Chapter 364

"Comrade Zhou, why are you here?" Li Dongxing returned to the office after dealing with the matter, and found that Zhou Niannian was not there. After walking around, he found that Zhou Niannian was standing in a daze at the entrance of the hall.

Zhou Niannian came back to his senses, and pointed to the figure outside who had already reached the gate, "Brother Li, who is that person? Are you here to investigate the work of the office?"

Li Dongxing looked at the man's clothes, "Oh, that's Bai Yongli's younger brother Bai Yongsheng, who came to release Bai Yongli and Zhang Cuihua on bail."

Zhou Niannian widened her eyes in astonishment, "You said that was Bai Yongli's younger brother Bai Yongsheng?"

Li Dongxing nodded, and looked at her inexplicably: "Yes, you know him?"

More than knowing each other!

Zhou Niannian was very sure that the man she saw just now was the man with the scar who kidnapped her in her previous life, the man with the scar that she knew even when he turned into ashes.

A year ago, she and Qi Jiayan met the man with the scar on the train on a business trip to the provincial capital. At that time, he was with a fat man and a man with a pointed chin and a woman.

At that time, she suspected that the woman was held hostage by them, and tried to report the crime. After the comrades of the investigation station arrested them, they were released the next day because there was no evidence of a crime.

Zhou Niannian still remembers the middle finger raised by the man with the scar when he left the investigation office, and the smug smile on his face.

It turned out that the man with the scar was Bai Yongsheng, and he was Bai Yongli's younger brother and Bai Yuqing's second uncle.

Could it be that Bai Yuqing was abducted by Bai Yongli back then?

And the most important point, Bai Yongsheng kidnapped her in the previous life, Bai Yongsheng is Bai Yuqing's second uncle, so could it be that Bai Yuqing let him kidnap her?

"Comrade Zhou, what are you thinking?" Seeing Zhou Niannian in a daze, Li Dongxing couldn't help raising his voice, "I'm asking if you know that Bai Yongli?"

Zhou Niannian came back to the country, "Not only did I know him, but let me tell you, that Bai Yongli is a human trafficker who specializes in trafficking in women and children."

Li Dongxing's expression changed, and he said to Zhou Niannian: "What's going on, let's go to the office and talk about it."

Zhou Niannian couldn't say that he was kidnapped by this man in his previous life, so he just told what happened on the train.

Li Dongxing hesitated, "Is it a bit too arbitrary to judge him as a human trafficker based on this incident alone? After all, the police in the provincial capital also interrogated him at that time."

Zhou Niannian also knew that it would be difficult for others to believe that Bai Yongsheng was a human trafficker based on this incident alone, but there was no way to talk about what happened before her rebirth. She thought about it and said, "Brother Li, if you believe me, let someone quietly Staring at that Bai Yongli, I believe there will be gains."

Li Dongxing had been in contact with Zhou Niannian during this time, and knew that she was not a random person, so he nodded, "Don't worry, I will keep an eye on him."

After saying that, he pursed his lips and his face became a little weird. After a while, he looked at Zhou Niannian and said, "I will really watch him, I will watch him myself."

Zhou Niannian looked at him a little puzzled, not understanding why he repeatedly emphasized this sentence.

"Don't fight yourself like you did with Bai Yongli and his wife. I know you have some skills, but if that Bai Yongsheng is really a human trafficker, there must be a group of forces, you."

Zhou Niannian looked at Li Dongxing not knowing whether to laugh or cry, "Are you afraid that I will go after Bai Yongsheng by myself? Don't worry, I'm not that stupid, Brother Li."

Li Dongxing stared at her cautiously for a while, then smiled, "It's fine if I don't."

"Actually, I really want to follow up by myself." Zhou Niannian shrugged with a smile, and quickly added a sentence before Li Dongxing answered, "But I know myself, and I have to go to class and study during the day, so I don't have time at all."

Li Dongxing breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help laughing, before talking about the confrontation between Bai Yongli and his wife and Bai Yuqing.

What he said was not much different from what Zhou Changguo said, it was nothing more than that Bai Yuqing kept crying and complaining about his grievances, and resolutely refused to admit that he had conspired with Bai Yongli and his wife.

"Minister Zhou later told us that it was a fact that Bai Yuqing was raised by the Bai family. I hope that we will not sentence Bai Yongli and his wife. Your family is the one who suffers and will not prosecute. Besides, the Bai family and his wife have no other excessive behavior, so we only carried out the crime. Criticism and education."

When Li Dongxing said this, he hesitated for a moment before saying, "However, judging from my years of experience in handling cases, that sister of yours."

"She didn't tell the whole truth. On the contrary, she pretended to be wronged, but she dug holes everywhere in her words to make Zhang Cuihua jump. You should be more careful in the future."

Zhou Niannian knew that Li Dongxing had good intentions, and she knew Bai Yuqing's character better than others, "Thank you Brother Li for reminding me, I will pay attention."

Seeing that there was no perfunctory meaning in her expression, Li Dongxing felt relieved.

Because of the incident with the man with the scar, Zhou Niannian was a little more cautious when he went back.

Knowing that the man with the scar turned out to be Bai Yuqing's second uncle, she couldn't help being startled.

If Bai Yuqing was really abducted by Bai Yongsheng back then, it means that Bai Yongsheng had already started trafficking people 18 years ago.

For 18 years, he has not been found out, and it is estimated that he has developed into an organization of a certain scale.

She saw Bai Yongsheng today, and Bai Yongsheng must have seen her too.

In such a sensitive place as the investigation office, Bai Yongsheng would definitely have thought that she would tell the police.

Zhou Niannian returned to the dormitory a little uneasy.

"You still have something to talk with that brother Li, and you came back so late." As soon as he arrived downstairs in the dormitory, he suddenly heard a strange voice from the side.

Zhou Niannian turned her head and saw Lu Qingfeng coming out from under the tree at the door of the dormitory, frowning at her with deep eyes.

Her eyes fell on the ground under Lu Qingfeng's feet, where a pile of cigarette butts were scattered on the ground.

Zhou Niannian frowned, she knew that Lu Qingfeng would smoke, but he had never smoked in front of her.

"What? After chatting with Brother Li for so long, did you have nothing to say when you saw me?" Seeing that Zhou Niannian was silent, Lu Qingfeng said calmly.

Zhou Niannian came back to his senses, and when he heard what he said, he put on a pretty face, "Lu Qingfeng, can you stop talking so harshly, I have a serious business to find Brother Li."

"It's business to talk to him, so there's nothing to talk to me?"

Zhou Niannian blushed with anger, "Why are you making trouble so unreasonably? I'm too lazy to talk to you."

After that, he quickly turned around and entered the dormitory building.

Lu Qingfeng's face changed, and a trace of annoyance flashed in his eyes, more of which was anger.

He is vexatious?He is not a woman, Zhou Niannian actually said that he was making trouble for no reason.

He shouldn't have listened to that guy Li Chengyu and ran down to the dormitory to wait for her!
Li Chengyu, who was peeking at the cat not far away, suddenly felt a chill down his spine and couldn't help shivering. When he looked up, he saw Lu Qingfeng striding towards him with a gloomy face.

no?The talk broke down?Li Chengyu covered his face, jumped out and asked Lu Qingfeng, "Didn't you apologize to him?"

Lu Qingfeng gave him a sad look, "I'm not wrong, why should I apologize?"

Li Chengyu: "."

Yes, it makes sense, yes, why do you have to apologize?

But such reasonable words are not easy to use in front of women.

(End of this chapter)

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