Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 392 She is my daughter-in-law

Chapter 392 She is my daughter-in-law
But for Zhou Changan's side, seeing Bai Yuqing's crying explanation in the room, he felt bored and flustered, so he drank the wine in the glass in one go and came out to breathe.

Zhou Chang'an was the most annoying. Zhou Niannian was his most beloved sister, and Bai Yuqing was also his sister. He couldn't tell anyone, and he didn't have Zhou Changguo's good temper, so he had to choose.

Zhou Niannian and Lu Qingfeng were seeing off the guests at the front door of the hotel, so he came out from the back door and walked out along the alley behind.

As soon as he reached the entrance of the alley, there was a scream from outside, "Let me go, let me go."

Zhou Changan was stunned for a moment, feeling that the voice sounded familiar, he turned around and went out, and saw Qi Jiayan being held down by two men, one on the left and one on the right, dragging her forward.

Qi Jiayan was struggling desperately, with a very angry expression on her face.

"Let him go!" Zhou Changan's face darkened, he stepped forward and kicked away the young man who was holding Qi Jiayan's right hand, and then pushed away the older man on the left, pulling Qi Jiayan behind him.

"What do you want to do in broad daylight?"

He glared angrily at the two men, one old and one young, in front of him.

Qi Jiayan, who was behind her, looked up at the tall figure standing in front of her, and was slightly taken aback.

The older man was in his early fifties, with a medium build. Hearing Zhou Changan's words, his cloudy eyes stared, "Who are you? I took my own daughter home to celebrate the New Year. What does it matter to you?"

The young man next to him combed his hair in a sloppy way, and showed his yellow teeth with a smile, "Which onion are you? Uncle Qi and I came to pick up my sister-in-law to go home for the New Year. If you are sensible, get out of here."

Daughter?sister in law?
Zhou Changan felt his head was in a daze for a moment, then he turned his head and asked Qi Jiayan behind him, "Are these your father and your uncle?"

Qi Jiayan raised her brows, and glared at Qi Guoyou angrily: "Didn't I tell you to sever ties when I left Nancheng? I have nothing to do with you now, so don't you want to sell me for money."

Qi Guoyou pointed at Qi Jiayan and cursed angrily: "What are you talking about? Do you sever the relationship if you say you want to sever the relationship? I have raised you for more than ten years, how much has it cost me?"

"Now that your wings are stiff, you want to sever ties with me. Pooh, there's no way."

"Honestly go home and get married with me. Let me tell you, I'll take all the dowry money. You have to get this marriage, or you have to get it if you don't."

The young yellow-toothed man bared his teeth and grinned, "Sister-in-law, the new house at home has been tidied up, and my brother is just waiting for you to come home and worship."

Qi Jiayan was trembling with anger, "Don't call me sister-in-law, I don't know you, and I'm not your sister-in-law."

After she finished speaking, she turned to look at Qi Guoyou, her eyes were angry and sad, "We agreed to sever the relationship, how can you make me a casual marriage?"

"Does my mother know about this?"

Qi Guoyou spit on the ground, "Bah, I need the consent of an old lady for what I decided?"

"You troublemaker, you caused your brother to go to jail, your sister-in-law ran away, and we are the two old ones left at home. If we don't make an engagement for you, what shall we eat and drink?"

Qi Jiayan swayed, her face was pale, she looked at Qi Guoyou in disbelief, how could she have such a father who doesn't treat her daughter as a human being?
Qi Guoyou and the yellow-toothed man exchanged winks, and immediately grabbed Qi Jiayan.

Zhou Chang'an stopped in front of Qi Jiayan and started shoving with the two of them.

"Young man, I advise you not to meddle in your own business, or if I report the crime, even if the police come, they can't stop me from taking my daughter away, right?"

Qi Guoyou seemed to be a little bit ruthless, and let the yellow-toothed man grab Zhou Changan, and dragged Qi Jiayan desperately.

Zhou Changan and the man with yellow teeth started fighting.

"Where did you come from, what good is it to you to meddle in your own business?" The yellow-toothed man obviously had some skills, and he tried to persuade Zhou Chang'an while beating him back.

"I advise you to act as if you haven't seen anything, and go somewhere to cool off and play, meddling in your own business won't do you any good. Let me tell you that our Cheng family is not easy to mess with."

"We are engaged to the Qi family. You have nothing to do with this girl. What are you doing?"

As he spoke, he punched Zhou Changan on the corner of the mouth.

Zhou Changan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and blurted out without thinking: "Whoever said that I have nothing to do with her, let me tell you, she is my wife."

There was a sudden deathly silence at the entrance of the alley.

Qi Jiayan looked at Zhou Changan dully, does this guy know what he means?

After Zhou Changan said the words, he was stunned for a moment, wondering if he drank too much alcohol, but he didn't feel any regret when he said the words, instead, there was a kind of pride to save Qi Jiayan from the bottom of his heart.

It was the first time he saw Qi Jiayan so angry and helpless.

Qi Jiayan was either cold and reserved in front of him, or she was eloquent, so angry that he wanted to punch someone.

The sad and helpless Qi Jiayan in front of him made him very depressed, and wanted to smash the yellow-toothed man to the ground.

Qi Guoyou was also stunned, the man with yellow teeth reacted quickly, and immediately said to Qi Guoyou: "Uncle Qi, are you not being kind?"

"Didn't you say that your daughter is not married? Why is there a son-in-law now?"

"Are you cheating our Cheng family? Our Cheng family spent a lot of money to your Qi family in order to marry my elder brother. Your Qi family is playing us like a monkey?"

Cheng Lao Si said and forced Qi Guoyou back to the wall, and looked at Qi Guoyou fiercely.

Qi Guoyou was obviously very afraid of Cheng Lao Si. He waved his hands and said with a shy smile, "Don't worry, don't worry, listen to me, I've asked before I came, this girl is really not married."

He got out from under Cheng Laosi's arm and looked at Chang'an next week.

Because Zhou Niannian got engaged today, Zhou Changan wore a brand new Chinese tunic suit.

Although due to the fight just now, the Chinese tunic suit had been ripped off by Zhou Changan and casually put on his shoulders, it did not damage his tall and handsome appearance.

Just wondering if there is any money in the family, a calculation flashed in Qi Guoyou's eyes, and he raised his chin and looked at Zhou Changan, "You say you are my son-in-law, so I believe it?"

"Tell you, I asked someone to inquire about it before. This girl had no partner when she was in school, and she was never married."

"You said my daughter is your daughter-in-law. Show me the evidence. Without evidence, she has nothing to do with you. Let me tell you, no one will stop me from taking my daughter away today."

Zhou Changan gently wiped the blood oozing from his mouth with his thumb, sneered, stretched out his long arms, and embraced Qi Jiayan with a dull face in his arms.

"We just got married today. Today is our wedding banquet. If you don't believe me, you can go to the state-run hotel ahead and ask if it is the Zhou family's banquet?"

After he finished speaking, he took Qi Jiayan's head, kissed her deeply on the left cheek, and looked at Qi Guoyou proudly: "We are already married, it is a fact, it is a pity that we did not carry the marriage certificate with us, otherwise I can also show you."

"Your daughter is already married, and you are still engaged to the Cheng family. You are breaking the law, do you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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