Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 391 The Baby of One Life, One Life

Chapter 391
Having said that, Zhou Niannian glanced at Lu Qingfeng.

Lu Qingfeng hooked the corners of his lips, and pampered her curled hair, "Nian Nian is always so considerate, and always thinks about her family."

"Shang De and I grew up together, and we know each other well. When they first got together, Nian Nian was a little worried, and asked me to talk to Shang De."

"Yuqing has just returned to Zhou's house and has been wandering outside for 20 years. After returning home, she will naturally enjoy the love of her parents. I think that Yuqing will definitely not agree to marry so early, so let Shangde be mentally prepared. .”

As he said, he glared at Chen Shangde pretending to be dissatisfied, "I was wondering why you dressed more formally than me when I got engaged, so it was premeditated."

Zhou Niannian was almost overwhelmed by Lu Qingfeng's last sentence. He made a joke and told everyone clearly that they didn't know what Chen Shangde and Bai Yuqing were going to do in advance.

A flash of shame flashed in Chen Shangde's eyes, his lips pursed, and he only murmured for Brother Lu for a while.

The expression on Bai Yuqing's face was a little stiff, and she managed to maintain a smile on her face.

Zhou Niannian put her hand on the zipper of her skirt on the back, and Zhou Niannian could take off her skirt with just one movement.

She can't lose face in front of so many dignified people, so she can only keep smiling.

What Zhou Niannian and Lu Qingfeng said made the people below hear something.

Although it is true that Zhou Niannian is the adopted daughter of the Zhou family, she is considerate, generous and generous.

On the other hand, Bai Yuqing was a little bit petty, she couldn't wait to get married as soon as she recognized her parents, not to mention, she deliberately staged a marriage proposal at the well-intentioned engagement banquet hosted by the Zhou family and the Lu family, and acted recklessly.

The faces of the Chen family's parents were a little stiff.

Especially Chen's father, his face darkened after hearing Lu Qingfeng's words, and he secretly regretted agreeing to Chen Shangde to let him propose today.

Listen to the irony in Lu Qingfeng's words.

It is estimated that everyone present has heard it. They regard you as a friend, a brother who grew up together, but you are deliberately trying to show off at their engagement banquet.

The people around looked at Chen's father and Chen's mother in a strange way.

Zhou Hongshan came to the stage with a glass of wine, and rubbed Zhou Niannian's head with a smile, "I have spoiled this girl since she was a child, and I still have to say, Qingfeng, you boy, take good care of her from now on! "

Lu Qingfeng nodded solemnly, "Don't worry, I will treat her as my treasure for the rest of my life."

Zhou Hongshan nodded, turned his head and patted Bai Yuqing's shoulder, and looked down at the audience with a smile, "Young people are ignorant, I'll make you laugh."

The smile on Bai Yuqing's face froze immediately.

With Zhou Niannian's so many petting words, how come to her, it's over with just one ignorant sentence.

People in the audience expressed their understanding one after another, and some people smiled at Zhou Hongshan, "Old Zhou, you are so lucky, two daughters, it's a pity that both of them are married."

Zhou Hongshan smiled and pulled Lu Qingfeng and Zhou Niannian over to toast.

That's how the storm was resolved.

After the banquet was over, only the Zhou family was left. Zhou Niannian and Lu Qingfeng followed Lu Wenhan and his wife to see off the guests.

Zhou Hongshan scanned the people in the room, his face suddenly sank, "Yuqing, what's going on today?"

"Are you deliberately making Nian Nian feel uncomfortable?"

Bai Yuqing wiped away tears with aggrieved face, "I don't know, Shangde said before that he would give me a surprise, but I really didn't know he would propose today."

She lowered her head and apologized softly, "Dad, I'm sorry, I really don't know."

Zhou Hongshan frowned and looked at her for a long time before sighing, "I'm not the one you should apologize for."

Bai Yuqing pursed her lips, "But there is nothing wrong with Shangde's arrangement. Isn't it good for our family to add happiness to our family's happiness?"

"He is also good for our family."

Zhou Hongshan closed his eyes, and a burst of fatigue suddenly appeared between his brows.

It's right to add joy to joy, but at such a time of great joy, it is disgusting to deliberately pick out Nian Nian's life experience.

Li Chengyu didn't leave the hotel, he dragged Chen Shang to a corner outside the hotel, and angrily pressed him against the wall.

"Chen Shangde, how did Brother Lu treat us since we were young? How could you treat Brother Lu and Niannian like this?"

Chen Shangde lowered his head, with guilt on his face, "I really didn't do it on purpose, I just want Yuqing to agree to marry me."

"Yuqing said that she was envious of a marriage proposal ceremony like Niannian's, and also said that if all her relatives and friends could witness it, she would feel very happy."

"I, I really didn't expect Nian Nian's life experience to be involved!"

Li Chengyu raised his hand angrily, but someone grabbed his arm that was thrown into the air.

He turned his head to face Lu Qingfeng's indifferent face.

"Brother Lu! Don't stop me, I'm going to beat up this idiot."

Lu Qingfeng took away his hand holding Chen Shangde, and looked at Chen Shangde indifferently, "I haven't congratulated you yet, Shangde."

The expression on Chen Shangde's face became even more guilty, and he muttered to himself: "Brother Lu, I."

Lu Qingfeng patted him on the shoulder, "I understand, there is no need to say anything, go home and discuss with Chen Shu and Aunt Chen, and formally go to the Zhou family to propose marriage."

Chen Shangde stood up straight, hesitated for a moment, and asked Lu Qingfeng: "Brother Lu, don't you blame me?"

Lu Qingfeng hooked his lips, "Why should I blame you? I've said everything I need to say. This is your own choice. This is your life, isn't it?"

Chen Shangde froze for a moment, his expression changed slightly.

Lu Qingfeng told him before that Bai Yuqing might not be the same as he imagined, and asked him to carefully consider the matter with Bai Yuqing.

Chen Shangde felt that both he and Zhou Niannian had misunderstood Bai Yuqing, and the two broke up unhappy.

Today he almost ruined the engagement banquet between Lu Qingfeng and Zhou Niannian.

Lu Qingfeng said he didn't blame him, but in fact he still cared a little.

Chen Shangde sighed, and walked slowly with his head down.

Li Chengyu looked at Lu Qingfeng puzzled, "Brother Lu, why didn't you let me beat him up?"

Lu Qingfeng looked at Chen Shangde's back, and sighed for a moment, "Cheng Yu, Shangde's choice is different from ours, he has his own life to go."

Li Chengyu was a little dazed, and irritatedly cursed for a moment, punched the wall, and said sullenly: "Brother Lu, call Changan, let's go to the bar, I feel uncomfortable."

"Okay, I'll send Niannian home first, and I'll meet you at Xinhua Restaurant later." Lu Qingfeng nodded, turned around and left first.

Li Chengyu searched around but couldn't find Zhou Changan, so he went to Xinhua Restaurant alone in frustration.

When Lu Qingfeng arrived at Xinhua Restaurant, Li Chengyu had already drank a bottle of wine.

Li Chengyu felt uncomfortable, and Lu Qingfeng was also a little bored. The two men drank silently in the middle of the night before returning home drunk.

(End of this chapter)

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