Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 373 Changes

Chapter 373 Changes
In [-], many policies have changed.

The policy that has changed the most is that the state allows self-employment, instead of cracking down on speculation as before.

Zhou Niannian went to Lu Qingfeng as soon as he got the news, "Now that the policy has changed, do you have any ideas?"

Lu Qingfeng was holding two pieces of paper in his hand. Hearing Zhou Niannian's words, he raised his eyebrows and handed the paper to Zhou Niannian.

It was two registration forms from the industrial and commercial department, the above contents were blank and hadn't been filled in yet.

Zhou Niannian raised her eyebrows in surprise, "It seems that you have already thought about it, what are you going to do?"

Lu Qingfeng held Zhou Niannian in his arms and stroked her hair, "I've been tossing around in the past two years, and I've been to the south a few times. I think there are more styles of clothes in Guangzhou and Wenzhou. I want to do a clothing test first. try."

"what do you think?"

Zhou Niannian thought about it, the clothing business was indeed the most profitable in the early 80s, but with the development of the market economy, more and more people have seen the benefits of the clothing industry, and more and more people are doing clothing business.

"It's no problem to do this, but after a long time, I'm afraid many people will choose the clothing industry. Are you planning to do this for a long time?"

Lu Qingfeng shook his head, "Of course not, I will do this first to measure the market, accumulate contacts and funds, and then I have to think about what to do next."

"Actually, I'm more interested in jewelry, but this line of business requires not only strong capital, but also deep professional knowledge. I think the current enthusiasm is not enough. Let's try making clothes first."

Zhou Niannian saw the radiant expression on his brows, and knew that he had already made up his mind, so she didn't say much.

Lu Qingfeng and Li Chengyu soon rented a storefront in a busy neighborhood in the city and opened a clothing store together with Li Chengyu.

When the clothing store was being renovated, Lu Qingfeng and Li Chengyu went to Guangzhou to buy goods.

It was not only Lu Qingfeng who was affected by the policy, Cao Haiyun also moved his mind and came to Zhou Niannian for advice.

Zhou Niannian thinks that Cao Haiyun is a very pragmatic person, she is a woman with a child, if she doesn't want to earn money, life for her and her child will indeed be a bit difficult in the future.

Zhou Niannian helped her with an idea, asking her to discuss with the school's logistics department, asking her to rent a booth in the cafeteria to sell snacks, so that it would not delay her class, and it would be convenient for her to take care of the children.

The most important thing is that there are many students in the school, so she doesn't have to worry about the source of customers.

"When you have accumulated more capital, you can go out and open a store in the future."

Cao Haiyun pondered for a while, and the more he thought about it, the more excited he became, "I have learned to make a lot of snacks in the past few years since I went to the countryside. I can sell steamed stuffed buns, cold noodles, rice noodles and so on."

"Nian Nian, it really is your brain that turns fast."

She happily thanked Zhou Niannian and went back to prepare to go.

Considering Cao Haiyun's special situation, the school leaders agreed to her application and asked her to set up a booth in the corner of the cafeteria.

Cao Haiyun initially planned to sell two kinds of rice noodles and fried noodles, and then added other varieties after the business was established.

The rice noodles and fried noodles she made taste delicious, much better than the big pot rice in the cafeteria, and the price is not expensive.

Two days before the opening, Zhou Niannian took her classmates to hold the show for two days. Seeing that her business was booming, she stopped going there.

It's almost the final exam, and she has to concentrate on preparing for the final exam.

Guan Ping recently assigned her a lot of homework, requiring her to complete it before the final exam.

When assigning homework to her, Guan Ping said with a smile: "Nian Nian, read all the books assigned by the teacher. You have already studied two-thirds of the legal professional books, and the rest is social practice. .”

"Next semester, the teacher will find an opportunity to arrange social practice for you. According to your practice situation, you can apply to the school for early graduation at that time."

Graduating early?Zhou Niannian was stunned.

Guan Ping took off his reading glasses and wiped them, and teased her with a smile, "What? Never thought I could graduate early?"

Zhou Niannian nodded honestly, she really hadn't thought about it.

"I always feel that I still have a lot of shortcomings in my major. Teacher, can I really graduate early?"

Seeing her hesitation, Guan Ping couldn't help laughing, "Of course, you are a student I taught. You have learned the professional courses very steadily. What you lack now is the part of practice and experience. Don't worry, the teacher will help you. Make up."

Zhou Niannian couldn't help but feel a little excited.

It would be great if she could graduate early.

With this goal in mind, Zhou Niannian has been working very hard recently. Apart from attending classes, she spends most of her time in the library, occasionally going out with Yue Xiaomeng to see the progress of Lu Qingfeng's clothing store renovation.

On this day, Li Dongxing came to the school to look for her.

Zhou Niannian was a little surprised, so she went with him to a secluded place in the garden to talk.

"You said you were transferred to the Municipal Bureau of Investigation?" Zhou Niannian asked Li Dongxing in surprise, "Then congratulations, Brother Li, you have been promoted."

Transferred from the Tianqiao Investigation Office to the Municipal Investigation Bureau, it is naturally regarded as a high promotion.

Li Dongxing couldn't help laughing, "Speaking of which, I can be transferred to the Municipal Investigation Bureau, and I must thank you very much."

"Me?" Zhou Niannian looked surprised, "What does this have to do with me?"

Li Dongxing explained: "I haven't been in Beijing for long, and the first case I solved was the child abducted by a juggling troupe. If it wasn't for your help, none of us would have thought that the juggling troupe would be a den of human traffickers."

"The reason for the transfer this time is mainly because of Bai Yongsheng."

Speaking of this, he sighed, "I went to the den that Ah Liang followed before, but it was empty and there was no trace of it."

"According to the reactions of the people around, it is said that the people who lived there only moved in a month ago, and they rarely come out and walk around on weekdays, and they don't know what they do."

"There is also that Bai Yongsheng, who has already gone south by train."

"Our office reported this matter to the higher-ups, and the higher-ups attached great importance to it, so they transferred me to the Municipal Bureau to take charge of this anti-trafficking case."

Zhou Niannian frowned, such a hasty transfer is enough to show that those people are indeed ghosts, but the transfer is so fast, it also shows that the strength of the person called the boss is really not to be underestimated.

At least he has more than one hiding place in Kyoto, which is probably one of the reasons why the Bureau of Investigation will attach importance to this case.

"The boss's clues have been cut off for the time being. I will go to the south to follow up with Bai Yongsheng. If you notice other news in Beijing, or Ah Liang has tracked down some news, you can go to my colleague Wang Bin."

Li Dongxing gave Zhou Niannian a piece of paper with Wang Bin's name and a landline number written on it.

She nodded and wrote it down, and asked Li Dongxing: "If you are on a business trip, what will Yingjie do?"

"I have already written to ask his grandma to come and take care of him." Li Dongxing hesitated for a moment before whispering, "If possible, please go and see him too. Although Yingjie has only met you once, he likes you very much." .”

Zhou Niannian responded with a smile, seeing Li Dongxing standing up to leave, she followed him to see him off.

The two turned out of the garden and met two people head-on.

(End of this chapter)

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