Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 369 The Most Beautiful Time

Chapter 369 The Most Beautiful Time
Hearing what Lu Qingfeng said, Zhou Niannian's expression eased a lot, "I also made mistakes in this matter, and I will discuss with you more in the future."

The corner of Lu Qingfeng's mouth curled up, "Are we two criticizing and self-criticizing?"

Zhou Niannian couldn't help but laugh too.

A quarrel and cold war storm dissipated in this way.

"Come back to my house for dinner tonight. You haven't been to my house for a week. My parents miss you." Lu Qingfeng took Zhou Niannian's hand.

Zhou Niannian gave him a meaningful look, "Only Uncle Lu, does Aunt Lu miss me?"

Lu Qingfeng's eyes deepened, and he stared at her with burning eyes, "Of course there is me."

Zhou Niannian felt a little uncomfortable under his burning gaze, shook off his hand, turned and went upstairs, "Wait for me to tell the teacher."

Lu Qingfeng watched her slender back disappear on the stairs, couldn't help but curl up his mouth, put his hands in his pockets, and followed her upstairs slowly.

Guan Ping has already woken up. Hearing that Zhou Niannian is going to Lu's house, he looked at her jokingly: "Are you reconciled?"

Zhou Niannian was embarrassed, "Teacher, do you know that we had a fight?"

She obviously didn't mention it before Guan Ping.

Guan Ping glanced at Lu Qingfeng who was standing at the door, and said pointedly: "You didn't say anything, but you have been out of your mind these past few days, and you haven't seen that kid come to you. It's clearly a quarrel."

"If you want me to say that you are a kid who dares to wrong you before you are married, we don't want it."

Lu Qingfeng stood at the door, touched his nose, and said honestly: "Teacher, I already know I was wrong, and I sincerely apologize to Niannian."

"If you apologize, you have to forgive me. If you want me to say, you have to investigate for a year or so before talking about the marriage." Guan Ping sneered, "If apologizing is useful, why are there so many resentful couples in the world?"

After being scolded, Lu Qingfeng didn't dare to complain, "Teacher, I won't say nice things anymore, you can watch how I treat Nian Nian in the future."

Guan Ping snorted and waved his hands, "Didn't you say you want to go home? What are you doing here? Be my door god?"

Zhou Niannian waved his hand with a smile, and pulled Lu Qingfeng away.

"See, if you dare to bully me again in the future, some people will decide for me. This time my dad doesn't know, but if my dad finds out, you will be even worse." She proudly raised her chin and looked at Lu Qingfeng.

Lu Qingfeng acted in a state of panic, "I won't dare to do it again, my lord princess, please forgive me."

Zhou Niannian proudly raised her head, seeing that it was dark outside and there were few people on the road, she rolled her eyes and jumped on Lu Qingfeng's back, "Bring me home, and the princess will forgive you."

Feeling the weight on his back, Lu Qingfeng's eyes darkened, and he raised his hand to support Zhou Niannian, feeling that his heart, which had been depressed and irritable for a week, suddenly became at ease.

His father was right, there is nothing shameful in apologizing and coaxing the woman he loves.

Lu Qingfeng even regretted that he hadn't apologized earlier, and that he had suffered this week in vain.

Now that Zhou Niannian is on his back, listening to her talking with a smile on her face, Lu Qingfeng only feels that the most beautiful time is just like this.

When Yang Shutong saw the two came back holding hands, she knew they were reconciled, and greeted Zhou Niannian with a smile, "Auntie asked Auntie to cook your favorite braised pork ribs today, you go upstairs first, I will call you when the meal is ready."

As soon as the two went upstairs, Yang Shutong couldn't wait to enter the room to share the good news with Lu Wenhan, "Did you persuade your son?"

Lu Wenhan smiled without saying a word.

Yang Shutong patted him on the shoulder in satisfaction, "Old Comrade Lu has taught you well. In the future, you must let your son have a better memory. Don't just reason with women when you have nothing to do. Keep a good education."

Lu Wenhan chuckled, "I didn't educate him, I just shared my tragic experience with him."

Yang Shutong rolled his eyes at him, "Spoof."

As soon as he went upstairs, Lu Qingfeng pulled Zhou Niannian into his room, and as soon as the door closed, he couldn't wait to press Zhou Niannian against the door.

After a long time, Zhou Niannian pushed him away and couldn't help kicking him, "You can't control yourself, my mouth is swollen, how will I meet people later?"

She sat on the bed angrily, raised her hand to touch her burning lips, and couldn't help but gasped.

This guy Lu Qingfeng was like a beast just now, he was willing to suck and bite desperately, causing a layer of skin torn off her.

Lu Qingfeng rubbed his nose, stepped forward and hugged her, "I miss you so much, I haven't seen you for a week, I have to ask for some benefits for myself, right?"

"Fufu!" Zhou Niannian pushed him away cautiously, moved to the side, and put a certain distance away from him.

Lu Qingfeng squinted his eyes, a little displeased with the vigilance on her face, and threw her down decisively.

Zhou Niannian's eyes suddenly widened, no wonder Lu Qingfeng invited him to Lu's house for dinner so enthusiastically, this guy planned it in advance.

"Wait, I have something to tell you." Before his mouth fell, Zhou Niannian decisively raised his hand to block it.

Lu Qingfeng couldn't help biting her palm, and smiled lowly: "I want to communicate with you too."

Zhou Niannian stared at him warily, apparently not believing that what he said meant normal verbal communication.

"Really, what I'm talking about is serious business," Zhou Niannian quickly told about his discovery of Bai Yongsheng for his own sake.

She didn't talk about her rebirth, she only talked about a series of things when she met Bai Yongsheng on the train.

As soon as Lu Qingfeng heard it, no matter how many charming thoughts there were in his mind, they immediately dissipated.

He lay down beside him dejectedly, and after Zhou Niannian finished the matter, he said, "So you lent Ah Liang to Li Dongxing to help him do the reconnaissance?"

Zhou Niannian nodded.

Lu Qingfeng sat up and looked at Zhou Niannian with heavy eyes, "Niannian, why are you so sure that Bai Yongsheng must be a human trafficker?"

Zhou Niannian frowned slightly, "When I was in the provincial capital, I asked Ah Liang to follow them, and Ah Liang clearly heard Bai Yongsheng discussing these things with his people."

"Don't you believe me?"

It's inconvenient for her to say too much about Ah Liang's ability to Li Dongxing, but there is no need to cover it up in front of Lu Qingfeng.

Lu Qingfeng shook his head, "Of course I trust you, but do you trust Li Dongxing that much? You trust Li Dongxing so much that you don't hesitate to show him your ability to communicate with Ah Liang?"

"Li Dongxing is a policeman. Do you know what it means to let the police know that you have such abilities?"

Zhou Niannian's expression froze, and he understood what Lu Qingfeng meant.

He was afraid that Li Dongxing would spread the matter and cause unnecessary trouble.

After all, birds have supernatural powers, and it sounds weird that humans and birds can communicate. If it attracts the attention of some special organizations, it will be troublesome.

After she knew the relationship between Bai Yongsheng and Bai Yuqing, she was eager to know whether Bai Yuqing had ordered Bai Yongsheng to kidnap her in her previous life, so she lent Ah Liang to Li Dongxing without much thought.

It seems a bit reckless now.

(End of this chapter)

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