Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 385 I want you to be happy for the rest of your life

Chapter 385 I Want You To Be Happy Forever
Looking at Lu Qingfeng, Zhou Niannian was moved to tears, she choked up and whispered, "I promise you!"

Lu Qingfeng's dark eyes suddenly lit up, he stood up suddenly, hugged Zhou Niannian, and turned around happily.

The corners of Zhou Niannian's wide skirt flew up under the light, drawing beautiful arcs, and the roses that were in her bosom fell down one after another, and fell to the ground, forming a small circle, enclosing the A sweet couple.

She hugged Lu Qingfeng's neck and couldn't help smiling with crooked eyebrows.

After a while, Lu Qingfeng put down Zhou Niannian, and turned to look at Zhou Hongshan, "Uncle Zhou, Niannian promised to marry me, so hurry up and give us an engagement date."

The students who watched the excitement responded one after another: "Engagement period, engagement period."

Many people's eyes also fell on Zhou Hongshan.

During this period of time, there were rumors about Zhou Niannian's life experience, and many people knew Zhou Niannian.

Hearing that her father is an important member of the financial department, many people are very curious about Zhou Hongshan at the moment.

Zhou Hongshan chuckled, "You brat, you think beautifully. Although Nian Nian is not our biological daughter, she was raised by our husband and wife as a baby. If you want to marry my sweetheart, how can it be so easy?" .”

"That's right, if you want to marry the jewel in the palm of our Zhou family, you have to get the consent of our two brothers." Zhou Changguo took a step forward and looked at Lu Qingfeng with a gentle smile.

Zhou Changan shook his fist, "You never let me fight, but now you want to marry my baby sister, hehe, ask my fist first."

Zhou Changan's words caused a burst of laughter from around.

Many people understood what the Zhou family said.

"Do you understand the meaning of their words? What's the matter if it's not your own? The Zhou family is a baby."

"That's right, it's the same for those who are adopted and raised."

Amidst the cheers and discussions, Zhou Niannian couldn't help covering his mouth and weeping.

Lu Qingfeng's marriage proposal was obviously carefully arranged, and he was trying his best to fight back those rumors for himself.

The Zhou family's words are the best counterattack to those rumors.

The Zhou family and the Lu family stood together, wanting to show those people that even if they were not their own, Zhou Niannian was still the jewel in the palms of the Zhou and Lu families.

She couldn't control her emotions anymore, and couldn't help but stepped forward to hug Li Xiangxiu and Zhou Hongshan.

"Mom and Dad, thank you, thank you."

Li Xiangxiu stroked her head with red eyes, and said with a smile, "Silly boy, why are you being so polite with your parents?"

Looking at this scene, Bai Yuqing almost tore the cotton coat on her body with her hands.

This move was too ruthless, and the rumors of her design were blown away.

The purpose of her letting the rumors spread is to fight and humiliate Zhou Niannian. She wants to tear off the cloak of confidence on Zhou Niannian, and want her to shiver in a corner like she used to be.

It's just that what she couldn't figure out was why Zhou Niannian didn't lose her composure or cry when she knew her own background, as if she didn't care at all.

How can this be?

And after all this was exposed, the Zhou family treated Zhou Niannian no differently than usual, and this was what made her feel unwilling.

Not only did Zhou's family not change, but they also helped Lu Qingfeng make arrangements for this marriage proposal. It was clear that they came here to support Zhou Niannian.

Why did Zhou Niannian get so many people's love and attention?
Bai Yuqing stared at Zhou Niannian and the Zhou family with gloomy eyes, while Zhu Qiaoyun and a few female classmates beside her were trembling.

Zhu Qiaoyun grabbed Bai Yuqing and asked her, "Why have you never told me that Lu Qingfeng is the principal's son?"

Bai Yuqing covered the haze in her eyes, and looked at her with feigned surprise: "Didn't I say that? I thought you all knew?"

"You..." Zhu Qiaoyun pulled her with a pale face, "I don't care, if the school wants to expel us, you can't ignore us."

Several other female students also quickly gathered around, demanding Bai Yuqing: "Yes, Yuqing, you can't leave us alone."

"We are venting our anger on you."

Bai Yuqing covered the contempt in her eyes, and nodded softly: "Don't worry, the principal is not such a person who doesn't distinguish between public and private, and I won't ignore you."

Zhu Qiaoyun waited for a group of people to look better.

Lu Wenhan glanced at the surrounding classmates, raised his hand, and the scene immediately fell silent.

"Students, I'm sorry, our Lu family's private affairs took up a little of everyone's time today. My son successfully proposed marriage today. I am very happy to share the joy of the Lu family with you."

Immediately, a school security guard brought out two bags of wedding candies.

"There are wedding candies here, everyone can go home after receiving the wedding candies, and pay attention to safety during the winter vacation." Lu Wenhan said with a smile.

After watching the excitement, there was still wedding candy to eat, not to mention the wedding candy from the principal's house. The students went up to congratulate Lu Qingfeng one after another, received the wedding candy, and started to disperse.

Lu Wenhan turned to Zhou Niannian who was helping, Lu Qingfeng's classmates, Qi Jiayan, Yue Xiaomeng and others, and said: "Today is Niannian's birthday, and when Qingfeng successfully proposed, I am in Xinhua Restaurant The location has been fixed, and the students who are not in a hurry to go home will go to have fun together."

Everyone shouted happily.

"Principal's treat, of course I have to go, even if I get my ticket refunded, I still have to go." Someone yelled, and the scene became even more lively.

At that moment, a group of people walked towards Xinhua Restaurant in a mighty manner.

Lu Qingfeng took Zhou Niannian's hand, walked at the front of the team, and put the flower that fell on the ground back into her hand.

Zhou Niannian took a deep breath, smelled the refreshing fragrance of flowers, and asked wonderingly, "Where did you get so many roses in such a cold day?"

Lu Qingfeng smiled lightly: "Uncle Chen has a friend who has a greenhouse at home. I ran to cut it myself at noon today. Seeing that I cut so much, the old man shook his beard in distress."

Zhou Niannian imagined the scene, and couldn't help being amused.

No wonder I haven't seen Lu Qingfeng in the past two days. It turned out that he was planning this. He still has an exam today, and he ran to cut roses by himself at noon.

Zhou Niannian sniffed, moved by his hard work.

She felt that she had gained too much touch today.

"I feel very happy." She hugged the flower, turned her head to look at Lu Qingfeng, and smiled with crooked eyes, "Thank you, Lu Qingfeng."

Lu Qingfeng looked deeply at Zhou Niannian who was smiling like a flower, raised his hand and gently touched her soft lips, "I don't want your thanks."

Zhou Niannian was slightly stunned, he had already leaned into her ear, and said in a hoarse voice, "I want you to be happy all your life."

Zhou Niannian held his hand tightly and smiled sweetly, "We are the ones who will be happy all our lives!"

 Please continue to send sugar, everyone, haha!

(End of this chapter)

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