Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 365 Equal Treatment

Chapter 365 Equal Treatment
In a blink of an eye, it was the weekend again, Zhou Niannian went home and stayed overnight, and was going to go shopping with Qi Jiayan and Yue Xiaomeng the next day.

The atmosphere in the Zhou family was very dull for a week. Zhou Changguo and Liang Ying returned to the army after that day. Zhou Changan said that he was too busy with schoolwork and did not come back this week.

However, according to Zhou Niannian's guess, Zhou Chang'an must have thought the atmosphere at home was too stuffy, and he was afraid that Zhou Hongshan's eyebrows would be touched when he came back, so he refused to come back.

Zhou Hongshan has been personally educating Bai Yuqing this week, during which Zhou Changan came back once, and went back to whisper to Zhou Niannian.

According to Zhou Chang'an's description, Zhou Hongshan was picking on Bai Yuqing almost from head to toe.

"I think Dad is idle, and he never saw him put so much effort into educating us when we were young," Zhou Chang'an muttered.

Zhou Niannian was noncommittal.

When they were young, Zhou Hongshan didn't put so much effort into educating them, that's because although the three brothers and sisters were naughty when they were young, the character they were taught since they were young kept them from doing anything too outrageous.

In addition, Zhou Hongshan was so focused on his work at that time that he didn't have so much time to educate them.

But the situation is different now. Zhou Hongshan felt guilty towards Bai Yuqing in the first place, but now he discovered the flaws in her character. He made up his mind to teach Bai Yuqing to be an adult, so he put in so much effort.

Zhou Changan was afraid of being caught and taking the opportunity to learn a lesson, and she was also afraid, so she decided to stay at home for one night, and went shopping with Qi Jiayan and Yue Xiaomeng the next day.

When she came home, Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu were sitting on the sofa talking, and Bai Yuqing was obediently listening.

Seeing Zhou Niannian coming in, Li Xiangxiu waved to her.

Zhou Niannian went over and sat next to her, saw a stack of money on the table, couldn't help but frowned, "What are you doing with so much money?"

Li Xiangxiu sighed, "I discussed it with your father. The Bai family still needs to send some money. First, they did raise Qingqing, and second, they blocked their mouths so that they would not be affected by their nonsense. Your dad's and your brother's work."

Zhou Niannian frowned slightly, and wanted to say something to stop her, but she swallowed it after thinking about it, "When will Dad deliver it to them? How about I go with you?"

Zhou Hongshan shook his head, "I made an appointment with them at the Weixiang Teahouse near the bus station at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. Go and do whatever you want, and ask Qingqing to come with me."

"I don't want to go." Bai Yuqing couldn't help but blurted out with a bad face.

Zhou Niannian raised her eyebrows and looked at Bai Yuqing.

It's not like Bai Yuqing's style to be so restless.

Zhou Hongshan's face sank, "If you don't want to go, you have to go. After all, they raised you. I don't ask you to repay your grievances with virtue, but you should go to say goodbye. It can be regarded as a farewell to the past you, and you will be reborn in the future. you."

Zhou Niannian looked at Bai Yuqing, and saw that she was thinner than before, and the originally beautiful Danfeng's eyes were black and blue, and she didn't sleep well.

It seems that life is really not easy.

Bai Yuqing pursed her lips, her expression was a little irritable, but she still forcibly suppressed the restlessness in her heart, nodded for a while, and hummed.

She's been in dire straits this week.

Zhou Hongshan asked for a class schedule of the acting department through Lu's house, and knew her class schedule and non-class time clearly, and asked her to stay at home honestly and study with him.

Zhou Hongshan even took her to read "Zhuangzi" and "Hanging Mirror of Life" with her, and said: "Small success is like nature, habit is natural."

She is 22 years old, don't you think it's too late to teach her how to be a human being?

She was kidnapped and trafficked since she was a child, and now she returns to Zhou's family. Why can't Zhou Hongshan love her more because of guilt like Li Xiangxiu?Why do you intensify your efforts to teach her how to be a human being?
In the end, Zhou Niannian did not stop Zhou Hongshan from giving money to the Bai family. It was not in line with Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu's way of life, and it would make them feel bad.

Seeing that Zhou Hongshan was about to start preaching again, she hurriedly stood up, "I'm a little tired, Dad, Mom, I'm going upstairs to rest first."

Before taking a step, I heard Bai Yuqing's soft voice, "Dad, I have benefited a lot from listening to some of the principles you talked about these two days. I want to discuss it with Nian Nian. Why don't I let Nian Nian listen to it too?" Listen."

Zhou Niannian rolled her eyes, and she heard Zhou Hongshan call her, "Niannian, come and listen for a while."

No wonder Zhou Changan didn't come back, he must have received the same treatment.

Zhou Niannian curled her lips, turned her head to catch the gloom flashing in Bai Yuqing's eyes, and couldn't help but sneer.

Isn't it just listening to a few sermons?Her dad was willing to nag, and she was willing to listen.

Bai Yuqing can't appreciate her father's good intentions at all now, and I hope one day she won't regret it.

She got up the next morning and went back to school first, and told Yue Xiaomeng that she was busy, so she didn't go out with them.

Yue Xiaomeng wailed bitterly: "Isn't it? You have something to do? Just now Jiayan came and said she had something to go with us. I was thinking that I would still be with you anyway, but you also had something to do."

Is there something wrong with Qi Jiayan too?Zhou Niannian blinked in surprise, saw Yue Xiaomeng lying on the bed with a look of lovelessness, and patted her amusedly, "You can go and play with Sister Haiyun and Niuniu."

It was inconvenient for Cao Haiyun to live in the dormitory with Niuniu. Last month, he moved out with his children and found a small house near the school.

Yue Xiaomeng sighed and sat up straight, "That's the only way to go."

After she finished speaking, she suddenly pulled Zhou Niannian, wrapped her arms around her neck, and pretended to be questioning, "You don't want to go out with Lu Qingfeng and abandon me, do you? If that's the case, then you are too serious about sex friend."

Hearing Yue Xiaomeng mention Lu Qingfeng, Zhou Niannian paused, feeling aggrieved.

After that day, Lu Qingfeng never came to him again.

Wasn't it just a quarrel?As for not coming to her so stingy?

In fact, in the past two days, she calmed down and thought about what Lu Qingfeng said that day, and she also understood that what she said made sense.

She was indeed a little reckless in dealing with Bai Yongli and his wife.

She wanted to reconcile with Lu Qingfeng, but seeing that Lu Qingfeng didn't come to her in anger, Zhou Niannian's stubborn temper also came up.

She didn't even think he was weird, yet he dared to take on Joe.

Yue Xiao dreamed that she was stern and silent, so she couldn't help blurting out, "You and Brother Lu won't quarrel, right?"

"Nothing, he's busy with the student union recently." Zhou Niannian pushed her arm away, "I really have something to do, I won't talk to you, I'll go first."

After saying that, the figure flashed and disappeared outside the door.

"It's weird!" Yue Xiaomeng stared at her back and muttered.

Zhou Niannian took Ah Liang to find Li Dongxing.

Li Dongxing told her that the comrades in the investigation institute had lost news of Bai Yongsheng.

"That guy is quite cunning. I sent people to follow him that day, and he found out after a while, and then quickly got rid of our people."

 Tomorrow is the National Day, I wish you a happy holiday, the little cuties who go out to play, pay attention to safety, September is over, thank you for your support, the little cutie who still has a monthly pass in hand, please help to vote for the monthly pass, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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