Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 360 Kneel Down For Me

Chapter 360 Kneel Down For Me
Lu Qingfeng crossed his hips and pursed his lips impatiently: "I didn't mean that, can you be more rational and understand what I mean?"

There was a tense atmosphere in the air.

Zhou Niannian pointed to his nose, and stared at him in disbelief: "I'm irrational? I think you're ignorant, right? You're insane for some inexplicable reason, I don't bother to talk to you."

After she said that, she turned around and walked out.

Lu Qingfeng grabbed her arm, "Where are you going? Are you going to find that Li Dongxing again?"

Zhou Niannian shook off his arm, "What's the matter with Brother Li? Can't I go home?"

Lu Qingfeng sneered, "Brother Li, do you know him very well? You have only met him a few times, and the big brother who just kept talking?"

"You found something was wrong, you would rather go to him than tell me, let me help you, do you trust him so much?"

Zhou Niannian thinks that Lu Qingfeng is simply unreasonable, she is getting angry for no reason, she is also very annoying now, okay?
"He's older than me, what's the matter if I call him big brother? Brother Li helped me when I was in Nancheng, I trust him, what's wrong?"

Lu Qingfeng's face suddenly became darker, "Do you believe he doesn't believe me?"

Zhou Niannian didn't understand why he had to care about this issue, "I didn't say I don't believe you, it's you who insisted on saying so."

"Then why didn't you come to me? Don't you believe me?" Lu Qingfeng stared at her stubbornly, "Also, calm down and think rationally about whether what I just said makes sense. I think you It’s not going to solve the problem at all.”

Zhou Niannian was extremely irritable, "Whether my method can solve the problem, just wait and see."

"I don't need your accusation, I can handle this matter myself, don't worry about it."

"Lu Qingfeng, do you know how annoying you are?"

After that, he turned around and walked quickly, even the sound of stepping on the stairs revealed a sense of irritability.

Lu Qingfeng stayed where he was, punched the wall with a black face, and couldn't help but swear a few obscenities.

Yang Shutong heard the sound of two people arguing downstairs, and hurried out, only to see Zhou Niannian's angry back disappearing at the door, and the knocking sound of the door being slammed shut.

This is a quarrel?Yang Shutong blinked in disbelief, but the family hadn't heard the sound of the two arguing for a long time.

She turned around and went upstairs, and saw her son sitting on the bed with a sullen face and sullen head, she couldn't help but glared, "You're bullying Niannian again? Why don't you hurry up and coax him?"

"No!" Lu Qingfeng muffled.

Yang Shutong tilted his head, "You really don't want to go? Don't regret it if you don't go."

Lu Qingfeng pursed his lips, and said in a rough voice: "She is too reckless and impulsive, she must remember this lesson, so I won't regret it."

"Tsk tsk!" Yang Shutong shook his head, looking at Lu Qingfeng like a rare animal, "This daughter-in-law is going to teach her a lesson before she gets married, she has the guts!"

Lu Qingfeng's face froze. Thinking of what Zhou Niannian said just now, he was so angry that his teeth itched again. He pulled the quilt and lay down on the bed.

When Zhou Niannian returned home, she still felt that Lu Qingfeng was very strange.

She is not a little girl with no strength to restrain a chicken, how dare she run to catch Bai Yongli in the middle of the night without two brushes.

Lu Qingfeng simply didn't believe her!
"What's the matter? You got into a fight with Lu Qingfeng with such a dark face?" Seeing her come in with a dark face, Zhou Changan sat on the sofa without saying a word, leaned over to look at her expression, and asked curiously .

Zhou Niannian glanced at him, then shook her head sullenly, "No."

Zhou Changan curled his lips, "You still said no, your pouty mouth could hang an oil pot."

"Hush!" Zhou Niannian glared at him, "Hush your voice, Mom is resting, I'm fine, don't make a fuss."

"Are you all right?" Zhou Changan looked at her suspiciously.

Zhou Niannian nodded perfunctorily, stood up a little upset, "I'll go in and see Mom."

Li Xiangxiu was a little tired from crying, and fell asleep in a daze. Liang Ying was sitting beside her. When she saw Zhou Niannian coming in, she stood up and booed softly, "Mom is asleep, let's go out."

Zhou Niannian looked at Li Xiangxiu's brows that were tightly furrowed even when she was asleep, her eyes darkened, and she retreated silently.

The two of them returned to the living room, and Zhou Changan stood up holding his coat, "I'll go to the investigation office to check. Dad and elder brother haven't come back yet, so I'm worried."

In the living room, only Liang Ying and Zhou Niannian were left.

"You don't look very well, are you okay?" Liang Ying asked Zhou Niannian with concern.

Zhou Niannian shook her head, she was very upset now, thinking of what Lu Qingfeng said just now, she felt depressed for a while, so she sat down on the sofa and didn't speak.

Liang Ying also seemed to be preoccupied, sitting across from her was a little absent-minded.

Zhou Hongshan and his son didn't come back for lunch, so Zhou Niannian cooked two dishes and ate a few bites with Li Xiangxiu and Liang Ying.

It wasn't until around five o'clock in the afternoon that Zhou Hongshan brought Zhou Changguo and Zhou Changan back, followed by Bai Yuqing with a white face.

"What's the matter?" Li Xiangxiu eagerly took a step forward, grabbed Bai Yuqing, and looked up and down with concern, "Those people didn't make you suffer, did they?"

Bai Yuqing shook her head with a pale face. Just as she was about to say something, Zhou Hongshan yelled, "Kneel down."

Everyone in the room stared blankly at Zhou Hongshan, not knowing who he was talking about.

But Zhou Hongshan was looking at Bai Yuqing with a gloomy face.

Li Xiangxiu frowned in displeasure, "Old Zhou, what are you doing? The child just came back from the investigation office and was frightened. Is there anything you can't talk about slowly?"

"Kneel down!" Zhou Hongshan almost squeezed out the words between his teeth, and turned around in a circle irritably.

Bai Yuqing bit her lips tightly, knelt down lightly, and looked at Zhou Hongshan with an aggrieved face: "Dad, if I did something wrong, just say it, don't get angry and spoil yourself."

Zhou Hongshan seemed to be very angry. He looked straight at Bai Yuqing, raised his hand, and held it above his head for a long while. After all, he still didn't fall down. He sighed and sat down on the sofa.

"In the investigation office, I save face for you, and I don't want your life to be stained, so I don't ask anything." He stared at Bai Yuqing heavily, "Now go home, tell me honestly, Zhang Cuihua said Is it the truth?"

"Didn't you burn the Bai family, they came to the capital, and you instigated them to ask me and your mother for money? Didn't you?"

Li Xiangxiu looked at Zhou Hongshan in astonishment, "Old Zhou, what are you talking about, how could it be Qingqing? What?"

Zhou Hongshan turned his head and yelled at her sharply: "Shut up and listen to her. Remember, I want to tell the truth, and I will only give you this one chance."

There was silence in the living room. Bai Yuqing knelt in the middle of the living room, biting her lips tightly, with a gloomy and uncertain expression on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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