Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 389 Responded

Chapter 389 Responded
Seeing her coming in, Ah Liang glanced at her listlessly, then lazily lay back on her stomach.

"If you don't get married early, when will you hatch my spiritual egg?"

Zhou Niannian frowned, "Put it down, you haven't even found a way to hatch the spirit egg yet, don't forget, the two of us ate half of the spirit egg."

Speaking of hatching eggs, Ah Liang let out a long sigh.

"What's the matter with you? These days you often disappear, and today there is another inexplicable marriage reminder, and you will be listless." Zhou Niannian pulled up a chair, sat in front of the window sill, and looked at Ah Liang.

Ah Liang seemed very irritable, she stood up, stretched her legs, and wandered on the window sill.

"Don't pretend to be deep, what's the matter, let's discuss it." Zhou Niannian patted it on the head.

Ah Liang hesitated for a while, and then slowly said: "It seems that something happened to the Bird Clan, I was wondering if I should go and have a look."

Zhou Niannian actually doesn't know much about their animal kingdom, "How do you know something happened to the bird clan?"

"After we came to the capital, Fat Yuan sent a lot of people around to find out about me, but I hid it well and rarely had contact with other races, so the bird race never found me."

"Last month, I found that the birds near Kyoto began to withdraw from Kyoto one after another, and the spies sent by Fat Yuan disappeared."

Zhou Niannian blinked, "So you suspect that something happened to the Bird Clan? Maybe they are just looking for a place to spend the winter, after all, it's cold in the north."

Ah Liang shook her head, her cyan crest swaying on top of her head, "We birds are not so afraid of the cold."

"Recently, I went to other cities to have a look, and found that there were no spies from the Bird Clan there either."

"The most important thing is that I haven't hidden my tracks recently. If nothing happened to the Bird Clan, those spies would have found my tracks long ago, and Fat Yuan must have come after me."

"It's been almost a month, and Fat Yuan didn't come after him, it just means something happened to the Bird Clan."

Zhou Niannian rested her chin and looked at Ah Liang, who was doing her analysis well, and said suddenly: "Maybe Fat Yuan suddenly lost his mind, felt that the twisted melon was not sweet, and gave up on you, so he withdrew all the spies. "

Ah Liang's wandering steps stopped, her eyes were a little dull.

Zhou Niannian looked at it with joy, "What? Have you never thought about this possibility? Some people can't accept it?"

She shook her head, "If you want me to say that you are too arrogant, you disdain when people are chasing you, but now that they give up on you, you are full of displeasure, this is a crime (cheap), understand?"

"I'm not." Ah Liang glared at Zhou Niannian furiously, "If you gave up on me, how could other birds start to disappear too?"

"Really?" Zhou Niannian replied casually, obviously not convinced by Ah Liang's excuse.

"I'm serious," Ah Liang stretched out her paw angrily, "The green peacock, vermilion eagle, and two jade-belt sea eagles I saw in Dongling Mountain before are all gone."

Zhou Niannian looked at it puzzled, "You're so worried about something wrong with the Bird Clan, so you should go and have a look."

A Liang suddenly floated up in the air, wandered around twice, and landed on the window sill, seemingly undecided, looking at Zhou Niannian sadly for a while, "I'm afraid that if I go, the bird clan is fine, and I will be arrested by Fat Yuan again." live"

Zhou Niannian couldn't help but chuckle.

It seems that what happened a year ago left a shadow on Ah Liang, making her always on guard against Fat Yuan.

"If something really happened to the Bird Clan, but you can't protect yourself in the human world, will the Queen of Heaven blame you in the future?"

Ah Liang nodded her head.

"So, what are you struggling with?" Zhou Niannian spread his hands, "Of course I'm going to take a look. If something really happens, you can help the Niaozu. Maybe Feiyuan gave up on you out of gratitude. Woolen cloth."

"What does it mean to give up on me out of gratitude? This sounds really awkward." Ah Liang looked at her a little furiously.

Zhou Niannian rolled her eyes, and went to the bed, "I don't understand what you're struggling with, I'm afraid that someone else will pester you, and I say they'll give up on you, and you find it unpleasant."

She yawned, "Think about it for yourself, I'm going to sleep, the last piece of advice: don't let yourself regret it in the future."

A dazed look flashed in Ah Liang's eyes, seeing Zhou Niannian turned over and fell asleep tiredly, it slowly lay down on the window sill.

The next morning, Zhou Niannian got up and saw that Ah Liang was no longer on the window sill, thinking that it was wandering around again, and didn't care.

After not seeing Ah Liang for a week, she concluded that Ah Liang was looking for Fei Yuan.

In a blink of an eye, it was Lu Qingfeng and Zhou Niannian's engagement banquet on the 26th of the twelfth lunar month.

The Lu family had booked the best state-run hotel early in the morning, with [-] tables open, and the post had already been sent out, inviting all the circle of friends of the Lu family and Zhou family, as well as people in the compound.

There are more people in the education unit on the Lu family side, and friends from the financial and taxation units on the Zhou family side.

Even so, the combined circle of friends of the two companies is also very objective.

Zhou Niannian and Lu Qingfeng stood with their parents at the door to greet the guests early in the morning, their faces stiffened with laughter.

The engagement banquet was lively and lively, and the guests and hosts had a great time.

When the banquet was halfway through, Chen Shangde suddenly stood up and walked towards the table where Bai Yuqing was sitting.

Male and female guests sat separately, Bai Yuqing's table was full of young girls, Zhou Niannian, Liang Ying, Qi Jiayan and Cao Haiyun also sat at this table.

The girls were chatting on twitter, when they suddenly saw Chen Shangde approaching, they all turned to look at him.

Chen Shangde seemed a little nervous, pulled his suit, walked up to Bai Yuqing, suddenly took out a square jewelry box, and knelt down in front of Bai Yuqing.

He opened the box, and there was a heart-shaped gold necklace lying quietly inside. He looked at Bai Yuqing with a dignified expression.

"Yuqing, the first time I saw you, I was astonished and thought you were the most beautiful angel in the world."

"The second time I saw you, I couldn't help falling in love with you, Yuqing, I hope you will give me a chance to take care of you for the rest of my life."

"Yuqing, I like you, will you marry me?"

The entire banquet hall was silent, and everyone's eyes were on Chen Shangde and Bai Yuqing.

For a moment, low voices of discussion sounded.

"Who are these two young men?"

"The boy seems to be a child of the Chen family, but the girl looks strange, so I don't know him very well."

A broken-mouthed woman in the compound hurriedly whispered, "You don't know yet, do you? This girl is the Zhou family's biological daughter named Zhou Yuqing. She got lost 20 years ago and only recognized her some time ago."

"The one who got engaged today is not the Zhou family's own, but the Zhou family couple picked it up outside."

People who didn't know were surprised when they heard this.

"Isn't it? The Zhou family usually loves like pearls and treasures, but it's not their own daughter?"

"The Lu family married the adopted daughter of the Zhou family?"

There was a lot of discussion at the banquet, and Li Chengyu, who was sitting next to Lu Qingfeng, spit out a sip of wine when Chen Shangde knelt down, "Fuck, no wonder this guy is dressed like a dog today, so that's the idea .”

(End of this chapter)

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