Chapter 380
There was a loud knock on the door.

Zhou Niannian looked at Lu Qingfeng nervously, Zhou Hongshan's deep voice came from outside, "Niannian, open the door, I know that kid Lu Qingfeng is inside."

Zhou Niannian froze, and muttered in a low voice: "What should I do? I was caught, it's so embarrassing."

Lu Qingfeng smiled lowly and pecked her, then rubbed her hair, "It's okay, go and open the door."

Zhou Niannian hesitated for a while, and slowly walked to the door, opened the door gently, lowered his head, not daring to look at Zhou Hongshan's expression, "Dad, I"

Zhou Hongshan walked in with a sullen face, "You brat, you are so courageous, you dare to sneak into my daughter's room in the middle of the night and come out with me, I have something to tell you."

Lu Qingfeng touched his nose, and followed Zhou Hongshan out.

Zhou Niannian looked at Zhou Hongshan's gloomy face, and looked at Lu Qingfeng worriedly, and said in a low voice, "Say something nice to my dad."

Lu Qingfeng rubbed her hair, and said softly, "Sleep well, good boy."

"Get out of here!" Zhou Hongshan's angry voice sounded from outside.

Lu Qingfeng obediently followed Zhou Hongshan downstairs.

There was no other way, he had to behave honestly when he was blocked into the house by his father-in-law.

Zhou Hongshan led him into the study, sat down and glared at him angrily, "Isn't this the first time, kid? If I hadn't been unable to sleep in the middle of the night and got up for a walk, I wouldn't have found you."

"Back then I shouldn't have asked Niannian's room to be next to yours. I'll ask her to change rooms tomorrow."

Naturally, Lu Qingfeng would not foolishly admit that he had visited the boudoir at night many times, he begged for mercy with a smile, "Don't, Uncle Lu, I heard about the school and wanted to comfort Niannian."

"I listened to your nonsense, and it took me half of the night to comfort you. I can tell you, Lu Qingfeng, my daughter is still young. If you bully her, I can't spare you." Zhou Hongshan snorted coldly.

Lu Qingfeng straightened his face, and solemnly assured: "Uncle Lu, don't worry, I won't let anyone bully Niannian, including myself."

"It sounds good, but how do you solve this incident?" Zhou Hongshan gave him a sidelong glance.

Lu Qingfeng's face turned serious, "The root of this matter is not the rumors spread by anyone, but the purpose of spreading the rumors, which is to humiliate Niannian. I have already thought about it, Uncle Lu, let's do this."

After a long time, Zhou Hongshan nodded in satisfaction: "Forget that you have passed my test."

Zhou Niannian listened for a long time with his ears sideways, but he didn't hear any movement downstairs, so he lay on the bed and fell asleep in a daze.

The final exam of the first semester of the sophomore year started early the next morning. There were three candidates in Zhou's family. After breakfast, they rushed to school.

The exam will take three days in a row. The first day is for basic courses, and the next two days are for professional courses.

After the exam in the afternoon, Lu Qingfeng waited for her downstairs in the dormitory, "Let's go have dinner together, and I'll take you to meet two people."

"Who is it?" Zhou Niannian asked curiously.

"You'll know who it is right now." Lu Qingfeng smiled mysteriously, took her hand and walked out.

Many students in the school had just finished their exams. When they saw Lu Qingfeng and Zhou Niannian, they couldn't help pointing behind their backs.

The leader was Zhu Qiaoyun from the Acting Department. When she passed by Zhou Niannian, she even muttered, "Now the world has really changed, and the bastards can crowd the real Phoenix with no place to stand."

Lu Qingfeng's face darkened, and he turned around to walk towards the girls who were pointing.

Zhou Niannian grabbed him, shook his head at him, then walked up to Zhu Qiaoyun, and asked with a smile, "Who are you talking about?"

Without even thinking about it, Zhu Qiaoyun blurted out: "The wild species is talking about you!"

Zhou Niannian nodded with a smile, "Well, I know you're a bastard, so there's no need to repeat it."

The people around were stunned for a moment before they realized it, and some couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"What I said was that you are a bastard, and you are a bastard." Zhu Qiaoyun's face flushed instantly, "You are not the daughter of the Zhou family at all, and you are still staying with the Zhou family."

"I heard that you are still occupying the Zhou family's room, squeezing Yuqing so much that she can only live in a small room. Yuqing is the Zhou family's biological son. Why are you a bastard?"

Zhou Niannian's face darkened, and he slapped Zhu Qiaoyun backhand.

With a crisp sound of "pa", Zhu Qiaoyun's right face immediately swelled up.

"Ah! How dare you hit me!" Zhu Qiaoyun was stunned for a moment, the severe pain made her lose her mind, and she stretched out her hand to pull Zhou Niannian.

Zhou Niannian grabbed her waving hand and slapped her back.

Zhu Qiaoyun staggered and fell to the ground.

Zhou Niannian squatted down, grabbed her arm, pulled her to him, and stared at her coldly: "I am not the real daughter of the Zhou family, but so what?"

"My name is written in the Zhou family's household registration book. My parents recognize me as the daughter of the Zhou family, and I am the daughter of the Zhou family."

"As for what you said about me bullying Bai Yuqing, did Bai Yuqing tell you that? If we have the ability, let's face it face to face. Do you dare?"

Zhu Qiaoyun's pupils shrank, remembering the last time Zhou Niannian held her to confront Bai Yuqing, she pursed her lips, not daring to speak.

Zhou Niannian sneered: "It seems that you still remember the confrontation last time, Zhu Qiaoyun, I've always been impatient to engage in tricks from people behind the scenes. .”

After finishing speaking, Zhou Niannian let go, and Zhu Qiaoyun sat down on the ground in a panic.

Zhou Niannian looked around the crowd, and the girls around shrank back with fear.

She didn't expect Zhou Niannian to be such a cruel girl. Seeing that Zhu Qiaoyun's cheeks were swollen, no one dared to say anything.

Zhou Niannian chuckled and went to pull Lu Qingfeng.

Lu Qingfeng frowned, and looked around the crowd with a sullen face, "Why is the quality of the students in your school so poor now? It seems that we really need to suggest that the school should improve the quality of students."

"In the future, if I hear someone say the word wild species again, don't blame me, Lu Qingfeng, for being rude to her."

After finishing speaking, she took Zhou Niannian's hand and walked away quickly.

The girls looked at each other in blank dismay. After a while, someone helped Zhu Qiaoyun get up, and muttered in a low voice, "Who do you think you are, and you suggest that the school improve our quality, bah!"

Zhou Niannian and Lu Qingfeng walked out of the school side by side. Seeing that Lu Qingfeng was still stern, she couldn't help but chuckled: "I'm not even angry, why are you still angry?"

Lu Qingfeng held her hand tightly, and said sullenly for a while, "I don't want you to suffer any grievances."

"Also, I should have been allowed to come forward just now."

Zhou Niannian took his arm and couldn't help laughing, "Those are all girls, I don't want you to get the reputation of bullying girls."

"Besides, gossip or something, as long as I don't care, it won't hurt me."

Lu Qingfeng pursed his lips, turned his head and looked deeply at Zhou Niannian, "Niannian, I."

"What's wrong?" Zhou Niannian looked up at him curiously as he hesitated to speak.

Lu Qingfeng shook his head, "It's okay, let's talk about it after eating."

(End of this chapter)

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