Chapter 384
Zhou Niannian walked forward slowly, every few steps, a classmate would run out from the side of the road and put a flower in her hand, "Squad leader, happy birthday."

They are all classmates of Zhou Niannian's law department.

She concluded without any hesitation that these were all arranged by Lu Qingfeng.

I really don't know where this guy got so many roses in the winter.

The closer to the dormitory building, the faster Zhou Niannian's heart beat.

When she walked downstairs to the dormitory, she happened to hold 98 roses in her hand.

Lu Qingfeng was wearing a dark blue suit, holding a flower in his hand, standing downstairs in the dormitory, looking at her affectionately.

After being reborn, Zhou Niannian saw him dressed so formally for the first time.

The well-fitting clothes set off his straight and slender figure, and he looked vigorous and extraordinary.

Zhou Niannian stood there and couldn't help but looked at him and smiled.

Holding a rose in his hand, Lu Qingfeng strode up to her, stretched out his hand and passed the rose, "Nian Nian, happy birthday."

Which girl would not be delighted by the surprise carefully prepared by her sweetheart.

Even though Zhou Niannian thought he had a heart that had lived for decades, he still couldn't help beating fast at this moment.

She took the rose in Lu Qingfeng's hand, and smiled with crooked eyebrows, "No wonder I didn't see you from morning to night yesterday, so you were doing this."

As soon as she finished speaking, Lu Qingfeng knelt down in front of her on one knee, holding her hand, his eyes focused and affectionate, "Nian Nian, falling in love with you is the most correct choice in my life, marry me, okay?"

Zhou Niannian was immediately bewildered.

She looked at Lu Qingfeng stupidly, and it took her a while to realize that Lu Qingfeng was proposing to her.

Marriage proposal, this is a way that became popular only a few years later, and you even kneel down to propose marriage, how is this popular now?

Where did Lu Qingfeng learn such a fashionable situation?

The classmates who came back from the exam and those who returned to the dormitory gathered together one after another, and they were all amazed when they saw this scene.

After all, people at this time are still very conservative when it comes to dating. Even when they propose marriage, they usually ask each other's wishes secretly, or find a matchmaker to come to ask, and just set a date.

They have only read about those romantic proposal ceremonies in books, and it is said that they are very popular in western countries.

This is the first time I've seen the real version.

After the exam, Bai Yuqing wandered around the campus, waiting for Chen Shangde.

After she ran away crying that day, she didn't talk to Chen Shangde for two days. It wasn't until Chen Shangde and her made an apology, apologized, and bought her a suit of clothes, that Bai Yuqing's expression changed from cloudy to sunny.

Today is Zhou Niannian's birthday, Li Xiangxiu told her to go home early in the morning to celebrate Zhou Niannian together.

Bai Yuqing was a little reluctant.

Now as long as she thinks that Zhou Niannian, a bastard who doesn't know where, is more beautiful than her own daughter at home, she will be filled with displeasure.

So she decided to go out for a stroll with Chen Shangde, and then pretended to be delayed by something, and come home later.

It's just that before she could wait for Chen Shangde, she saw many people running towards the dormitory area.

She frowned, and seeing Zhu Qiaoyun and a few close female classmates also ran away, she held Zhu Qiaoyun back, "What happened?"

Zhu Qiaoyun said excitedly: "I heard that someone is proposing over there, let's go, let's go and see who is so beautiful."

Bai Yuqing looked at her watch, it was almost five o'clock, and Chen Shangde hadn't come yet, so she decided not to wait, and followed Zhu Qiaoyun to the dormitory area.

The downstairs of the dormitory area was already full of people, and they heard a lot of people talking as soon as they walked in.

"Wow, you are so bold, you are proposing marriage in public."

"I heard that this is what Westerners do when they fall in love. Also, it's becoming popular among young people in some coastal cities."

"Oh, I'm so sorry, what a shame, if it were me, I would feel shy and embarrassed."

"I don't think so. If a man can confess to me in public, I must be so excited."

Hearing the voices of everyone talking, Zhu Qiaoyun and the gossiping female students became even more excited, and pulled Bai Yuqing to squeeze out a passage and squeeze into the innermost part.

As soon as she stood still, she heard a steady and powerful voice: "Nian Nian, marry me!"

Bai Yuqing raised her eyes and saw Zhou Niannian standing in the center of the venue and Lu Qingfeng kneeling on the ground, her face suddenly darkened.

When Zhou Niannian was in a daze, Lu Qingfeng held her hand tightly and said loudly: "Niannian, from today onwards, you are everything to me, I will protect you for the rest of my life, give you happiness, and don't allow anyone to bully you , so, marry me!"

Such a sonorous and powerful promise caused the surrounding students to scream.

Yue Xiaomeng and Qi Jiayan shook hands excitedly, and shouted loudly: "Promise him! Promise him!"

Li Chengyu, Chen Shangde also appeared at some time, and Zhou Niannian's classmates, led by Wang Hao, also shouted: "Promise him!"

This fellow Ah Liang flew over from nowhere, circled around Zhou Niannian, and chirped: "In order to hatch the egg, promise him quickly, promise him!"

Zhou Niannian couldn't help but wet his eyes amidst countless shouts of promise.

She never thought that Lu Qingfeng would propose to her. She never thought about it. She always felt that the two of them had been engaged since they were young. Even if they fell in love now, marriage would be a matter of course.

But Lu Qingfeng's solemn proposal made her feel that she was cherished, respected, and loved.

She was very excited and excited.

Just as he was about to speak, a group of people suddenly came out of the dormitory building. The leaders were Lu Wenhan and Yang Shutong, and beside them were Zhou Hongshan, Li Xiangxiu, Zhou Changguo, Liang Ying, and Zhou Changping.

The last ones to come out were Guan Ping and Guan Pengtian.

Lu Qingfeng actually called all the relatives and friends around her.

"Niannian, promise him, your Aunt Lu and I have long been looking forward to having you as our daughter-in-law." Lu Wenhan looked at Zhou Niannian with a smile.

Yang Shutong glared at Lu Qingfeng, "Stinky boy, if Nian Nian refuses to agree with you today, your father and I will not recognize you as a son."

As soon as they finished speaking, there was silence in Nuo Da's venue.

Everyone stared blankly at Lu Qingfeng, then at Lu Wenhan and Yang Shutong.

Lu Wenhan and the others are familiar with each other, the president of Kyoto University, Lu Qingfeng and the others also know each other. Of course, there are people who don't know each other now.

After a while, there was an uproar at the scene.

"Oh my god, isn't it? Lu Qingfeng is actually the principal's son."

"Am I right?"

Zhu Qiaoyun and the girls around her were all pale, and a look of panic flashed in the eyes of the girls.

They all remembered what Lu Qingfeng said about the bad atmosphere in the school. If they wanted to suggest that the school rectify it, they also suggested that the school should expel them.

At that time, they were mocking Lu Qingfeng, but now they are all flustered.

He is the son of the principal, so of course he can make suggestions to the school.

 Haha, big face-slapping scene, cuties who think it's a bit sweet, let's vote monthly!

(End of this chapter)

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