Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 383 Birthday Surprise

Chapter 383 Birthday Surprise
Both Guan Pengtian and Guan Ping's expressions changed slightly.

Guan Pengtian also just came back from outside the day before the exam. He was very angry when he heard the rumors in the school, and even reprimanded the female student who spread the rumors.

He originally wanted to ask Zhou Niannian what was going on, but Guan Ping refused, saying that Zhou Niannian should come to his house to ask.

Now I suddenly heard Zhou Niannian personally say that Guan Pengtian's expression was very complicated for a while.

"Nian Nian, don't be sad, those people in the school are really too much, even if it's not your own, don't you need to say it so badly?"

Zhou Niannian smiled, "I'm not sad, brother Pengtian."

After all, Guan Pengtian and Guan Ping both looked like you don't have to pretend to be strong, and couldn't help but laugh, "Teacher, Brother Pengtian, I'm really fine. In fact, I had a chance to know that I wasn't my own, so now Already figured it out."

"As for what those people in the school said, there are actually some things that are true. I really don't know where my biological parents are. Maybe I was really abandoned by them."

When she said this, she shrugged a little self-deprecatingly.

Guan Pengtian sighed, and patted her on the shoulder, "Nian Nian, you are always so cheerful, and you can deal with such things lightly, I admire you a little."

Zhou Niannian made a grimace, "I accept your admiration, haha."

Guan Pengtian shook his head dumbfounded.

Guan Ping looked at Zhou Niannian with very complicated eyes, and it took a long time to let out a long breath, and rubbed Zhou Niannian's hair, "The teacher is very happy and gratified that you can be so transparent at such a young age."

"Have you ever thought about finding your biological parents?"

Zhou Niannian told Guan Ping what he had discussed with Lu Qingfeng, "I will go to the investigation bureau to find Brother Li after the exam tomorrow."

Guan Ping nodded, but his mood was a little depressed, and he didn't say anything all the time.

After Zhou Niannian left, Guan Ping went into the bedroom and picked up a book on the table.

There is an old photo in the book, and there are four people in the photo.

The middle-aged Guan Ping was sitting in the front row, her wife was on the right, and a young man and woman stood behind, with a girl's oval face, willow-leaf eyebrows, and apricot-like eyes looking ahead.

The man next to him was tall, with a square face, and his long arms were gently placed on the woman's shoulders to wrap her around her.

Guan Ping couldn't help stretching out his hand to gently touch the girl's face, his eyes were a little moist, and he murmured for a while: "Yun'er, I don't know if my father and daughter will see each other again in my lifetime."

"Do you know? Niannian is not the Zhou family's biological daughter. This child is also a poor child. I always think she looks a bit like you, so when I see her, I can't help but want to love her a little more. .”

"You said it would be great if you were in Kyoto, and you could meet Niannian too. She is sunny and cheerful, with a lively and tough personality. You will definitely like her when you see her."

As the night gradually deepened, Guan Ping held the photo and muttered to himself for a long time, and finally fell asleep with the photo in his arms, tears slowly falling from the corners of his eyes.

On the third day of the exam, Zhou Niannian got up in the morning, hesitated, and put on the dress that Lu Qingfeng gave her.

When Yue Xiaomeng saw her clothes, his eyes lit up, he walked around her, and winked at her: "Your Lu Qingfeng sent it?"

Zhou Niannian nodded.

"Hey, is this a birthday present? I gave it in advance, so what surprises are there today?" Yue Xiaomeng put his arms around her shoulders, "Do you think Lu Qingfeng has prepared other surprises today?" ?”

Zhou Niannian pushed her away, "Surprise is not a surprise, he also has an exam today, you pack up quickly, go to the exam after dinner."

The last exam went very smoothly. After three days of exams, Zhou Niannian was a little tired, but the moment the exam was handed in, he relaxed.

All the students were very excited, and ran out after handing in the papers.

The completion of the last course means that the winter vacation has begun, and the students whose families are out of town rushed to the dormitory one after another, waiting to get their luggage and rush home.

The students whose homes are in or near Kyoto walked back slowly, and they were not in a hurry to go home anyway.

Zhou Niannian is such a person who is not in a hurry, she wanders around the campus slowly.

Qi Jiayan and Yue Xiaomeng chased up from behind, one on the left and one on the right.

"Aren't you going home? Why don't you hurry back to the dormitory to pack your luggage?" Zhou Niannian looked at Yue Xiaomeng suspiciously.

Yue Xiaomeng's home is out of town, and she has been gearing up for a long time and clamored to rush home with her luggage immediately after the exam.

Yue Xiaomeng took her arm with a smile, "Cheng Yu helped me get a sleeper ticket for tomorrow, so I changed it to leave tomorrow."

"Tsk tsk, it's so sweet, so happy." Zhou Niannian shook her head teasingly.

Yue Xiaomeng blushed, and muttered in a low voice: "Where can you and Lu Qingfeng be sweet and happy?"

"What did you say?" Zhou Niannian didn't hear her words clearly.

Yue Xiaomeng shook her head, took her arm and walked forward, "Let's go, go back to the dormitory first."

Zhou Niannian stood still, "What are you doing back to the dormitory? After the exam, of course I have to go home, Jiayan, Xiaomeng, it's my birthday today, you two come home with me for dinner."

Qi Jiayan had already agreed with her that she would go home for dinner. Zhou Niannian didn't invite Yue Xiaomeng because she was going home. Now that she temporarily changed the time, Zhou Niannian naturally wanted to invite her.

"Then I have to go back to the dormitory first, I still have something to take." Seeing Zhou Niannian stop, Qi Jiayan took her hand and led her forward.

Zhou Niannian walked forward after Lan Ze was left by two people, and asked Qi Jiayan suspiciously: "Didn't your things be sent to Sister Haiyun before the exam?"

Qi Jiayan didn't plan to go home during the winter vacation. When she left Nancheng, the Qi family said they would cut ties with her. Qi Jiayan was also sad, so naturally she didn't plan to go back.

Cao Haiyun didn't go back either, and planned to open a small shop outside during the winter vacation, so Qi Jiayan moved her luggage to Cao Haiyun's place, intending to help her and take care of Niu Niu along the way.

"Oh, I suddenly remembered that something was left behind." Qi Jiayan said casually, pulling her away quickly.

Zhou Niannian looked at the two suspiciously, "What conspiracy do you two have? Why do you have to drag me back to the dormitory?"

"No." Yue Xiaomeng shook his head with a smile, raised his finger and pointed to the front, "Here, it will be here soon."

Only then did Zhou Niannian realize that the three of them had turned a corner and entered the road in front of the dormitory building.

Niuniu suddenly came out from the side, holding a bright red flower in her hand, and handed it to Zhou Niannian, "Auntie Niannian, happy birthday."

Zhou Niannian was stunned for a moment, took the flowers from Niuniu's hand, and said with a smile, "Thank you, Niuniu."

Niuniu smiled shyly, turned around and ran to Yue Xiaomeng and Qi Jiayan.

Zhou Niannian glanced at Yue Xiaomeng and Qi Jiayan.

"Keep going, there's a birthday surprise." Yue Xiaomeng winked at her, pointed to the front with a smile.

Zhou Niannian blinked, Qi Jiayan gave her a gentle push, "Go now."

(End of this chapter)

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