Chapter 362

"Hey, I said you guys have been discussing for so long, why didn't you discuss it? Did Yu Qing instigate this matter?" Zhou Changan, who had been silent all this time, kicked the leg of the table sullenly.

Zhou Niannian raised her eyebrows and looked at Zhou Changguo.

She firmly believed that this matter was written by Bai Yuqing, so she felt that there was no need to discuss it, but her elder brother never mentioned this matter from the beginning to the end, this attitude is a bit intriguing.

Zhou Changguo pursed his lips and did not speak.

"Damn, it can't really be her?" Zhou Changan sat up straight suddenly, his eyes widened in disbelief, "It's too hurtful to do this, are you sorry for our parents?"

"And us, we all pay out like idiots." Zhou Changan's temper suddenly rose, and he stood up straight, "I'll ask her, we are all a family, what does she want to do?"

"Come back!" Zhou Changguo shouted sullenly.

Zhou Chang settled down and turned his head irritably.

"After all, she was in her 20s with someone else's parents. She hasn't been in our house for so many years. There must be a gap between us, but we are older brothers. We should take the initiative to care about her in the future and don't make parents sad." Zhou Changguo showed the momentum of the eldest son Come on, stare at Zhou Changan, "Especially you, speak softly to her."

Zhou Changan kicked his toes impatiently, "I am most impatient with girls crying. She is pretty at first, but she turns ugly when she cries. If she doesn't cry all the time, I will try my best to be gentle."

Zhou Changguo's expression softened a bit, "Well, remember that she is also our younger sister, the same younger sister as Nian Nian, we just have to fulfill our duties as brothers, and there are parents."

"Understood." Zhou Chang'an turned and left sullenly.

Zhou Niannian shrugged, seeing Zhou Changguo looked over, "I know too."

Lying on the bed at night, Zhou Niannian tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep.

She didn't expect that after a lot of tossing, it turned out to be this result in the end.

Fortunately, everyone in the family should have realized that Bai Yuqing's real personality is absolutely inconsistent with her usual behavior, so they can be more careful in the future.

Only Li Xiangxiu, she was full of guilt and love for Bai Yuqing, and now she might not be able to listen to anything she said.

Zhou Hongshan said that she would personally teach Bai Yuqing in the future, and Zhou Niannian felt a little worried. As the saying goes, it is easy to change the country, but the nature is hard to change. I am afraid that Bai Yuqing's personality will be difficult to correct.

Zhou Niannian turned around irritably, remembering what Lu Qingfeng said, saying that he was a little reckless, and doing so would not solve the problem once and for all.

Thinking of Lu Qingfeng, she felt even more irritable.

She had quarreled with Lu Qingfeng before, but since she was reborn, this was the first time she and Lu Qingfeng had quarreled, and it was still inexplicable.

Thinking of him yelling at herself, Zhou Niannian couldn't help but feel aggrieved. She felt that she couldn't get used to Lu Qingfeng. Now that she dared to yell at herself before she was married, she definitely couldn't forgive him easily this time.

She tossed and turned all night and didn't sleep well. The next morning, she had class, and when she got up she felt a bit of a headache, as if she had a cold.

Zhou Niannian felt better after drinking a cup of hot water. Seeing that no one in the family had woken up, she decided to go to school for breakfast.

As soon as he went out, the door of the Lu family next door opened, and Lu Qingfeng walked out.

Seeing Zhou Niannian who was also standing at the door, Lu Qingfeng froze for a moment, as if hesitating whether to speak or not.

Zhou Niannian snorted coldly, pretended not to see Lu Qingfeng with a sullen face, and walked quickly to the gate of the compound.

Lu Qingfeng's face turned dark immediately.

After class, Zhou Niannian saw that it was still early, so she decided to go to Tianqiao Police Station to look for Li Dongxing.

No matter what happened this time, Li Dongxing helped, so she should express her gratitude.

She first went to the department store to buy some snacks, and took the car to the Tianqiao Police Station.

What Zhou Niannian didn't know was that Lu Qingfeng attended class all morning absent-mindedly, and was picked up by the teacher to answer questions three times.

After class, Li Chengyu couldn't help teasing Lu Qingfeng, "Brother Lu, you're done, your position as a top student will be replaced in the teacher's mind."

Lu Qingfeng sat down sullenly and said nothing.

Li Chengyu bumped him with his arm, and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong with you? Could it be that you and Niannian were arguing?"

Lu Qingfeng's face suddenly darkened.

Li Chengyu widened his eyes in astonishment, "Isn't it? Did you really quarrel? Didn't you feel better a few days ago, just like one person?"

Lu Qingfeng pursed the corners of his lips, did not speak, and the air pressure around him became even lower.

Li Chengyu glanced at the podium, seeing that the teacher didn't pay attention to this side, he moved closer to Lu Qingfeng, "Isn't it just a quarrel, just coax it, girls like to be coaxed."

Lu Qingfeng frowned, "This is a matter of principle, not something to coax, and she must be taught a lesson."

He was still angry, Zhou Niannian sensed that something was wrong with Bai Yuqing, so instead of coming to him, he went to an outsider, obviously he didn't believe him.

And from Lu Qingfeng's point of view, Zhou Niannian's decision was too reckless and could not achieve the ideal goal, so it was really not an advisable solution.

Lu Qingfeng felt that it was very necessary for him to let Zhou Niannian remember the lessons learned this time, so as not to be reckless and impulsive when encountering things in the future, and it would be too late to regret in case of danger.

Li Chengyu curled his lips and patted Lu Qingfeng's shoulder, "Brother, don't blame me for not reminding you, don't talk about principles with women, you can ask for more blessings."

Lu Qingfeng squinted his eyes, and sneered with the corners of his mouth: "You should ask for more blessings first."

What's the meaning?Li Chengyu blinked in confusion, and the next second he heard the teacher's wonderful voice: "Student Li Chengyu, please explain the concept of wealth wisdom."

Li Chengyu: "."

Woohoo, brother Lu is too bad, he didn't remind him when he saw the teacher staring at him.

After the morning class was over, Lu Qingfeng was upset. Because of his constant low pressure, Li Chengyu dragged him to the law department for a while.

Lu Qingfeng's face was dark, but he didn't object. They ran into Yue Xiaomeng outside the teaching building.

"You came to find Niannian, brother Lu," Yue Xiaomeng waved his hand smilingly when he saw Lu Qingfeng coming, "We only have social practice class in the afternoon, and Niannian is out."

Not at school?Lu Qingfeng paused, "Then do you know where she went?"

"It seems that she said that she was going to the Tianqiao Investigation Office. Why didn't you go with her?" Yue Xiaomeng asked Lu Qingfeng suspiciously, "I thought she went with you."

He even went to the Tianqiao Investigation Office again, looking for that Li Dongxing?Lu Qingfeng's jaw was tense, "I still have class in the afternoon, so I'm leaving first."

After all, he strode away, and the sharp posture brought out a gust of cold wind, which made Yue Xiaomeng suddenly feel a little cold and shivered, looking at Lu Qingfeng's back inexplicably, scratching his head in doubt: "It's strange, why? It's suddenly so cold."

Li Chengyu glanced at her helplessly, and sighed, "I'm afraid it will be even colder when I go back."

(End of this chapter)

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