Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 368 You won't be cheated on by your sister-in-law, right?

Chapter 368 You won't be cheated on by your sister-in-law, right?
Li Chengyu also recognized A Liang, and muttered to himself: "Isn't that A Liang raised by my sister-in-law? Why is that man there?"

"Brother Lu, you won't be given by sister-in-law."

Lu Qingfeng's sharp gaze suddenly turned around, and he asked sinisterly, "What do you want to say?"

Feeling that he was about to be frozen into ice, Li Chengyu shrank his neck and swallowed the word "green" that came to his mouth.

"No, I just wanted to ask if I need my brother to come forward and ask for you." Li Chengyu chuckled, but before he finished speaking, he saw Lu Qingfeng had stood up, turned around and left.

Seeing the direction Lu Qingfeng was walking in, Li Chengyu was stunned for a moment, then quickly jumped up, "Brother Lu, take me with you."

Lu Qingfeng didn't bother to pay attention to this second lack, and walked forward quickly, stopping Li Dongxing at the edge of the playground.

"Comrade Li, come and look for Niannian?"

Li Dongxing saw Lu Qingfeng approaching and smiled, "It's great to meet you. I have something to ask Comrade Zhou. I didn't expect that Kyoto University is so big. I'm almost lost."

Lu Qingfeng pointed in the direction, "The Department of Law is over there, but Nian Nian is not there. He went to Mr. Guan's house today. Let me take you there."

Li Dongxing was overjoyed, "That's really great."

The two walked side by side in the direction of the family area.

Seeing this harmonious scene, Li Chengyu, who was eager to rush over, was so startled that his eyes almost fell off, and he stood there stupidly, "Brother Lu is not angry, is he?"

"Ah Liang is naughty, isn't she?" Lu Qingfeng and Li Dongxing walked side by side, and couldn't help turning their heads to glance at Ah Liang.

Ah Liang made an angry look at him, you are naughty, and your whole family is naughty.

Li Dongxing smiled, "Fortunately, it just feels like it talks too much, and I can't understand what he is talking about."

Ah Liang snorted coldly, you are so stupid, of course you can't understand Bird Master's words.

Lu Qingfeng's eyes darkened, and he continued to say calmly, "Did you make an appointment with Niannian to see Ah Liang off at this time?"

Li Dongxing shook his head, "I borrowed Ah Liang to do something, let him help me."

Lu Qingfeng's eyes flickered slightly, but he didn't speak.

The two arrived at Guan Ping's house.

Zhou Niannian was taken aback when he saw Li Dongxing coming to her, and when he saw Lu Qingfeng next to Li Dongxing, he frowned subconsciously.

How could these two people get together, and isn't Lu Qingfeng fighting with himself?

"Niannian, Comrade Li came to look for you, I brought him here." Seeing that Zhou Niannian glanced at him but did not speak, Lu Qingfeng spoke immediately.

Zhou Niannian nodded lightly, then made a gesture of invitation, and said with a smile, "Brother Li, come in and talk."

Guan Ping was on his lunch break. He was old and had a light sleeper. Zhou Niannian was afraid that they would wake Guan Ping up, so he signaled them to take it easy.

But when Ah Liang came in, she jumped on Zhou Niannian's shoulder and chattered about what happened today.

In the end, I don’t want to sum up, “I don’t want to go to that place again, the smell inside makes me very uncomfortable, and the person called the boss doesn’t like birds and animals, and ordered that anyone who sees birds and animals will be killed.”

Zhou Niannian listened to it quietly, and couldn't help giving Ah Liang a blank look, "Aren't you quite capable? Why are there people you are afraid of?"

Ah Liang snorted coldly, a little unconvinced but seemed to be really afraid of that place, and finally said nothing.

Li Dongxing was watching the interaction between her and Ah Liang, and couldn't help asking Lu Qingfeng curiously: "Can she really understand what Ah Liang is saying?"

Lu Qingfeng's eyes flickered slightly, and a sharp streak flashed in his black eyes.

He never thought that Zhou Niannian would tell Li Dongxing all this.

"It's probably because she has been raised for a long time, and Ah Liang is very spiritual, so she understands a little bit." He said lightly.

Zhou Niannian felt a little depressed after hearing what Ah Liang said.

She simply sorted out the information about the house described by Ah Liang on paper, and handed it to Li Dongxing.

"Ah Liang said that Bai Yongsheng entered such a house, and there was a man inside who they called the boss. That man said that Bai Yongsheng should go to the south to avoid the limelight."

Li Dongxing looked at Zhou Niannian in shock, and after a while his eyes fell on Ah Liang again, finally accepting the fact that one person and one bird can communicate, before taking the paper.

Lu Qingfeng next to him frowned slightly, but he never asked any questions.

Li Dongxing looked at the content on the paper, "There is not enough criminal evidence now, I will focus on them in the near future, and once I find something, I can apply to the institute to set up a special investigation team."

After finishing speaking, he stood up impatiently, "I'm going back to the office first."

Zhou Niannian got up to send him downstairs, watching Li Dongxing walk away, she turned around and saw Lu Qingfeng standing behind her, looking at her eagerly.

"Yo, why didn't you say that I'm irrational today, didn't you say that I was too reckless?" She folded her hands and looked at him with a sneer.

Lu Qingfeng stepped forward and hugged her into his arms, put his head on her shoulder, and said in a low voice: "Nian Nian, let's not quarrel, okay?"

Zhou Niannian rolled her eyes: "I didn't intend to quarrel with you, but you insisted on arguing with me, saying that I am irrational, that I am too reckless."

"Then you still say that I made trouble for no reason." Lu Qingfeng's voice was full of grievances.

Zhou Niannian snorted coldly: "You lost your temper at me for no reason, isn't it just making trouble for no reason?"

Lu Qingfeng hugged her even tighter, "I just saw that you asked Li Dongxing for help with something, but you didn't tell me. I would lose my temper when I was angry, jealous, or jealous."

"I was wrong, Nian Nian, can you forgive me?"

His hoarse voice was full of heat and pleading, "I figured it out. I lost my temper with you because I cared too much about you. I was afraid that you would be in danger, and I was afraid that you would trust others more than you. trust me."

Zhou Niannian's heart suddenly softened.

After thinking about it, I pushed him away, looked at him solemnly and said, "Lu Qingfeng, I'm not the kind of girl who depends on others. I think that two people who love each other should be equal and trust each other."

"It's true that I didn't think carefully about going to Li Dongxing for help, but I didn't want to hide it from you. I only asked Li Dongxing because he is a policeman and it is easier to do things."

"If I'm not sure about my skills, I won't do this kind of thing. I know you are worried about me, but I also hope you believe me."

"I can't just be a dodder under your wings to be protected."

Seeing her frank and serious expression, Lu Qingfeng was stunned for a moment, the corners of his mouth curled up, "Well, my Nian Nian has grown up, I will try to change my mind .”

(End of this chapter)

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