Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 379 I miss you

Chapter 379 I miss you
"Brother, when is this, you still care about this with me?" Zhou Changan muttered dissatisfied.

Zhou Changguo's words instantly reminded the Zhou family of what happened to the siblings when they were young, and the heavy atmosphere in the room dissipated in an instant.

Everyone in the room laughed.

Bai Yuqing couldn't answer her eyes with a smile, she held her hand tightly, pinching her fingertips into the flesh.

I didn't expect Zhou's family to be so stupid, knowing that Zhou Niannian was not his own, but still treating her so well.

"Dad, I think we still need to seriously investigate how this incident got out, is someone targeting Niannian?" After the joke, Zhou Changguo talked about the serious matter.

Zhou Hongshan nodded, "You young people don't know about this matter. Those who can tell about this matter must be those stalkers in the compound. I will pay attention to it."

"As for the school, I will find a solution with you, Uncle Lu."

"You two should protect Nian Nian more at school, don't let her be wronged because of this." Zhou Hongshan's eyes fell on Zhou Changan and Bai Yuqing.

Zhou Changan patted his chest and promised.

Bai Yuqing looked at Zhou Niannian with concern, and said softly, "Dad, don't worry, I know what to do."

As soon as the voice fell, someone knocked on the door outside.

Zhou Changan went to open the door, and Chen Shangde stood at the door, "Brother Chang'an, is Yuqing there? I have something to do with her."

"It's Shangde, come in." Li Xiangxiu smiled and waved to Chen Shangde.

Chen Shangde hesitated for a moment, then shook his head, "Auntie, I won't go in, I want to go out with Yuqing."

Bai Yuqing looked at Zhou Hongshan.

Zhou Hongshan pursed his lips and nodded, "Come back early."

Regarding the matter between her and Chen Shangde, Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu had discussed in private, and felt that Chen Shangde was an honest child since he was a child, and he was a very good child, so they acquiesced in this matter.

Bai Yuqing and Chen Shangde left the compound and walked outside along the street.

"Where are we going to play today?" Bai Yuqing asked enthusiastically, "Didn't you drive your dad's car today?"

Since she confirmed the relationship with Chen Shangde, during this time, Chen Shangde took her to play around whenever he had time.

Sometimes Chen Shangde would go out in his father's car, sitting in a stylish car, going in and out of some high-end places. These days, Bai Yuqing felt that he had a sense of superiority.

She thought that Zhou Niannian's sense of superiority had been cultivated in this way since she was a child.

Chen Shangde seemed to have something on his mind, and walked forward with his head sullen.

Hearing Bai Yuqing's words, he turned his head to look at her fixedly, hesitated for a while before asking hesitantly: "Yuqing, let me ask you, about Niannian's life experience, is... did you pass it on?"

Bai Yuqing's face changed, and then she looked at him with aggrieved expression, "Shang De, what do you mean? Do you suspect that I did it?"

"Am I such a dark and despicable person in your heart?"

Chen Shangde waved his hands again and again, explaining in a panic: "Yuqing, listen to me, I didn't think so, it was that day. That day my mother said that, I..."

"It's such a coincidence that Nian Nian's life experience has been reported within two days. I have no other intentions, just to ask you."

Bai Yuqing looked at Chen Shangde tearfully, "If you think it's me, then go and tell Zhou Niannian."

"I didn't expect that I was this kind of person in your heart, so let's not be together, lest you suspect that I have harmed you someday."

As she spoke, she couldn't help shedding tears, turned around and ran back.

Chen Shangde was anxious and anxious, and grabbed her, "Yuqing, I was wrong, I shouldn't have believed you, I won't ask, I won't ask."

Bai Yuqing shook off his hand and looked at him sadly, "It's useless, Shang De, you don't trust me, I'm so sad."

After all, he quickly turned around and ran towards the compound.

Chen Shangde stood where he was, stared blankly at her back, and punched himself in annoyance for a moment.

Although the Zhou family experienced an emotional upheaval, they dispersed quickly. Li Xiangxiu asked everyone to stay at home to rest.

Liang Ying went to Zhou Niannian's room to chat with her.

Regardless of whether Zhou Niannian was born in the Zhou family or not, Liang Ying liked this sister-in-law very much in her heart. She felt that she was bright and lively, and she was easy to get along with.

Even though Zhou Niannian seemed relatively ordinary about today's matter, Liang Ying was still worried about her, so she came over to have a chat with her.

She told Zhou Niannian about her going to Zhou Changguo's garrison, and said that she and those (military) sisters-in-law had a family quarrel.

Zhou Niannian was more concerned about the relationship between her and Zhou Changguo, "Sister-in-law, how are you and my elder brother doing now?"

A rare hint of embarrassment appeared on Liang Ying's hearty face, and she stroked her short hair uncomfortably, "We... your elder brother said to try to be a normal couple with me."

Normal couple?Zhou Niannian's eyes lit up, and she leaned into her ear with a smile, "So I might have a little nephew or niece soon?"

A blush rose on Liang Ying's face, she nodded slightly for a moment, and said in a low voice, "Maybe."

Zhou Changguo fell ill last month, and she took care of Zhou Changguo for one night. Later, they didn't know what happened, and they slept on the same bed in a daze.

Later Zhou Changguo took the initiative to move his bedding to the bed, and she did not shy away from pushing him out of bed.

Thinking of this, Liang Ying subconsciously put her hand on her lower abdomen and stroked it gently.

What will the child belonging to her and Zhou Changguo look like?
Zhou Niannian couldn't help laughing secretly seeing Liang Ying's dazed look. It seems that Liang Ying and her elder brother are developing well.

Lying on the bed at night, Zhou Niannian tossed and turned.

Many emotions are always absent during the noisy day, but they will come out quietly in the dead of night.

Maybe it was because Li Xiangxiu told how she found her during the day, and she couldn't help but wonder what her biological parents were like?
Did they abandon themselves because they didn't want to be themselves, or did they get separated from themselves for some special reason?

When she was tossing and turning, Ah Liang suddenly yelled twice, and there was a strange movement on the window sill.

Zhou Niannian suddenly sat up from the bed.

Immediately there was the sound of feet landing, the curtains were lifted, and Lu Qing jumped off the window sill neatly.

As soon as "you" Zhou Niannian said, he was embraced into a slightly cool embrace.

"I miss you so much!" Lu Qingfeng's voice was a little hoarse and rough, as if sandpaper was being worn on paper, Zhou Niannian's heart trembled when he heard it.

Her nose was sour, and she couldn't help but put her head on Lu Qingfeng's shoulder, "Lu Qingfeng, I miss you too."

She really missed Lu Qingfeng, and it was the first time that she knew the feeling of missing him was so excruciating.

As soon as she finished speaking, Lu Qingfeng raised her head, looked at her intently with his dark eyes, and gently stroked his fair cheeks with his big hands.

Zhou Niannian looked at him intently, and for a moment, Lu Qingfeng's lips fell on her white forehead.

"Close your eyes!" he murmured hoarsely.

Zhou Niannian slowly closed his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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