Chapter 390
Lu Qingfeng squinted his eyes, his face was a little ugly.

The people at the elders' table also had different expressions.

Lu Wenhan watched with a smile, but there was no smile in his eyes.

Zhou Hongshan frowned tightly, especially after hearing the topic discussed at the table of the female relatives next door, a flash of anger flashed in his eyes.

Chen Shangde's father originally watched this scene with a smile on his face, but after seeing the gold chain Chen Shangde took out, his brows also frowned.

"Young people like to mess around, old Zhou, give my son a chance, and we will become in-laws." He raised his wine glass and shook it at Zhou Hongshan.

Zhou Hongshan replied neither soft nor hard: "It's too early to say in-laws. Let's put this glass of wine aside for now. You should respect Lao Lu first. His son is the protagonist today."

The corners of Father Chen's mouth froze, and he blamed Chen Shangde for being unable to hold his breath. Didn't he agree to propose marriage at the end of the banquet?
Why did it come up when it was in the middle of the process?

And what about the gold chain, didn't we agree to use flowers at home?

At the table of the women's relatives, Yang Shutong spoke more directly. She looked at Chen's mother with a fake smile, "Shang De is really good at picking his time and stealing my son's limelight?"

Chen's mother curled her lips, "What you said, isn't it just for the sake of happiness?"

As he said, he pulled Li Xiangxiu's arm, "You said how lucky you are, the adopted daughter is engaged today, and the biological daughter is also settled for the rest of her life. Isn't this the happiest?"

Li Xiangxiu withdrew her arm calmly, "In my heart, Nian Nian is also my own daughter. Besides, it's too early to say whether Qingqing's life will be settled or not."

The smile on Mother Chen's face froze, and a dissatisfaction flashed in her eyes, and she felt that Li Xiangxiu was a bit noble.

Regarding Bai Yuqing and Chen Shangde's matter, if they didn't acquiesce before, why did they allow Bai Yuqing to go to their Chen family?

The young people attending the banquet started booing one after another.

Some even whistled, "Tsk tsk, kneel down and propose, this is a western etiquette, so romantic."

Many girls looked at Bai Yuqing enviously, "Quickly promise her."

Qi Jiayan's complexion was a bit ugly, she pulled Zhou Niannian and muttered, "Choosing someone else's engagement banquet to propose, is this trying to scare you?"

Zhou Niannian squinted his eyes and looked at Bai Yuqing's expression.

Bai Yuqing also happened to look over at her, with unconcealable pride and sarcasm in her eyes.

So what if Lu Qingfeng proposed to you in front of all the teachers and students of the school every week?
I asked Chen Shangde to propose to me in front of prominent people in the education system and financial system.

I, Bai Yuqing, want to be the most dazzling person today, and you, Zhou Niannian, I want everyone in the capital to know that you are not the jewel in the palm of the Zhou family, you are just a bastard picked up from nowhere!
Didn't Zhou Hongshan refuse to introduce himself?She figured out her own way, and believed that after today, more than half of the people in the upper-class circles would know her, Bai Yuqing.

Zhou Niannian understood the expression in Bai Yuqing's eyes in an instant, and frowned, feeling that Bai Yuqing was already a little paranoid.

Obviously, all of this was arranged by Bai Yuqing just to scare her off.

In fact, she didn't care at all whether these people in the capital knew about her life experience. To Zhou Niannian, their comments and evaluations were not worth mentioning.

She cares about her relatives and friends, and their care and love are the foundation of her standing.

Obviously Bai Yuqing couldn't figure this out at all.

Zhou Niannian clenched his fist, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The more Bai Yuqing tried to scare her, the more she couldn't let Bai Yuqing do what she wanted.

If it wasn't for the presence of Zhou Hongshan and his wife today, she didn't want to embarrass the Zhou family or make them sad. She had a hundred ways to fight back against Bai Yuqing.

But Bai Yuqing caught her weakness and knew that she couldn't turn her face on the spot.

Liang Ying pursed her lips, and felt that Chen Shangde's behavior was a bit inappropriate.

As Nian Nian's sister-in-law and the eldest daughter-in-law of the Zhou family, she is the oldest on this table, so Liang Ying stood up and whispered to Chen Shangde: "Are you drinking too much? I"

She just wanted to ask someone to help Chen Shangde to rest, but before she finished speaking, Bai Yuqing stood up, looked at Chen Shangde shyly and timidly, and nodded: "I promise you."

Chen Shangde was stunned for a moment, then ecstatically, the hand holding the necklace trembled a little.

Zhou Niannian stepped forward to take the chain from Chen Shangde's hand, put it on with a smile on Bai Yuqing's hand, then took her arm and walked forward.

"What are you doing?" Bai Yuqing wanted to break free, and looked at her warily.

The corners of Zhou Niannian's mouth curled up, "You know my hand strength, don't try to break free, if you don't want to make a fool of yourself in public, come on stage with me."

Bai Yuqing's face froze, she could only grit her teeth and follow behind Zhou Niannian.

"Shangde, come together." Zhou Niannian glanced at Chen Shangde with a smile, and nodded to Lu Qingfeng when he passed by Lu Qingfeng.

Lu Qingfeng followed her onto the stage.

Zhou Niannian pulled Bai Yuqing to stand on the stage, Lu Qingfeng stood on Zhou Niannian's right, and Chen Shangde consciously stood on Bai Yuqing's left.

The people in the audience looked at the two sisters on the stage, one had bright eyes and the other was weak and beautiful, and suddenly felt their eyes light up.

Zhou Niannian smiled slightly, and said loudly: "Thank you, uncles and aunts, for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend my engagement wedding with Lu Qingfeng. You may have noticed that today is just an engagement, and we haven't set a wedding date yet."

She looked at the audience pretending to be playful, "Do you know why we haven't decided on the wedding date?"

She giggled as she spoke, her almond eyes curved like water, she looked cute and playful, "Because my parents don't want me to marry too early, and I don't want them either."

"Many people present may have heard that I was picked up by my parents outside, not the Zhou family's own, but my parents still loved me like a pearl and a treasure for 20 years. Been with me for 20 years."

"How can I be willing to leave my parents too early for such a heavy kindness? Uncles, aunts and aunts, do you think I am right?"

The people in the audience were slightly taken aback, looking at the girl talking on the stage.

She was dressed in a bright red dress, with a slender figure. She looked energetic, confident and cheerful. She didn't feel inferior when talking about her life experience, and she didn't flinch in any way. Instead, she was very frank.

"Actually, I don't even want to hold today's engagement banquet. It was Uncle Lu, my dad, and Qingfeng who insisted on holding such an engagement ceremony because they were afraid that I would be wronged."

"They really worked hard for me. I am very touched. Of course, I am also very happy to see Sister Yuqing and Shangde come together today."

(End of this chapter)

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