Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 394 Taking My Wife's Place

Chapter 394 Taking My Wife's Place

Qi Jiayan opened her mouth, suddenly feeling speechless.

She always felt that something was wrong there, but she was so disturbed that she couldn't figure it out for a while.

The corner of Zhou Changan's mouth couldn't help but twitched, "Well, that's it, let's register early tomorrow morning."

"Now you go home with me first, and tell my parents about it."

After finishing speaking, he took Qi Jiayan's hand and walked into the courtyard.

Qi Jiayan didn't realize it until she entered the compound, she twitched her hand vigorously, "Zhou Chang'an, I still feel bad."

"What's wrong?" Zhou Changan glanced at her impatiently, "Do you want to go back and marry that Cheng?"

"Of course I don't want to." Qi Jiayan said without thinking, "The Cheng family has a bad reputation with us, and the family is rich, but none of the brothers are good, so I don't want to marry Boss Cheng."

Zhou Changan nodded solemnly, "Then it's over. I've thought of the fastest and best solution for you. What are you still struggling with?"

"Ke Ke is none of your business?" Qi Jiayan finally realized that something was wrong, "You don't have to follow this muddy water."

"I'm very grateful that you can help me once today, how can I trouble you again?"

Qi Jiayan looked at Zhou Changan gratefully.

For what happened today, she was really grateful to Zhou Changan. If he hadn't appeared in time, she would have been dragged away by Qi Guoyou and Cheng Laosi.

Zhou Changan frowned, "Why is it none of my business, you are a good friend of Nian Nian, how can I see you being bullied by others?"

"Ke Ke, you can't use your whole life to help me, can you?" Qi Jiayan whispered, "Marriage is a lifetime thing."

Zhou Chang'an was stunned, and spent a minute thinking about the word "next life", and felt that if the object was Qi Jiayan, he didn't seem to reject it.

"My mom keeps urging me to get married anyway, and the people who introduced me recently are driving me crazy."

He scratched his head, "So it's not all about helping you, you also helped me, and helped me occupy the position of my wife, so no one will bother me in the future."

"Is that so." Qi Jiayan murmured, pursing her lips, thinking about what to say.

Zhou Changan was already impatient, "That's the deal, don't talk anymore."

After finishing speaking, he took Qi Jiayan's hand and walked towards Zhou's house.

Qi Jiayan stood at the door of Zhou's house, hesitated again, "How can I tell your parents about today's matter?"

"There is still Nian Nian, how can I explain it?"

After all, the two of them would pinch each other when they met before, but now they suddenly said they were going to get married, the Zhou family's eyeballs would probably fall to the ground.

Thinking of the harmony of the Zhou family, and thinking of her own father, Qi Jiayan was very sad.

If the Zhou family knew that she had such a family, would they look down on her?
Zhou Changan glanced at Qi Jiayan's sad face, shrugged, and took her hand, "Just say I want to marry you."

Qi Jiayan pursed her lips, before Zhou Changan opened the door and entered.

The Zhou family in the living room all turned their heads and looked over.

"Where have you been? Just now." Li Xiangxiu frowned when she saw her second son coming in. When she saw Qi Jiayan behind Zhou Changan, her voice stopped abruptly.

Her eyes fell on the hands held by the two, and she asked in surprise and joy: "You guys."

Zhou Niannian also saw this scene, stood up abruptly, pulled Qi Jiayan past her, and asked softly, "Jiayan, what are you doing with my second brother?"

Qi Jiayan didn't want to lie to Zhou Niannian, she hesitated and didn't know what to say.

Zhou Changan put his hands in his pockets, and coolly sat down next to Zhou Changguo, "Dad, Mom, Jiayan and I have been together for a while, and I want to register for marriage tomorrow."

It was as if a bomb had been thrown suddenly in the air, and it exploded after a deathly silence.

Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu did it at the same time.

"Do you think marriage is a trifling matter? It's easy to get married. Does the girl's family agree?"

"We haven't met our in-laws yet? We haven't held any ceremony, you bastard, dare to say we are going to get married?"

Zhou Hongshan was so angry that the short beard growing on his chin almost stood up.

Li Xiangxiu was in a daze. Too many things happened tonight, and her head was a little short-circuited.

After being stunned, I was surprised and happy, "Oh, when did you two get together?"

She stepped forward and patted Zhou Changan, "You said you bastard, I urged you to find a partner every day, so many aunts introduced you to a partner, why didn't you tell me when you found it yourself?"

Zhou Changan muttered, "Isn't it because Jiayan never agreed to marry me?"

Li Xiangxiu liked Qi Jiayan a lot before, and now that she heard that she was going to be his daughter-in-law, he was naturally quite satisfied.

It's just that she is satisfied, and when she heard her husband's rant, she also felt that it made sense.

"We haven't met our in-laws yet, how can we get married?"

"Jiayan, is it convenient for your parents to come to Kyoto? If not, let's go to your house and express our sincerity, okay?"

Qi Jiayan bit her lip lightly, feeling that her throat was dry and uncomfortable, she raised her eyes to look at Zhou Changan.

Zhou Changan stood up impatiently, "What year is this? Are you still so traditional?"

"I like her, she likes me, we just get married, what's your business?"

"When my eldest brother and sister-in-law got married, why didn't I see so many things with you?"

Liang Ying's complexion changed, and embarrassment flashed in his eyes.

Zhou's family didn't know how she and Zhou Changguo got married, but she knew in her heart that her parents plotted against Zhou Changguo.

At the beginning, the Zhou family was in a hurry to return to the capital, so she and Zhou Changguo's marriage was also arranged in a hurry. The agenda was not left, but the two of them went to register.

Liang Ying lowered her head sadly, and suddenly felt a warm hand, and a big warm hand covered hers.

She raised her eyes to meet Zhou Changguo's warm eyes, his callused fingers gently rubbing her palm, a burning glow flashed in her eyes.

Liang Ying blushed, and moved her body uncomfortably, the gloom just now gradually dissipated.

Li Xiangxiu slapped Zhou Changan on the back of the head again, "What about you, what are you talking about your elder brother and sister-in-law?"

Zhou Changan curled her lips, "It's almost Chinese New Year, how can her parents have time to come to the capital? When we get married, I'll just go home with her and have a look."

Li Xiangxiu was about to say something, but Zhou Niannian had already stepped forward to take her arm, "Mom, you should listen to your second brother on this matter."

"Second brother can find you such a good daughter-in-law, why are you complaining?"

"When can't I see my in-laws?"

She said, pulling Li Xiangxiu and Zhou Hongshan, pushing them towards the bedroom, "It's late, you guys go to rest."

"It's about the in-laws, I promise to let the second brother arrange it for you."

She secretly winked at Zhou Changan.

 It's the middle of the month, do you have a monthly pass?Ask for a wave of votes!
(End of this chapter)

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