Chapter 374

Chen Shang held Bai Yuqing's hand and was about to enter the garden when he saw Zhou Niannian and a person walking towards him. He smiled and was about to say hello when Bai Yuqing suddenly withdrew his hand.

Chen Shangde froze for a moment, his expression changed slightly, and he greeted Zhou Niannian unnaturally.

"Nian Nian, what a coincidence."

Zhou Niannian saw the two holding hands long before Bai Yuqing pulled out her hand. She smiled and nodded lightly.

"Who is this?" Chen Shangde glanced at Li Dongxing and asked in confusion.

Bai Yuqing snorted coldly, her voice was a little shrill, "Shang De, you don't know, this is the comrade captain of the Tianqiao Investigation Institute, he's so majestic."

The experience of being taken to the Tianqiao Investigation Office last time was very unpleasant. Bai Yuqing recognized Li Dongxing at a glance, and looked at him with faint resentment.

She glanced between Zhou Niannian and Li Dongxing, and said with a half-smile, "I didn't expect my sister and Officer Li to be old acquaintances. No wonder the last incident was resolved so smoothly."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Zhou Niannian with a gloomy look.

Zhou Niannian knew that she saw that she and Li Dongxing knew each other, so she suspected that she had messed up the matter of Bai Yongli and his wife last time.

She sighed secretly in her heart, it seemed that she was indeed a little reckless in what happened last time.

But she wasn't afraid that Bai Yuqing would know about it. Even if there was no such thing, the relationship between her and Bai Yuqing would never be so good.

It is enough for everyone to maintain superficial peace in the Zhou family.

There was no need to pretend to be in front of each other on the outside.

"You're flattering me. I'm used to being straightforward. I can't see someone lying to my parents."

"Parents don't care about it. It's because they love their children so much, but I'm not so easy to talk to. Next time, I promise I won't be polite."

Bai Yuqing's pupils shrank violently, and the hatred in her eyes flashed past.

Chen Shangde pushed his eyes in confusion, "Nian Nian, Yu Qing, what are you talking about?"

"What happened last time? Yuqing, did something happen that I don't know about?"

Not many people knew about Bai Yongli and his wife. Even if someone in the compound saw that Bai Yuqing was transferred away by Li Dongxing, Zhou Hongshan and his wife agreed that they were cooperating with the investigation office to investigate the case, which did not cause much disturbance. .

It's not surprising that Chen Shangde didn't know.

Bai Yuqing pursed her lips, and also remembered that Chen Shangde didn't know the ins and outs of this matter.

She took a deep breath and smiled softly, "It's okay, I'll tell you later, let's go first, so I won't disturb Nian Nian and the police comrades to catch up on the old days."

After finishing speaking, he dragged Chen Shangde into the garden.

She didn't turn her head until she had walked a certain distance, and seeing Zhou Niannian's back disappearing outside, a hint of viciousness gradually appeared in her eyes.

What happened last time must have been caused by Zhou Niannian, which made her plan shattered.

If Zhou Niannian hadn't ruined her plan, Bai Yongli and his wife would have successfully obtained the money, entered Zhou's house by themselves, and through the performance of Bai Yongli and his wife, they would have gained more distress and guilt from Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu.

Instead of being guarded by Zhou Hongshan everywhere like now, teaching himself to be a man every day, and being interrogated for a long time even when he went back a little later.

If it weren't for the fact that the Chen family invited her to visit today, she wouldn't dare to come out with Chen Shangde at all.

All this is thanks to Zhou Niannian!
"Yuqing, what are you thinking? Why don't you answer my question?" Chen Shangde gently tugged Bai Yuqing's hand and asked strangely.

Bai Yuqing came back to her senses, covered the haze in her eyes, lowered her head halfway to reveal her graceful swan neck, and said shyly, "I'm thinking about our future."

Chen Shangde was overjoyed, he held her hand tightly, and was a little incoherent with excitement, "Then you agree with my proposal just now?"

Bai Yuqing frowned slightly, she had no idea what Chen Shangde said just now.

"Well, just make up your own mind, I'll listen to you." She said softly.

Chen Shangde couldn't help but hugged her, "Okay, I'll tell my parents about our date tonight."

Startled by his sudden movement, Bai Yuqing subconsciously pushed him away, but when she raised her hand, she saw a golden light flashing across her wrist.

It was the night before New Year's Day, after watching the movie, Chen Shangde gave her a gold bracelet.

He said that he wanted to have sex with her, and that the gold bracelet was left alone by his grandmother for the girl he loved.

Bai Yuqing looked at the gleaming gold bracelet, stroked the pattern on it, hesitated for a long time but did not say any words of rejection.

Seeing this pair of gold bracelets again, Bai Yuqing pursed her lips, and gently put her hand on Chen Shangde's shoulder.

In fact, Chen Shangde is also pretty good, and he is willing to spend money for her. The most important thing is that Zhou Hongshan does not dislike the Chen family. She said that Zhou Hongshan did not stop her when she said that she was associated with the Chen family.

Moreover, Chen's family members are all in the judicial system, and it is said that they are all in key positions.

"Let's go, let's go back to my house now." Chen Shangde was so excited that he couldn't help himself when he received the response from his beloved girl, he pulled Bai Yuqing around and walked out.

Chen's father and Chen's mother were very happy to see Bai Yuqing coming, and specially ordered the nanny to cook two more dishes.

"I kept saying that Shangde would call you over. Shangde said that you have a lot of homework. Usually, your father is very strict and never finds a chance. Today, it can be regarded as inviting you here." Mother Chen took Bai Yuqing's hand and raised eyebrows There is unconcealable satisfaction between them.

Bai Yuqing looked a little shy with her head lowered, and said softly, "I just came home not long ago, and my father is usually stricter."

Chen Shangde on the side couldn't wait to say: "Mom, Yuqing and I are dating, and I will definitely bring her home often in the future."

"Really? That's really great." Mother Chen and Father Chen looked at each other, couldn't help smiling happily, patted Bai Yuqing's hand lovingly, and said repeatedly:
"To tell you the truth, auntie liked you the first time she saw you. If you become my daughter-in-law in the future, auntie will definitely love you."

Bai Yuqing lowered her head, looking very shy.

Father Chen smiled and said hello three times, and then said to Chen Shangde: "This is the first time Yuqing has come to our house. You can show her around our house. We will call you when it's time for dinner."

Seeing Bai Yuqing and Chen Shangde go upstairs, Chen's mother looked at Chen's father happily, "If we become in-laws with the Zhou family, it will be of great benefit for you to take another step forward."

Father Chen was obviously also very happy, "Well, please be coaxed, Zhou Hongshan is a bit old-fashioned in his behavior, and he is not easy to win over."

With these words, it can be said that Mother Chen showed [-]% patience and enthusiasm to Bai Yuqing during the meal.

Bai Yuqing was also good at talking, so she coaxed Mother Chen very happy, and the atmosphere at the dinner table was very harmonious.

When Bai Yuqing mentioned Zhou Hongshan's strictness to her, she said with a gentle smile, "My dad is also doing it for my own good. Recently, he always takes me to study together until late."

Chen's mother embraced Bai Yuqing with a distressed expression, "You are a child who is considerate. If you ask me to say that girls are for pain, how can you be so strict?"

"The one that Zhou Niannian picked up in his arms could be raised in the palm of his hand. Your own daughter, he should be hurt to the bone."

(End of this chapter)

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