Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 372 Give Me Time

Chapter 372 Give Me Time

The movie theater was suddenly quiet for a moment, and the people in the front row turned their heads one after another. Only then did Zhou Changan realize that he had said the words just now very loudly.

Facing Qi Jiayan's probing gaze, Zhou Chang'an felt his face turn hot, and immediately sat up straight, staring at the movie screen with all his attention, as if I wasn't talking just now.

Zhou Niannian had just entered the plot of the movie when he heard his brother Er Que yell suddenly, and covered his face in a bit of a breakdown.

Who will save this child.

Lu Qingfeng smiled lowly: "I told you a long time ago that your second brother Qi Jiayan has a different mind."

Zhou Niannian still didn't believe it, as her second brother choked up when he saw Qi Jiayan, she really didn't see that he was interested in Qi Jiayan.

It is estimated that her second brother himself would not believe this, and I really don't know where Lu Qingfeng saw it.

Lu Qingfeng squeezed her hand and said in a low voice, "Trust me, my intuition is very accurate."

Zhou Niannian hehe, "Let's watch a movie."

As far as his second brother's attitude towards Qi Jiayan is concerned, even if he is really interested in Qi Jiayan, Qi Jiayan will not agree to him.

Who would believe that a person who quarrels with him every day likes him.

Halfway through the movie, Zhou Niannian suddenly heard a familiar voice from his left front.

"Yuqing, after the movie is over, let's go shopping for a while before going back."

Zhou Niannian turned her head to look over, and found that Chen Shangde and Bai Yuqing were sitting in front of her left.

She couldn't help rubbing her forehead, this world is really small, did the people around her gather in the cinema today?
Bai Yuqing stayed at Zhou's house for two months and didn't come out. She finally came out today, so she naturally didn't want to go back so early.

Zhou Niannian and the others definitely won't go back early, if they go back late, Zhou Hongshan probably won't criticize her, thinking this way, Bai Yuqing nodded.

Chen Shangde was overjoyed, and pushed up his glasses nervously, "Great, Yuqing, I have been looking for you for the past two months, but you never come out, I thought you didn't want to associate with me."

"How could it be?" Bai Yuqing smiled softly, her fair face was flawless under the light of the movie screen, and Chen Shangde's heart was beating wildly.

"I just returned to Zhou's house. My parents are inevitably stricter with me. They don't want me to come out. How can you think that I don't want to associate with you?"

Chen Shangde smiled blankly, "Well, I know now, then...then I can still play with you in the future, right?"

Bai Yuqing thought for a while, "As long as you don't go far away and stay near home, it should be fine. Both our parents know each other, so my dad shouldn't object."

Chen Shangde nodded happily, "Then I will ask my mother to invite you to play at home. My mother is very happy for you when she heard that your household registration has fallen into the Zhou family. She said that she invited you to play at home to celebrate for you." Woolen cloth."

Bai Yuqing smiled, but did not speak.

Later on, Zhou Niannian no longer wanted to watch a movie.

Looking at Chen Shangde's appearance, I'm afraid he has been so fascinated by Bai Yuqing that he doesn't know the north, south, east, and west.

The movie ended, Yang Jiarui offered to send Qi Jiayan back to school, Qi Jiayan and Zhou Niannian said hello, and they left together.

Zhou Changan kept a dark face, put his hands in his pockets, and said: "Tell Mom, I will go back to school tonight."

As soon as the voice fell, the person had already strode away.

Zhou Niannian looked around the cinema, Yue Xiaomeng and Li Chengyu didn't know where to go to get bored.

Bai Yuqing and Chen Shangde, who were sitting in the front left just now, also disappeared, and they must have found another place to play.

"It's still early, let's walk home slowly." Lu Qingfeng took Zhou Niannian's hand and walked outside the cinema.

Tomorrow will usher in a new year, and the streets are full of festive atmosphere, and the street lamps are tied with ribbons, making the streets illuminated a little more charming.

There was a faint sound of firecrackers in the distance, and fireworks flashed in the sky from time to time.

Zhou Niannian took Lu Qingfeng's arm and walked in the direction of the compound unhurriedly.

"You were absent-minded just now, what were you thinking?" Lu Qingfeng glanced at the silent Zhou Niannian.

Zhou Niannian sighed and talked about Chen Shangde and Bai Yuqing.

"Speaking of which, Chen Shangde also grew up with us. Seriously, Bai Yuqing is really not his good match. Could it be that we really just watched him fall into it?"

Lu Qingfeng was silent for a moment, then suddenly turned his head and looked at Zhou Niannian deeply, "Niannian, you seem to have always been very aware of Bai Yuqing's personality, and you have always been on high alert against her."

"You have been working together in Zezhou for less than a year, why are you so sure of her character?"

Zhou Niannian frowned, and looked at Lu Qingfeng displeased, "You don't believe me?"

Lu Qingfeng pinched her nose amusedly, "It's not that I don't believe you, but I'm just curious, look at your hedgehog-like appearance."

Seeing the helplessness on Lu Qingfeng's face, Zhou Niannian was a little embarrassed, feeling that he was a little too sensitive.

She didn't know how to explain the rebirth to Lu Qingfeng. If there were no such things in her previous life, she might not be able to see Bai Yuqing's true face at all if she only got along with her for less than a year.

The rebirth was too bizarre, like a dream, plus what Ah Liang said about the Nine Heavens, she herself found it unbelievable, so she didn't know how to explain it.

Seeing her strange expression, Lu Qingfeng rubbed her hair, "Forget it, if it's hard to say, don't say it, I believe you."

"Shang De, I will find time to talk to him."

"But you have to be mentally prepared for Niannian. Emotional matters cannot be controlled by reason. As friends, we can only give advice to Shangtech, but we cannot influence his decision."

Zhou Niannian nodded, "I understand what you mean."

After a pause, she couldn't help hugging Lu Qingfeng's arm, and murmured: "I don't know how to say some things now, but one day I will definitely tell you, give me some time."

Lu Qingfeng bowed his head and pecked her, and said softly, "Okay, I'll wait for you."

Suddenly, fireworks exploded in the sky, colorful, illuminating the entire sky.

Looking up at the scattered fireworks, Zhou Niannian couldn't help laughing, "Do you remember that we watched fireworks together in Nancheng two years ago, and it was also around New Year's Day."

"Time flies so fast, it's been two years in a flash."

It was at that time that she faced up to the matter of marrying Lu Qingfeng for the first time.

Looking at her bright smiling face under the fireworks, Lu Qingfeng couldn't help but lower his head and stamped it, "We will have countless two years in the future."

Zhou Niannian looked into his focused eyes, smiled, and gently closed them.

Under the colorful night sky, two figures cuddle up to each other, charming and full of tenderness.

(End of this chapter)

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