Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 361 That's it?

Chapter 361 That's it?
After a while, Bai Yuqing said in a low voice: "When I was young, when they threw me to grandma, grandma always scolded me for being a bastard that I don't know where. Feed me."

Her voice was low and ethereal, as if she was telling someone else's story.

"Later, once I heard my grandma tell my second uncle to find a way to sell me. I was so frightened that I ran home in the middle of the night and knelt on the ground begging Bai Yongli and Zhang Cuihua, saying that I could take care of my younger brother and help Working at home, as long as they don't sell me out, they let me go home."

"Later, I had endless work, always wore old clothes, and always ate leftovers from my younger brother. At that time, I always thought, why, why should I suffer so much? ?”

"I have fantasized more than once that they are not my biological parents. If I fantasize about how my biological parents would treat me, they will definitely not make me suffer so much."

"Stop it, Qingqing, please don't say it." Li Xiangxiu cried so hard that she pulled Bai Yuqing up desperately, "It's my mother who is sorry for you, and I lost you because I didn't take good care of you. It's mom's fault."

Bai Yuqing refused to get up, she looked at Zhou Hongshan with a sneer on her face, "Yes, I burned down the Bai family, but I didn't do it on purpose."

"In order to recognize you, I went home to look for the little Jade Buddha, but Zhang Cuilan held the little Jade Buddha and refused to give it to me. I spent a lot of effort and gave her all my salary to find the place where she hid her things. "

"When they were not at home that day, I hurried back to Zezhou with the little Jade Buddha, but I accidentally spilled the lamp oil and burned the house down."

"I really didn't mean it, Mom, I really didn't mean it, you believe me."

Li Xiangxiu cried and nodded, "Well, Mom believes in you."

"As for colluding with them, I really didn't. They found me and asked me what kind of people my biological parents were. I told about our family's situation, and they became greedy, which led to the following things."

Bai Yuqing knelt down and kowtowed in a low voice, and said with a gloomy face, "Dad, if you don't believe me, I have nothing to say. At worst, I'll just leave this house."

Li Xiangxiu hugged her, "You are not allowed to go anywhere, I will see who dares to drive you out of this house."

She couldn't help crying and looking at Zhou Hongshan, "Zhou Hongshan, what on earth do you want to do? The girl you finally found back, are you going to force her away again?"

Zhou Niannian looked very depressed, and understood that Li Xiangxiu was confused by Bai Yuqing's bitter tricks, and was caught in the infinite guilt for Bai Yuqing and couldn't think normally.

She stepped forward and took Li Xiangxiu's arm, "Mom, when did my dad say he was going to drive her out? You forgot that my dad, like you, misses her very much. You sit down first and let my dad finish talking. "

As she said that, with a slight force of her hand, she cleverly separated Li Xiangxiu and Bai Yuqing, and helped Li Xiangxiu to sit on the sofa.

Bai Yuqing looked at Zhou Niannian's back, a flash of hatred flashed in his eyes.

Zhou Hongshan stared at Bai Yuqing for a long time, then closed his eyes, and said in a hoarse voice for a while, "Your mother and I brought you back, so we naturally hope that you will live happily ever after."

"If a person lives in this world for a lifetime, he must be able to stand in the world and not be poked in the back by others."

"No matter what happened in the past, I won't chase after it anymore, but you have to be clear about one thing, all the children of my Zhou family must be able to walk upright and sit upright."

"Your adoptive parents didn't teach you the truth before. From now on, your mother and I will teach you. From now on, you are not allowed to go anywhere except for class time. First learn the truth of life with me at home."

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand, "Get up first."

Bai Yuqing answered softly with her face lowered, then stood up, with her head lowered, unable to see clearly the expression on her face.

But her heart was full of hatred, feeling that Zhou Hongshan was making a fuss over her.

When Bai Yongli and his wife came to see her, Zhang Cuihua beat her up when they met her, and even cursed at her, calling her heartless and a white-eyed wolf.

She was tired of Bai Yongli and his wife, but she was afraid that they would talk nonsense in front of Zhou Hongshan and his wife and ruin her image of painstaking efforts, so she hinted that the Zhou family was rich, and they raised themselves, so they could tell Zhou Hongshan The family needs child support.

She also revealed intentionally or unintentionally that the Zhou family was going to give them a thank-you fee, estimated to be 2 yuan, so that they could go home as soon as possible after getting the thank-you fee, so that they could live comfortably at home for the rest of their lives.

She knew Zhang Cuihua well, and was attracted by money. She would definitely not talk nonsense in the Zhou family. This would allow Zhou Hongshan and his wife to see how greedy and shameless Bai Yongli and his wife were, so they could love her even more.

It's just that she didn't expect that Zhang Cuihua didn't plan to go back after seeing the prosperity of Kyoto, and raised the money to [-] on her own initiative.

When she said [-], Bai Yuqing knew it was broken, but she couldn't say anything.

Later, Zhou Hongshan took Zhou Changan to look for Bai Yongli. She was worried for a long time, for fear that Bai Yongli and his wife had said something wrong.

Fortunately, when they came back, they talked about it and gave them 2 yuan.

Bai Yuqing had just breathed a sigh of relief, but who knew that the two unlucky ghosts were arrested by the police and they confessed to her.

Bai Yuqing was so angry that she wanted to vomit blood when she thought of this.

"I'm tired, I don't want to eat dinner." Zhou Hongshan waved his hands and went back to the room first. Looking at his back, he seemed to have aged a lot in an instant.

Zhou Niannian frowned, and looked at Zhou Changguo and Zhou Changan opposite.

Zhou Changan shook his head in a dazed expression. He had just walked to the gate of the investigation office when he met Zhou Hongshan who came out with a gloomy face. He didn't know anything.

Zhou Changguo shook his head, signaling Zhou Niannian to talk later.

Zhou Niannian felt a little regretful that she didn't let Ah Liang go and listen to it. She blamed Lu Qingfeng for driving her crazy, making her forget about it.

If it wasn't so late, she would have gone to the Tianqiao Police Station to ask Li Dongxing.

Zhou Niannian didn't have time to run to Zhou Changguo's room until he went upstairs after dinner.

As soon as he entered the room, he saw that Zhou Changan was already sitting on a chair.

Zhou Changguo pointed to the bed and motioned Zhou Niannian to sit down, and then said: "The confrontation did not go well, Yuqing was very wronged, and refused to admit that he had instigated them, and Bai Yongli and his wife yelled at each other, and so many things happened."

"Later, the investigation office saw that Dad was there, and asked Dad to bring him back because of insufficient evidence."

Zhou Niannian frowned: "That's it?"

"Otherwise, what else do you want?" Zhou Changguo asked puzzled.

"Where are Bai Yongli and his wife?"

Zhou Changguo was silent for a while, "They should be locked up for a few days until someone comes to release them on bail, and based on what I know about Dad, he will definitely give the Bai family some money, after all, they raised Yuqing."

 The monthly pass has doubled recently, and it’s the end of the month. Ask the cuties for a monthly pass. Friends who still have a monthly pass, please help!Be patient with you~~~
(End of this chapter)

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