Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 371 I Want To Try

Chapter 371 I Want To Try
Zhou Niannian hesitated for a moment and looked at Lu Qingfeng, "I didn't reveal too much, I just said that Ah Liang has a bit of spirituality, and I have a spiritual connection with it, and Brother Li doesn't seem to believe it."

"Should he not spread this matter?"

Zhou Niannian felt that Li Dongxing was not that kind of person.

A man who can keep his wife dead for five years without marrying and still educate his children so well shows that he is a man who values ​​love and righteousness.

Lu Qingfeng was noncommittal about this, he didn't have much contact with Li Dongxing, and he didn't fully understand Li Dongxing's personality.

"I'll go talk to him tomorrow."

Zhou Niannian nodded silently.

"Nian Nian, if Bai Yongsheng is really a human trafficker, and there is a powerful organization behind it, then we cannot solve this matter alone, we must rely on the power of the police. I hope you can remember this."

"In addition, Bai Yongsheng recognized you, and he might target you. You must be careful during this time, and it's best not to leave my side."

Lu Qingfeng pulled Zhou Niannian and told him to do so solemnly.

Zhou Niannian knew that this matter was no small matter, Lu Qingfeng was afraid that he would act recklessly like last time, so he quickly promised: "Don't worry, I'll be reasonable."

The next day, Lu Qingfeng had no class in the afternoon, so he went to find Li Dongxing.

Li Dongxing understood his reason for coming, he was silent for a moment, and smiled, "I didn't find anything, Comrade Zhou just raised a very intelligent bird, and it didn't help me at all."

Lu Qingfeng stared at him for a while, the corner of his mouth curled up, "Nian Nian said that you are a big brother who values ​​love and righteousness, and you are right, Brother Li, thank you."

Li Dongxing looked at his outstretched palm, reached out and shook it, and said in a low voice: "She is a kind and enthusiastic girl, and I don't want her to be in danger."

Lu Qingfeng's eyes were dark, and he smiled and said, "With a big brother like you protecting her, she will be safe."

Li Dongxing's eyes seemed to dim for a moment, and then he squeezed Lu Qingfeng's hand tightly, "Well, since you recognize me as a big brother, the big brother will naturally protect her with all his strength."

Solving the hidden worries in his heart, and successfully turning an invisible rival into a big brother, Lu Qingfeng's whole body revealed a sense of relief.

When he returned to the dormitory, seeing his happy face, Li Chengyu couldn't help but move closer to him and walked around him, "Tsk tsk, looking at this happy face, I must have reconciled with my sister-in-law."

Lu Qingfeng gave him a self-experienced wink.

Li Chengyu made a heart-holding state, "Oh, I'm so envious, when will I be able to fall in love."

Lu Qingfeng squinted at the playful Li Chengyu, "If you want love and affection, go after him, you are too old, and Chang An is about to be forced into something by Aunt Zhou. Could it be that Uncle Li and Aunt Li didn't force you?"

Li Chengyu chuckled, "My dad is so busy, I can only see him once in ten days and a half months, how can I care about me, my mother wants to care, but she has to wait until she sees me."

Li Chengyu's father is in the transportation department, and he is very busy on weekdays, so he has no time to take care of Li Chengyu.

This is also the reason why Li Chengyu can be at ease until now.

"But I think Yue Xiaomeng in the sister-in-law's dormitory is pretty good. What do you think of me going after him?" Li Chengyu suddenly remembered something, and sat up straight with great interest.

"Are you serious?" Lu Qingfeng narrowed his eyes and looked at him, "Yue Xiaomeng is a good friend of Nian Nian, if you are not serious, then don't tease him, lest Nian Nian will fix you in the future."

Li Chengyu nodded solemnly, "Didn't you say that I am not too young, then I will seriously find a partner, so that my love knowledge will not be useless."

Li Chengyu did what he said, and started meeting Yue Xiaomeng in various ways the next day in the cafeteria, library, and public classes.

Eat together, read together, go to a garden together
On this day, Yue Xiaomeng returned to the dormitory, hugging the pillow in a daze.

Zhou Niannian looked at her for a long time, couldn't help shaking her hand in front of her, but found that Yue Xiaomeng was smiling foolishly with misty eyes, and didn't notice her hand at all.

Zhou Niannian looked at her with his chin in his hand for a moment, and couldn't help leaning into her ear and asking, "Did Li Chengyu confess?"

"Who, who said that?" Yue Xiaomeng jumped up from the bed, hit the top of the upper bunk with a bang, and fell onto the bed clutching his forehead with a ouch.

Zhou Niannian was taken aback, and quickly pulled her hand away, "Let me see how it went. If I had known earlier, I wouldn't scare you."

Yue Xiaomeng put down his hands, looked at her with sparkling eyes, and looked at her like a young girl thinking (chun), "What should I do? Li Chengyu said that he wants to have sex with me, Nian Nian, what should I do?"

Zhou Niannian raised his eyebrows, Li Chengyu is so fast?
Lu Qingfeng mentioned to her before that Li Chengyu had some kind of interest in Yue Xiaomeng, but he didn't expect to confess his love to Yue Xiaomeng after more than half a month.

"What do you think?" Seeing that Yue Xiaomeng's forehead was only a little red and not swollen, she asked Yue Xiaomeng calmly.

Yue Xiaomeng blushed, and couldn't help wringing her fingers, as if she was a little nervous.

"If you think he's pretty good, you can look around with him first," Zhou Niannian said, "But Li Chengyu has a childish personality and has no definite personality. You should observe more time."

Yue Xiaomeng lowered her head and twisted her fingers for a long time, then whispered, "I think he's pretty good, that's just that his family's conditions are so good, my family is a poor peasant, I'm afraid his family will look down on me."

These days, all the partners are rushing to get married, so it's not surprising that Yue Xiaomeng will consider the family situation.

Zhou Niannian thought for a while, Li Chengyu's father is a very kind person, but his mother is a bit harsh and likes to find fault with others, so he is not an easy person to get along with.

There are two older sisters above Li Chengyu, but they are both married.

She briefly introduced the situation of Li Chengyu's family, "You have to make up your own mind about this matter. If you agree to be with Li Chengyu, if he dares to bully you, I will be the first to spare him."

Yue Xiaomeng was amused by her, the two girls lay on the bed laughing for a while, Yue Xiaomeng couldn't help holding her arm, and whispered: "I, I want to try."

Seeing her flushed face, Zhou Niannian knew in her heart that she should be tempted by Li Chengyu.

She secretly made up her mind to talk to Li Chengyu and warn him in advance that he must not bully Yue Xiaomeng.

Entering the end of December, the footsteps of [-] are getting closer, and many things are changing.

Bai Yuqing followed Zhou Hongshan to study at home honestly for two months. Zhou Hongshan saw that she was more at ease, so he chose one day to transfer Bai Yuqing's household registration to the Zhou family's household registration book and changed her name to Zhou Yuqing.

The Zhou family's recognition of their biological daughter did not make much publicity, nor did they hold a banquet to introduce Bai Yuqing as Li Xiangxiu planned at the beginning. In short, everything passed in a low-key manner.

 Depressed, when I released it today, I misread the order of the chapters again. I forgot that I modified some of the content last night, so I sent the chapters in the wrong order again
(End of this chapter)

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