Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 381 My Way Home Is You

Chapter 381 My Way Home Is You
Zhou Niannian followed Lu Qingfeng not too long, and entered a restaurant called Xinhua Restaurant.

The hotel has two floors, the decoration is very new, the furnishings inside are clean and elegant, the tables and chairs give people a heavy texture, it looks like a very tasteful place.

This is a restaurant that has just opened. After the policy was changed, restaurants on the table have sprung up one after another, but most of them are small restaurants. Restaurants as big as Xinhua Restaurant are really rare.

Lu Qingfeng pulled her straight up to the second floor, the innermost private room opened, and a man walked out from inside, saw Lu Qingfeng hurriedly greeted with a smile, "Qingfeng, Nian Nian, you are here, come here .”

The man has a round face, a pair of deep eyes, and the corners of his mouth are slightly raised when he speaks. Behind him is a woman in a dark blue cotton coat. Her hair is meticulously combed and neatly tied behind her head. The whole person looks elegant.

"Uncle Chen, Aunt Chen." Lu Qingfeng greeted, and brought Zhou Niannian into the private room.

Zhou Niannian recognized the man and woman as Lu Qingfeng when he was in Qingcheng before, and introduced them to her, and greeted her with a smile: "Uncle Chen, Aunt Chen, hello, when did you return to Kyoto?"

"I came back last month. The old man said that the policy was loosened, so he brought me back." Aunt Chen pulled Zhou Niannian to sit down.

Maybe it's because the food and housing environment has improved a lot after returning to Beijing. Aunt Chen's complexion is much better than before, and her blind left eye doesn't look as scary as before.

The dishes were served quickly, and the four chatted while eating.

It was only then that Zhou Niannian knew that this Xinhua restaurant was opened by Uncle Chen and his wife. Lu Qingfeng brought Zhou Niannian here today, firstly to visit the couple, and also to ask Uncle Chen for business advice.

He and Uncle Chen have known each other for more than two years, and Uncle Chen obviously admires him very much. He talked endlessly about business and made many suggestions for Lu Qingfeng's clothing store.

Uncle Chen has only been back to Beijing for less than a month, and he has already opened such a large restaurant, which obviously has some family background. Zhou Niannian chatted with Aunt Chen while listening to them.

"I heard from Qingfeng that Uncle Chen studied economics. Now that the situation is better, why did he choose to open a restaurant instead of other industries?" Zhou Niannian asked Aunt Chen.

Aunt Chen sighed, with a wry smile, "At our age, I don't have any ambitions anymore. When I open a restaurant, I think about people coming and going. Not to mention the excitement, but also the news. Maybe I can find some information about my family every day. .”

Zhou Niannian recalled Lu Qingfeng's mention of the abduction and trafficking of the only son of Uncle Chen and his wife, and she felt very sad, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Aunt Chen, I brought up your sadness."

Aunt Chen shook her head, "It's okay, it's been so long, and now we are just holding on here with our obsessions, and we just hope that we can see the child before we close our eyes."

Zhou Niannian was silent. Li Xiangxiu probably felt the same way when she was looking for Bai Yuqing before. I don't know if her biological parents would look for her as hard as Aunt Chen and Li Xiangxiu.

"Yes, Aunt Chen, you will definitely find it." She said softly.

Aunt Chen looked at her, pursed her lips and smiled.

Zhou Niannian suddenly felt warm in his hand, looked down at Lu Qingfeng reached out to hold her hand under the table, stroked her hand lightly, looked at her with concern.

Zhou Niannian curled the corners of her mouth, indicating that she was fine.

Lu Qingfeng curled his lips, raised his head and stroked her hair, before turning around and continuing to discuss business matters with Uncle Chen.

After eating and chatting for a long time before breaking up, Uncle Chen sighed three times: "Qingfeng, now that the country is waiting for prosperity, it is a good time for economic development, but at the same time, there may be many detours due to lack of experience."

"If you have the opportunity, you must go abroad to see and learn more about the development experience of some foreign companies."

Lu Qingfeng heard him tell a lot of foreign economic development cases tonight, and felt that he gained a lot, "Well, Uncle Chen, if I have a chance, I will go and have a look."

Coming out of Xinhua Restaurant, the two decided to take a walk back.

The weather was a bit cold, there were few pedestrians on the street, and the dim streetlights stretched the shadows of the two people very long.

Lu Qingfeng put Zhou Niannian's hand into his pocket, hugged her shoulders and walked forward, his tall body almost blocked all the cold wind.

Zhou Niannian nestled in his arms, feeling warm and at ease.

Recalling the expression on Aunt Chen's face just now, she was silent for a moment, then whispered: "Lu Qingfeng."


"After the exam is over, you can accompany me to find Brother Li. I want to ask him to help find my biological parents." Zhou Niannian hesitated for a while before speaking.

Lu Qingfeng paused, lowered his head to take a deep look at her, raised his hand to rub her hair, "Okay!"

"Originally, I planned to help you find it quietly, but I'm glad you figured it out yourself."

Zhou Niannian met his smiling eyes, bent her lips, and suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.

"No matter what reason they lost with me, I should find an answer, at least this matter will not become a knot in my heart." She couldn't help laughing as she said:
"Life, isn't it just the way from the beginning to the way back? Now that I know the way back, let's explore where I came from."

Lu Qingfeng held the hand she couldn't help waving when she said this, and put it back in his pocket, "Little girl is quite philosophical, what is your way home?"

Zhou Niannian raised his head and looked at him with crooked eyes: "My way home is you, Lu Qingfeng."

Lu Qingfeng's eyes deepened, his jaw clenched tightly, and a familiar fire gradually surfaced in his eyes.

Zhou Niannian rolled his eyes, stood on tiptoe and kissed him quickly, and ran forward with a smile, "Let's go, let's go, go home soon."

Lu Qingfeng raised his hand and lightly touched his lips, feeling the scent on it, couldn't help but shook his head and smiled, "Naughty, let's see how I deal with you later."

Zhou Niannian made a face at him, "Then you can catch up with me."

Lu Qingfeng narrowed his eyes slightly, stepped forward with his long legs, and chased after him.

Zhou Niannian is also a person who has been exercising for a long time, and she has exerted all her strength, and her speed is not slower than Lu Qingfeng's.

Lu Qingfeng didn't catch her until the gate of the compound, he couldn't help pinching her nose: "Did you do it on purpose?"

He deliberately let him catch her at the gate of the compound. There were so many people at the gate, even if he wanted to clean her up, he couldn't do it in public.

Zhou Niannian walked into the compound with a smile, and suddenly remembered something, "Do you think Brother Pengtian and Uncle Chen look alike in their smiles?"

Guan Pengtian and Uncle Chen?Lu Qingfeng never connected these two people together, he frowned and thought for a while, "Do you like it?"

Zhou Niannian nodded, "The corners of their mouths are naturally raised, I think it looks a bit like that."

"No wonder I thought Brother Pengtian looked familiar the first time I saw him, but I couldn't remember where I saw him. It turned out that he resembled Uncle Chen."

Lu Qingfeng didn't take it seriously, "There are more people with naturally raised mouth corners, which doesn't mean anything, let's not talk about it, it's your birthday the day after tomorrow, how do you want to spend it?"

(End of this chapter)

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