Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 382 Lu Qingfeng's Gift

Chapter 382 Lu Qingfeng's Gift
Zhou Niannian was stunned for a moment, remembering that the day after tomorrow would be her 20th birthday.

Time flies, there are many things going on recently, and she is so busy reviewing her homework that she even forgot her birthday.

"I have an exam the day after tomorrow. My parents will definitely prepare a table of meals for me in the evening. Just like in previous years, our two families will get together for dinner." She shrugged.

When I was in Kyoto, every year when Zhou Niannian celebrated his birthday, Zhou and Lu would have a meal together to celebrate.

Lu Qingfeng curled his lips slightly, and a faint smile flashed in his eyes, "Okay!"

After all, Zhou Niannian, who was about to walk towards the dormitory, pointed forward, "Go through here, let's go home. I brought you a gift from Guangdong, but I didn't have time to give it to you last night."

Speaking of last night, Zhou Niannian realized that he forgot to ask him about being caught.

"My dad didn't make things difficult for you, did he?"

Lu Qingfeng shook his head, "No, Uncle Zhou just let me go home."

Zhou Niannian looked at him suspiciously, with a look of disbelief, "How is it possible? According to my father's temper, how could he not punish you? At least one hour of persuasion and education plus a deep self-criticism is required, right?"

"You still ask me if you know?" Lu Qingfeng cast an annoyed glance at her.

Zhou Niannian smiled happily and patted him on the shoulder: "Believe me, I sympathize with you."

"Little girl without a conscience, you are so happy that I have been educated." Lu Qingfeng narrowed his eyes and moved closer to her.

Zhou Niannian reluctantly put away her smile, and waved her hands solemnly: "No, no, believe me, I sympathize with you."

The two laughed and went back to Lu's house all the way.

Lu Qingfeng took out two pieces of clothes from the closet and handed them to Zhou Niannian, "The most popular style now, put it on and show me."

Zhou Niannian opened it, and saw that it was a pink cotton coat and an acrylic woolen skirt, which was different from the heavy coats that people wear now. This coat felt much lighter to the touch, and the collar was still stand-up. The neck is very slender.

There is a goose yellow bow in the middle of the woolen dress, which makes the waist appear slender after wearing it.

Zhou Niannian went to the next door to change clothes, and walked around in front of Lu Qingfeng after coming out, "How is it? Does it look good?"

"It looks good." Lu Qingfeng murmured, his eyes focused and fiery.

Although these clothes are indeed a bit earthy in the eyes of Zhou Niannian, who was reborn in the previous life, they are indeed the most popular fashion style at the moment.

"There must be many people looking at you when you dress like this, I suddenly feel a little regretful, I don't want you to wear this outfit on your birthday." Lu Qingfeng murmured.

Zhou Niannian's face turned hot, and he glared at him, but in the next second his world was spinning, and he was dragged onto the bed by Lu Qingfeng.

Zhou Niannian's eyes suddenly widened. This guy, it turned out that the delivery of the clothes was premeditated.

Lu Qingfeng half-lyed on the bed, holding his head in one hand and smiling contentedly, "Then don't leave."

"I don't want it." Zhou Niannian stood up vigilantly, and suddenly remembered something, "When will your clothing store open?"

"After your birthday, you will be on vacation then, and you just go to the store to work as a laborer for me."

Zhou Niannian touched the bow and asked him, "Have you thought about further cooperation with the garment factory in Guangcheng?"

Speaking of business, Lu Qingfeng sat up straight, "I've thought about this problem too. Simply relying on selling clothes will only have a good time for half a year at most, and the market will be full soon. It's just that I haven't thought of a good cooperation yet. Way."

Zhou Niannian pointed at herself with a smile, "After the exam, I will draw a few clothing styles, and you can show them to the clothing factory. We can cooperate with them in this way."

"I've thought about this too, but I don't have a suitable style of clothing. Besides, you haven't learned this before. Do you really understand?" Lu Qingfeng frowned.

"It's okay, let's try it, anyway, if there is any loss." Zhou Niannian shrugged.

Although she has never studied fashion design, she has lived for decades in her previous life anyway, and she still knows a little about the fashion styles that will be popular in the future.

She wanted to see if she could help Lu Qingfeng.

Lu Qingfeng looked at her deeply, and chuckled for a long time, "Okay, I'm looking forward to your work."

The next day was still the exam. After the exam, Zhou Niannian was called home by Guan Ping for dinner.

Guan Pengtian is also at home.

Seeing the smile on the corner of his mouth, Zhou Niannian thought of Uncle Chen and his wife for some reason, but after thinking about it, she felt that what Lu Qingfeng said made sense.

Guan Pengtian and Uncle Chen didn't look alike, so she couldn't judge anything just by the corners of her mouth raised.

She smiled and asked Guan Pengtian how he was doing in the exam.

Guan Pengtian shrugged, "That's it, at least you won't die."

Guan Ping shook his head and sighed, "He, he doesn't care about his studies, he runs around every day, and he doesn't know what he's talking about."

Guan Pengtian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Dad, I've explained it to you, I'm busy with business, I'm not running around."

"Brother Pengtian is also ready to start a business? What are you going to do?" Zhou Niannian asked Guan Pengtian curiously after serving all the meals on the table.

The three sat down to eat and chat.

It turned out that Guan Pengtian had already traveled to Guangcheng twice, but he was still not sure what business to do.

"I went to Guangcheng twice, and I really gained a lot of experience. The development there is faster than that in the mainland. Now many new industries have begun to rise. I haven't thought about what to do yet."

"And I don't have much experience in business, so let's explore as we go."

Zhou Niannian thought about it, and asked tentatively, "Brother Peng Tian, ​​have you ever thought about making women's products?"

"Feminine products?" Guan Pengtian was stunned for a moment, obviously he had never considered in this direction.

"Think about it, the situation will get better and better in the future. Now women are half the sky, and more and more women are going to work. I think there will be a big market for women's products in the future."

Zhou Niannian smiled when he said this, "Of course, I don't know much about business either. You can go to Guangcheng to investigate."

"Lu Qingfeng knows an elder who studies economics and is very good at doing business. After the exam is over, let Lu Qingfeng introduce you to him. You can ask him for some experience."

Thinking of Uncle Chen and his wife, Zhou Niannian suggested.

Guan Pengtian thanked her with a smile.

Guan Ping, who had been silent all this time, put down his bowl and chopsticks, hesitated for a while, and then said, "I've also heard about the rumors in school, you."

When he said this, he didn't know what to ask, so he stopped.

Zhou Niannian knew what he wanted to ask, smiled lightly, and said softly: "It's true, teacher, I'm really not born to the Zhou family."

(End of this chapter)

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