Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 375 Who Tells Bai Yuqing?

Chapter 375 Who Tells Bai Yuqing?
Father Chen suddenly coughed violently twice.

Only then did Mother Chen realize what she had said, and annoyance flashed in her eyes, and she greeted Bai Yuqing with a nonchalant smile: "Yuqing, eat more ribs."

Bai Yuqing's face remained calm, but there was already a turbulent sea in his heart.

She heard correctly just now, what Mother Chen said was that Zhou Niannian was taken care of, not the Zhou family's biological daughter.

How is this possible?Seeing how much love Zhou Hongshan and his wife showed for her, how could Zhou Niannian not be her own?

Chen Shangde obviously heard what his mother said, and raised his head in disbelief, "Mom, what are you talking about? How could Nian Nian be adopted?"

Chen Shangde is one year younger than Lu Qingfeng. When Zhou Niannian was brought here, Chen Shangde was less than three years old, so naturally he didn't have the slightest impression.

Chen's mother curled her lips and smiled, "I spoke too fast just now, so I said it casually."

She said and looked at Bai Yuqing with an unnatural expression, "Yuqing, what Auntie just said."

Bai Yuqing interrupted her with a smile, "Auntie, it's okay, my mother mentioned this matter once, but my mother didn't explain the specific situation at that time too clearly, can you tell me What's the matter?"

She rubbed her hands in embarrassment as she spoke, "In case I accidentally say something wrong in front of Nian Nian and hurt her."

She tentatively tested Chen's mother half-truthfully.

"You are so kind, child." Mother Chen patted Bai Yuqing's hand lightly, with a hesitant expression.

Chen Shangde looked at Bai Yuqing incredulously, then turned his eyes to his mother, and dropped the chopsticks in his hand on the table, "Isn't it? Mom, Yuqing, are you serious?"

"Nian Nian is really not the Zhou family's birth?"

He scratched his head in confusion, "Why haven't I heard Brother Chang An mention it? And Brother Lu, he didn't mention it either. Mom, please tell me what's going on?"

"How old were you at that time? How can you remember this?" Chen's mother couldn't help laughing, seeing Bai Yuqing and Chen Shangde looking at her eagerly, and secretly regretting that she was talking too much, she couldn't help but look at Chen's father opposite.

Father Chen glared at her, and explained briefly: "Don't listen to your mother's nonsense about this matter, she also listened to those nonsense people in the compound talking nonsense, there is no evidence at all."

"Those people didn't see that your mother was pregnant, and then they brought the baby back, so they made up a few random sentences."

"Besides, the Zhou family has never said that Zhou Niannian is not their own daughter, Yuqing, don't listen to your aunt's nonsense about this matter."

Bai Yuqing smiled and shook her head, "It's okay, Uncle, I won't talk nonsense."

Father Chen smiled in satisfaction, then gave his wife a sneaky look, signaling her to eat more and talk less.

Mother Chen shrank her neck and said nothing.

Bai Yuqing ate a little absent-mindedly, she was immersed in what Chen's mother said just now.

After dinner, Chen Shangde took her home. The Chen family was in the last row of houses in the compound, a little distance from the Zhou family.

The two walked back slowly under the moonlight.

"Yuqing, you are so kind. It's totally different from what Brother Lu said." Chen Shangde couldn't help blurting out as he looked at the applauded girl beside him.

Bai Yuqing was a little out of control at first, but suddenly heard the word Lu Qingfeng, and turned her head in surprise, "Huh? What did Lu Qingfeng tell you about me?"

Chen Shangde pushed down his glasses, looked at Bai Yuqing and smirked: "Brother Lu said that you have a deep heart, and you are not the same person as you appear on the surface, and also said that you should think about the matter of dating you."

"But I think Brother Lu must have misunderstood you. You see, you are afraid of hurting Nian Nian, so you dare not even ask about her life experience."

As he spoke, he took the courage to hold Bai Yuqing's hand, "Yuqing, when Brother Lu comes back from the south, let's have a meal together, and I will explain to him how you are."

Bai Yuqing's hands shrank subconsciously, and for a moment, her eyelids drooped to hide the hatred in her eyes.

It was not enough for Zhou Niannian to destroy her life, Lu Qingfeng even helped her, and even tried to separate Chen Shangde and her.

Are they so unwilling for her to live a good life?

She let out a long sigh, and her drooping face showed a touch of pitiful sadness, "When I was in Zezhou, I had some misunderstandings with Niannian,
"Lu Qingfeng is Nian Nian's fiancé, so naturally he helps her speak, I have nothing to say."

"If it makes them feel comfortable to think so badly of me, then let them think whatever they want."

Chen Shangde couldn't help but hugged Bai Yuqing in distress, "But you will be wronged too much, don't worry, I will help you in the future, and I won't let you be wronged again."

Bai Yuqing couldn't help but looked at Chen Shangde with emotion on her face: "Shangde, you are so kind to me."

There was still a week before the final exam, and Lu Qingfeng hadn't come back yet.

Zhou Niannian was a little absent-minded while reading in the library, worried whether Lu Qingfeng's trip to the south was not going well this time.

If I knew it earlier, I would have let Ah Liang go with him.

Yue Xiao, who was sitting next to her, dreamed that she was distracted, he let out a long sigh, holding the original legal document with a sad face, and continued to chew.

She is not Zhou Niannian, she has read almost all legal books, and the final exam is a piece of cake for Zhou Niannian, but it is as difficult as climbing a mountain for her.

Seeing her reading seriously, Zhou Niannian quietly got up and walked out, not wanting to disturb her.

When she was about to walk out of the library, she keenly noticed that many people in the study room seemed to be looking at her, discussing something in low voices.

Zhou Niannian frowned, glanced at the study room and then walked out.

When walking out of the library, I happened to meet Zhu Qiaoyun walking into the library with a strange girl.

When they passed each other, Zhu Qiaoyun snorted coldly, pulled the girl beside her and said, "Some people are always as proud as a phoenix, only to realize in the end that they are actually a pheasant."

The girl next to her covered her mouth and smiled, cast a glance at Zhou Niannian, and nodded agreeingly: "Isn't that right, in the final analysis, we should be stronger. At least we have a father and a mother, and our wealth is clean."

Zhu Qiaoyun smiled complacently, "That's right, we are much better than those bastards who don't know where to pick them up, and who don't even know who their biological parents are."

Zhou Niannian frowned, and turned to look at Zhu Qiaoyun who had already entered the library.

She can be sure that Zhu Qiaoyun said those words for her.

Could it be that Zhu Qiaoyun already knew about her background?How did she know?No, how did Bai Yuqing know?

Zhou Niannian is [-]% sure that Bai Yuqing revealed this to Zhu Qiaoyun, so who told Bai Yuqing?
In the next few days, rumors spread around Kyoto University, spreading inside and outside the university in a super fast way.

The core of the rumors are almost all saying that Zhou Niannian is a bastard who doesn't know where he came from, and he was adopted by the Zhou family.

(End of this chapter)

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