Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 366 The Emotional Animal

Chapter 366 The Emotional Animal

Zhou Niannian told Li Dongxing that Zhou Hongshan had asked Bai Yongli and his wife to meet.

"Brother Li, if you lead someone to watch Bai Yongli and his wife, Bai Yongsheng will definitely contact them, so that you may get some useful news."

After finishing speaking, he patted A Liang on the shoulder again, "I'll lend you A Liang. Don't underestimate it as a bird. It can understand many people's words. If you have something to do, tell it to do it."

Li Dongxing remembered the last time A Liang helped her unlock the lock, and couldn't help laughing, "I dare not underestimate you as a bird."

But let it tell a bird to do something, this feeling is really a bit strange.

Seeing his strange expression, Zhou Niannian asked with a smile, "Do you want me to go to the teahouse with you?"

Li Dongxing shook his head, "No need, I just think it's weird to bring a bird when handling a case."

"Is he looking down on me?" Ah Liang hopped on Zhou Niannian's shoulder in displeasure.

Li Dongxing watched a bird staring at him angrily, and felt even more weird in his heart, "What's wrong with it?"

Zhou Niannian couldn't help laughing, "It thinks you look down on it."

"Is it true?" Li Dongxing was a little unconvinced, "You are too amazing a bird, right? It's fine if it understands human speech, but can it tell you what it's thinking?"

"Can you still understand bird language?"

Uh. Zhou Niannian didn't know how to answer, did he say he knew the language of birds?But so far, she seems to only understand the bird language of Ah Liang.

"It's like this, Brother Li. It is said that if a person keeps a pet for a long time, he will have a spiritual connection with her pet. Ah Liang and I have a spiritual connection now." Zhou Niannian fooled Li Dongxing in a serious manner.

Li Dongxing looked at her and Ah Liang suspiciously, with an expression that I believe you are the only ghost.

Lu Wenhan was reading a book on the balcony during a rare weekend at the Lu family. He frowned when he heard the dull crackling sound from upstairs again.

"Why is your son crazy?" He turned his head and asked Yang Shutong, who was squatting beside him and pruning flowers and plants.

Last night, Lu Qingfeng got back a sandbag from nowhere, cleared out an empty room upstairs, and tied the sandbag.

Woke up early in the morning and began to punch the sandbags upstairs. Lu Wenhan wanted to calm down and read the book, but his thoughts were always interrupted by the sound of sandbags being punched upstairs.

Yang Shutong took off his glasses, cast a glance at him, and said with a half-smile, "Your son is bewildered."

"Why are you so dazed?" Lu Wenhan was puzzled.

Yang Shutong shrugged, "He insists on reasoning with the girl, isn't it a madness or something?"

Lu Wenhan was stunned for a moment, and then he realized, "Arguing with Nian Nian? No wonder we don't see Nian Nian coming to our house this week."

Hearing the sound of punching sandbags getting louder and louder upstairs, Lu Wenhan shook his head, "This kid will vent at home bored."

He dropped the book, stood up and went upstairs.

On a very cold day, Lu Qingfeng was only wearing a thin sweater, staring heavily at the sandbag shaking in front of him, punching fast and hard, as if he had a grudge against the sandbag.

On a very cold day, his undershirt was already soaked, and he looked as if he had been fished out of the water.

Lu Wenhan leaned against the door, silently watching his son complete a lap, then fell to the ground exhausted, then walked over to pat him on the shoulder, and handed him a towel.

"What do you need from me?" Lu Qingfeng wiped his hair with a towel indiscriminately, then turned his head and asked.

Lu Wenhan chuckled, "Son, the painful experience of history tells us: never try to reason with women, because they are emotional animals."

Lu Qingfeng's expression froze, he pursed the corners of his mouth and did not speak.

"You reason with them, they talk with you about feelings, you talk about reason with them, they talk about feelings with you, you talk about principles with them, they still talk about feelings with you."

Lu Wenhan shrugged, "Look at me and your mother. When your mother loses her temper, when did I reason with her?"

Holding the towel, Lu Qingfeng sat up straight, "I also lost my temper because I was worried about her. Could it be that she can't understand my worry?"

Seeing his sullen expression, Lu Wenhan smiled and pulled him up, "There is only one truth and principle in front of your beloved, that is, do you love her or not? Do you want her to be happy?"

"If you love her, you can coax her if you want her to be happy. In fact, girls are easy to coax. What she wants is the love of us men."

As he said that, he pushed Lu Qingfeng, "Go take a bath and find Niannian. No matter what the reason is, you, a big man, will apologize first and you won't lose a piece of meat, and you won't lose face by coaxing her."

Lu Qingfeng tidied up, changed his clothes and went to Zhou's house.

Li Xiangxiu opened the door, saw him, and asked in surprise: "It's Qingfeng, didn't you go shopping with Niannian?"

Lu Qingfeng shook his head, "Did Niannian say where to go shopping?"

"She didn't mention it, and I didn't ask, why don't you come home and wait for a while, she's probably coming back soon." Li Xiangxiu let him in.

Lu Qingfeng thought for a while and refused, "No, Aunt Zhou, I'll go out for a stroll, maybe I'll meet her."

He went out and got on the bus aimlessly.

In the Weixiang teahouse next to the bus station, seeing Zhou Hongshan and Bai Yuqing walking away, Bai Yongsheng opened the door and entered the private room.

Seeing him coming in, Zhang Cuihua quickly grabbed the money on the table and stuffed it into her satchel.

A sarcasm flashed in Bai Yongsheng's eyes, but he really didn't care about 5000 yuan.

"Brother, sister-in-law, I bought you train tickets to go home, and it's almost New Year's Eve, you go home and see Yubao." He said and put the two train tickets on the table.

Zhang Cuihua was a little reluctant, "Going back so soon, your elder brother and I have only been here for a few days? We haven't had a good time in the capital yet."

As he spoke, he pinched Bai Yongli under the table.

Bai Yongli was in pain, and nodded quickly, "Yes, your sister-in-law and I want to stay for a few more days, and there is still more than a month before Chinese New Year."

Bai Yongsheng frowned in displeasure. He had a ruthless temperament, and the scar on his face became even more terrifying when he frowned.

"Do you know that you have offended the Zhou family? You are too stupid for this matter. Bai Yuqing recognized the Zhou family. You took the opportunity to become relatives with the Zhou family. You come and go often. What a wonderful thing, but you screwed up gone."

"It's good for you. You ask for [-] yuan as soon as you meet. Don't you understand that you are a greedy family? The Zhou family will definitely not want to see you in the future."

"It's all right now. I didn't get [-] yuan, and I went to the investigation station, which made me feel fishy."

When Bai Yongsheng thought of this, he became very angry, and regretted letting his elder brother and sister-in-law come to the capital together.

 On the first day of the National Day holiday, I plan to stay at home and watch the military parade. Haha, how did the cuties spend the holiday~ Finally, I begged for a monthly ticket, and October has begun!

(End of this chapter)

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