring news back soon."

Li Xiangxiu stared blankly at Zhou Niannian, sighed for a moment, and closed her eyes.

"I'll stay with mom for a while, you go out and collect the money from outside." Liang Ying discussed with Zhou Niannian in a low voice.

Zhou Niannian went out quietly, and saw Zhou Changan and Lu Qingfeng sitting on the coffee table, one on the left and the other on the right.

Zhou Changan frowned, not knowing what he was thinking, while Lu Qingfeng was sullen, the air pressure around him was extremely low.

Zhou Niannian was a little baffled, and stepped forward to put away the money and passbook.

She took out the passbook of the Lu family alone and handed it to Lu Qingfeng.

Lu Qingfeng didn't take the passbook, and raised his deep eyes to stare at her.

Zhou Niannian was horrified by him, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Lu Qingfeng stood up suddenly, grabbed Zhou Niannian and walked out, "Come with me, I have something to ask you."

Zhou Niannian was staggered by her, and couldn't help frowning, but Lu Qingfeng had already pulled him out of the door.

"What's the matter?" Zhou Changan looked puzzled at the two people disappearing outside the door in an instant, and he was the only one left in Nuo Da's living room, scratching his head and muttering.

Lu Qingfeng dragged Zhou Niannian straight into Zhou's house, and dragged her upstairs, even ignoring Yang Shutong who came out to say hello upon hearing the movement.

"What are you crazy about? Lu Qingfeng." Zhou Niannian was dragged into Lu Qingfeng's room, and just now he struggled to break free from his arm, rubbing the red and sore arm pulled by him, and couldn't help complaining.

Lu Qingfeng looked at her with dark eyes, and said coldly: "Let me ask you, did you find that Li Dongxing?"

Zhou Niannian paused while rubbing his arms, pursed his lips, and turned his head uncomfortably, "Why do you ask that?"

Lu Qingfeng's voice was even deeper, "Your family doesn't know Li Dongxing, but I do."

"Li Dongxing is at the Tianqiao Investigation Office. Our place belongs to the Fuxing Road Investigation Office. If the police come to our door, we will never get someone from the Tianqiao Investigation Office."

"What's more, it's not that Uncle Zhou doesn't have friends in the investigation office. If there is a case involving the Zhou family, no one will give Uncle Zhou a heads-up."

"Li Dongxing knows Uncle Zhou's position, but he dares to come directly to the door. There is only one possibility: you asked him in advance, didn't you?"

"The investigation office can't arrest people randomly without evidence. Bai Yongli and his wife were still bargaining with Uncle Zhou last night, so the investigation office will not arrest them quickly without evidence."

When he said this, he paused, and stared at Zhou Niannian with cold eyes, "Then there is only one possibility, you caught them, didn't you?"

A series of words, the logical thinking is very strict, and the analysis is very precise.

Zhou Niannian lowered her head and rubbed her arms, muttering to herself about Lu Qingfeng's keen insight. Hearing his last words, she couldn't help pursing her lips in displeasure: "Lu Qingfeng, are you interrogating me?"

Lu Qingfeng seemed a little irritable, looking straight at her, with a pair of deep eyes revealing a hint of irritability: "Answer me, don't you?"

Zhou Niannian was also a little annoyed by his series of questioning, and couldn't help but blurt out: "What's wrong with me? I went out to find Li Dongxing in the middle of the night last night, and asked him to help catch Bai Yongli and his wife, and interrogated Bai Yuqing who conspired with him. What's the matter?"

Lu Qingfeng closed his eyes, pulled his hair irritably, turned around in a circle, and still couldn't help but growl: "Didn't I tell you not to let you get involved in this matter? Why did you pay yourself back?" Run? What if you are in danger?"

"Also, since you suspect Bai Yuqing, why don't you tell me and your second brother, and we can find a solution together?"

"Why are you so bold, you dare to run out in the middle of the night, do you know that you are very dangerous?"

He roared like a cannonball, fast and anxious, Zhou Niannian was already a little irritable, but now seeing Lu Qingfeng's irritable appearance, his temper suddenly became up.

"Why don't you believe me so much? I told you a long time ago that I have the ability to protect myself."

"Facts have proved that I did it. I didn't encounter any danger. I also exposed Bai Yuqing's true face. I don't know why you went crazy for no reason?"

Lu Qingfeng looked at the sky, saw that she was completely innocent, and couldn't help but sneered angrily: "Do you think you exposed Bai Yuqing's true face? So what?"

"Let's not say that she is speaking without proof now, as long as she refuses to admit what Li Dongxing said, so what? She will be released after two days at most."

"Will your parents disown her because of this? Will they drive her out of Zhou's house because of this? Not at all, okay?"

"If you can't knock down the enemy once and never get up again, it's a useless move, just a waste of energy, understand?"

Zhou Niannian opened his mouth, feeling an unknown fire rushing into his chest, "Lu Qingfeng, do you mean that I did something wrong? Should I just do nothing and watch my parents being played by others?" Turn around?"

(End of this chapter)

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