Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 370 The Awkward Zhou Changan

Chapter 370 The Awkward Zhou Changan
After changing her name, Bai Yuqing looked much calmer, her speech was still soft, but she didn't cry like before.

Both Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu felt relieved, and began to allow Bai Yuqing to go out.

New Year's Day was coming soon, Chen Shangde came to invite Bai Yuqing to go out to watch a movie, Zhou's parents agreed.

Lu Qingfeng also prepared movie tickets, and agreed with Zhou Niannian to go to the movies.

Zhou Niannian thought about it, asked Lu Qingfeng to buy a few more tickets, and called Qi Jiayan, Yue Xiaomeng, Zhou Changan and Li Chengyu to watch it together.

Yue Xiaomeng and Li Chengyu had just been together, when they were sweet, they readily agreed.

So the three pairs of men and women went to eat together first, and prepared to go to the movies after dinner.

Qi Jiayan looked at Zhou Changan who was sitting opposite, and whispered to Zhou Niannian feeling uncomfortable, "If I had known he was coming, I wouldn't have come."

Ever since Zhou Changan forced (kissed) Qi Jiayan, and deliberately made a fuss about it in front of everyone in the medical department, Qi Jiayan was very angry when she saw Zhou Changan.

That matter has been discussed for a long time, and it is rumored that Qi Jiayan and a student from the Mechanical Department are not clear about it.

There were a few Qi Jiayan in the medical department who had a good impression, but the boys who were going to pursue Qi Jiayan all backed out.

"What are you talking about? If I knew you were coming, I wouldn't come." Zhou Changan on the opposite side tapped Qi Jiayan's bowl with chopsticks, "If you have something to say, just say it openly, don't be sneaky."

Qi Jiayan raised her eyes and stared over, "You know we're whispering and you're still eavesdropping, don't you want to be ashamed?"

"I didn't eavesdrop. It's because of your loud voice that the sound of your words drifted into my ears. Do you still blame me?" Zhou Changan snorted coldly.

"You have a loud voice, and your whole family has a loud voice." Qi Jiayan was so angry that she wanted to poke him with the chopsticks in her hand.

Zhou Niannian couldn't help covering her face, reached out and took the chopsticks from Qi Jiayan's hand, and threw them to Zhou Changan.

"Second Brother, if you don't want me to go home and complain to Mom, you can be honest with me tonight." Zhou Niannian stared at Zhou Chang'an warningly, "If you bully Jiayan again, I will let Qingfeng beat you up."

Zhou Changan looked at Zhou Niannian with an aggrieved face, "You little girl, don't forget who is your second brother."

"Now that I have someone to back me up, even my second brother dares to threaten me."

Lu Qingfeng, who was in charge of supporting him, chuckled, and gave Zhou Changan a piece of meat, "Second brother, how about eating quietly?"

Zhou Changan was so frightened by the sound of the second brother that his chopsticks almost fell to the ground.

"Don't call me second brother, what's your plan, tell me!"

Lu Qingfeng smiled innocently, "You are Nian Nian's second brother, shouldn't I be called second brother?"

"I've never seen you call so attentive before." Zhou Chang'an muttered, lowering his head and eating in a muffled voice.

The scene finally calmed down, and Zhou Niannian smiled and gave Lu Qingfeng a look of approval.

After dinner, the six of them walked to the cinema together, and Yue Xiaomeng and Li Chengyu had endless conversations along the way.

Qi Jiayan and Zhou Changan hated each other, so Zhou Niannian had to drag Qi Jiayan to the front.

Lu Qingfeng and Zhou Chang'an were behind, and said in a low voice: "You are a man after all, can you control your temper, why are you arguing with a woman every day, it seems that you have no manners."

Zhou Changan stared angrily, "I don't know what's wrong with me, but when I heard this woman talking, I felt very angry."

"The two of us must have clashed in previous lives."

Qi Jiayan, who was walking in front, heard this, and couldn't help but turned her head and retorted, "Maybe you committed too many crimes in your previous life and harmed me, so I'm here to take revenge on you in this life."

"Why don't you say that you committed too many crimes and harmed me?"

It started again, Zhou Niannian looked at Lu Qingfeng helplessly, regretting that he shouldn't have let these two get together.

"Comrade Xiao Zhou, Comrade Qi!" A hesitant voice suddenly came from behind.

Zhou Niannian turned her head and saw a tall and thin figure standing across the road, wearing a gray cotton coat, waving at them with a smile on her face, and then striding over.

"Officer Yang!" Zhou Niannian blinked, and recognized that it was Yang Jiarui who hadn't seen him for a long time.

Yang Jiarui went to the National Defense University. When they came to Kyoto together, a year later, they met for the first time.

Qi Jiayan was also very happy to see Yang Jiarui, "It's not appropriate to be called Officer Yang now, it should be classmate Yang. It's been a long time."

"Then I can't call you comrades either," Yang Jiarui smiled, "We're all about the same age, just call each other by first name."

After finishing speaking, he waved to Lu Qingfeng again, "Comrade Lu, I haven't seen you for a long time, but I still look the same."

Lu Qingfeng shook hands with him and greeted, "We are going to watch a movie, are you going to watch a movie too?"

"That's such a coincidence. I also came to watch the movie. I had an appointment with a classmate, but he couldn't come due to something." Yang Jiarui smiled and shook the two tickets in his hand.

Qi Jiayan sharp-eyed saw that the ticket in his hand was the same as the one in her hand, and said hastily: "That's just right, let's sit together later, so as not to sit with some people, I'm so disgusted that I can't even watch the movie." can not watch anymore."

Her seat was originally adjacent to Zhou Changan.

Zhou Changan's face turned dark immediately, and just as he was about to say something, he saw Qi Jiayan pulling Yang Jiarui forward, "It's time to check the ticket and enter the factory, let's go, let's go."

Looking at Qi Jiayan's hand holding Yang Jiarui's arm, Zhou Chang'an felt that it was extremely dazzling, and couldn't help muttering: "It's just jogging on the street, what does it look like?"

"Nian Nian, who is that man? Why is this woman so unsuspecting, she dares to walk with anyone in the middle of the night?"

Zhou Niannian laughed, and shook the watch on his wrist, "Second brother, you may have misunderstood the time, it's not even seven o'clock now, why is it midnight?"

"Don't worry, that's a policeman we met in Zezhou before. He's a good guy. After watching the movie, he will send Jiayan back. It's getting late, so let's go in quickly."

After all, he pulled Lu Qingfeng and walked towards the ticket gate.

Zhou Chang'an was left standing there, frowning and kicking the stones under his feet in dissatisfaction, before following in.

Movies started soon. There were not many entertainment methods in this era. Watching movies is people's favorite way of leisure and entertainment, so the movie theaters are full of seats.

Zhou Changan didn't pay attention to what the movie was playing.

His eyes swept forward subconsciously, and saw Qi Jiayan in front of him on the left, two rows of seats away from him.

Qi Jiayan and Yang Jiarui sat next to each other, watching the movie engrossed, occasionally turning their heads to exchange a few words.

Zhou Changan looked at the two heads that were very close together, and felt that it was extremely dazzling, and couldn't help curling his lips and muttering: "It's not good to watch a movie, what are you talking about!"

 I saw the monthly tickets that everyone voted for, cute little ones!

(End of this chapter)

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