Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 393 Let's Register

Chapter 393 Let's Register
Fourth Cheng grabbed Qi Guoyou impatiently, "Old man Qi, what should we do now? Your daughter is married, what should my elder brother do?"

"You wrote a document back then and swore that you would marry your daughter to my elder brother. Now that your daughter is married, what the hell are you going to marry my elder brother with?"

Qi Guoyou's hair was suddenly pulled, and he wailed in pain. Qi Jiayan's pupils shrank, but Zhou Changan held her back when she wanted to open her mouth.

"Fourth, fourth, don't be angry," Qi Guoyou smiled flatteringly at fourth Cheng, "Didn't you see that damn girl has been silent? That man must be lying."

Fourth Cheng pulled Qi Guoyou forward vigorously, with a wicked smile on his lips, and looked at Qi Jiayan, "I said sister-in-law, your Qi family has already accepted the bride price from our family, so you have to be my sister-in-law."

"If you don't want to watch your parents suffer, just obediently follow me home and pay homage to my elder brother."

Qi Jiayan's face turned pale, and her lips were bitten together tightly.

If Zhou Changan hadn't pressed her hard, she would probably jump up in anger.

Qi Guoyou followed Cheng Lao Si's heart, "Fourth Brother, Fourth Brother, calm down, let me handle it first, and I will handle it."

Cheng Laosi snorted, and then slowly let go of Qi Guoyou's hair.

Qi Guoyou stepped forward two steps quickly, and looked at Qi Jiayan pleadingly, "Girl, my father begs you, can I please?"

"You see, your mother and I are both very old, and we can hardly do our jobs anymore. You can't watch me and your mother suffer, can you?"

"I have already received the bride price from the Cheng family. If you don't marry Boss Cheng, the Cheng family will beat me and your mother to death."

"In the past, Dad was not good and treated you badly. Dad promises that he will treat you well and love you well in the future. Dad begs you to go back to me, okay?"

Qi Jiayan looked at Qi Guoyou who was begging again and again, closed her eyes to hide the grief in her eyes, and then calmly looked at Qi Guoyou.

Only she knew that if Zhou Changan hadn't hugged her so hard, she probably wouldn't even have the strength to stand up.

"Boss Cheng is almost 40 years old and has a bad temper. He has already killed four wives in front of him. You still want me to marry him?"

"Is this how you love your daughter as a father?"

Zhou Changan felt Qi Jiayan tremble slightly in his arms, and felt even more bored. He hugged Qi Jiayan tightly, glanced at Qi Guoyou, and said coldly:

"Such a person is not worthy to be your father. Anyway, we are already married. Whoever proposes marriage to you, let him marry Boss Cheng."

"Let's go home, with me here, I believe no one can take you away."

After all, Qi Jiayan turned around and walked out, before leaving, she gave Qi Guoyou and Cheng Laosi a cold look, "If you are not afraid of death, come after me, my Zhou family is not easy to mess with in the capital. "

Cheng Laosi shrank his eyes, stopped his forward steps, turned around and punched Qi Guoyou, "Qi, you are fucking playing me."

Qi Jiayan froze when she heard Qi Guoyou's screams coming from the alley, her expression was very tangled.

Even though Qi Guoyou broke her heart again, she still couldn't bear to see Qi Guoyou being beaten in front of her.

"Don't go back, they just want to take advantage of your sympathy." Zhou Changan hugged her tightly and strode forward.

Qi Guoyou in the alley was beaten twice, so he quickly grabbed Cheng Lao Si's hand, "Okay, Lao Si, everyone is gone, stop beating."

Fourth Cheng snorted, clapped his hands, and said impatiently: "Old Man Qi, I never thought your daughter would be cruel enough."

Qi Guoyou spit out with a gloomy face, "Damn girl, you have been against me since you were a child."

"Fourth, let me tell you, this girl was raised by me, she won't lie, just now that man kept saying that they were married, and that girl didn't even fart, it must be fake."

"As long as she's not married, no one can stop me from taking her away." Qi Guoyou tugged at the clothes on his body, his face darkened.

Besides Zhou Niannian, when she returned home, half an hour later, Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu came in with Bai Yuqing.

Zhou Changguo and Liang Ying followed behind.

When Bai Yuqing came in, her eyes were a little red and swollen. When she entered the door, she saw Zhou Niannian sitting on the sofa, she was stunned for a while, looking at Zhou Niannian with vague eyes.

Zhou Niannian saw Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu coming in and stood up.

Bai Yuqing went straight to her bedroom, and when she passed by Zhou Niannian, she said in a sullen and low voice, "We'll see."

The corners of Zhou Niannian's mouth curled up. Is Bai Yuqing unwilling to do superficial things?

That's right.

Zhou Hongshan sighed and sat on the sofa with a tired face.

Li Xiangxiu hesitated for a moment, then patted Zhou Niannian's hand, "Niannian, don't blame Qingqing for what happened today, okay?"

Zhou Niannian smiled, "Mom, I don't blame her. Sooner or later others will know about my life experience, and I'm not afraid of being known."

She didn't blame Bai Yuqing, but she would not forgive Bai Yuqing either.

Li Xiangxiu patted Zhou Niannian's head in relief, "Good boy."

Zhou Niannian didn't want to continue this topic, so she turned to Zhou Changguo who had been silent all this time, "Where did Second Brother go? Why hasn't he come back yet?"

Zhou Changguo frowned, "I didn't see him when I came back, I guess he went out with Cheng Yu."

Zhou Changan, who was guessed to be with Li Chengyu, was talking to Qi Jiayan at the gate of the courtyard at the moment.

"Thank you so much just now." Qi Jiayan lowered her head to thank Zhou Changan, with a wry smile on her lips, "You must have never seen such a father in this world, have you?"

Her voice was faint, with traces of sadness, like a bug that penetrated into Zhou Changan's heart, which made him very irritable.

Under the dim street lights, Zhou Chang'an clearly saw a line of tears rolling down Qi Jiayan's drooping face.

Zhou Changan felt like he was being burned and almost jumped up.

Knowing Qi Jiayan for so long, it was the first time he saw Qi Jiayan cry.

This always cold and annoying woman could cry.

Zhou Changan kicked the curb irritably, and said in a rough voice, "Such a person is not worthy of being your father. Didn't you cut ties with him? Don't feel sad for such a person in the future."

Qi Jiayan remained silent.

Zhou Changan wanted to reach out his hand to wipe away her tears, but he stretched his hand half way before realizing that his movements were a bit abrupt.

Just when Qi Jiayan raised her head, he put his hands on his head in embarrassment, and pulled his hair.

"That. Let's register tomorrow morning." He blurted out.

Qi Jiayan froze, stared at him blankly, and found her voice after a while, "No, isn't it fake? Didn't you just pick them?"

Why do you really want to register?Qi Jiayan's heart trembled unconsciously.

After Zhou Changan said these words, he suddenly felt that the irritability in his heart was much less, and he felt that he had found a solution to the irritability.

"Didn't you hear Cheng Laosi say that your father signed a document to the Cheng family? They will definitely not let it go, and they will come to you tomorrow."

"Today's tactic can only deceive them for a while. If they come back tomorrow, it won't work if they use this tactic again."

"It will be different once we go to register. You are already married, so naturally the paperwork made by your father cannot be invalidated.

Qi Jiayan frowned, feeling that something was wrong, "But my dad's paperwork is illegal in itself, isn't it?"

Zhou Changan put his arms around his chest and looked at her condescendingly, "He is still your father legally. Although it is not legal, it will be very troublesome to solve."

"Do you have any faster and more one-and-done method than our registration?"

(End of this chapter)

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