Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 395 It's a Problem

Chapter 395 It's a Problem

Others don't know what Qi Jiayan's family is like, but Zhou Niannian, who has been to Nancheng, knows it very well.

Although Zhou Niannian didn't know what happened to Qi Jiayan and Zhou Changan, Qi Jiayan's obviously stiff body just now showed that there must be something hidden about this matter.

Zhou Changan received Zhou Niannian's hint, and quickly promised: "I will definitely arrange for you, anyway, I will go to register with Jiayan first tomorrow."

"Isn't there a saying that if you have money or not, it's better to marry a daughter-in-law to celebrate the new year. It's almost the new year, and you have to let me marry a daughter-in-law first."

Zhou Hongshan was amused by his words, shook his head and cursed: "I didn't see you in a hurry before, but now you seem to be in a hurry."

The couple entered the bedroom, and there were only a few young people left in the room.

Bai Yuqing, who had been silent all this time, narrowed her eyes. She was very unwilling to have Qi Jiayan become her second sister-in-law.

Qi Jiayan and Zhou Niannian are so close, it is not a good thing for her to marry Zhou Changan.

However, the matter of the two of them diverted the attention of Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu, and they would no longer keep staring at themselves.

She covered the emotion in her eyes, stood up, and said with a smile: "Congratulations, second brother, Jiayan."

Zhou Changan waved his hand with a smile, "Well, it's late, you should go to bed too."

Zhou Changguo pulled Liang Ying to stand up, patted Zhou Changan on the shoulder, said congratulations, and went upstairs to rest.

Only Zhou Niannian, Qi Jiayan and Zhou Changan were left in the room.

She squinted her eyes, waved her hands at the two of them with a smile, and made a gesture of going upstairs.

As soon as she entered Zhou Niannian's room, she locked the door, then looked at the two of them with arms folded, and asked calmly, "Well, what's the matter with you two?"

Zhou Changan leaned against the wall, and impatiently stepped on his feet, "What's going on? It's what you saw."

"I like her, she likes me, we're getting married, it's that simple."

Zhou Niannian rolled her eyes, "I believe you are a ghost!"

"Jiayan, tell me, tell me honestly, is my second brother coercing you?"

"Don't say that the two of you are in a relationship. Only ghosts will believe this. When you met a few days ago, you wished you could break each other's heads."

Qi Jiayan touched her nose in embarrassment, "Niannian, I."

Zhou Changan pulled her to his side, rubbed Zhou Niannian's head, "In your heart, is Second Brother such a bad person?"

"Little girl, what the hell are you doing, go to bed, you'll be ugly if you go to bed late."

Zhou Niannian made a face at him, and pulled Qi Jiayan to him again, "You are not bad, but when you meet Jiayan, you are always inexplicably irritable, of course I have to ask clearly."

Qi Jiayan thought about it, and felt that there was no need to hide Zhou Niannian.

When Zhou Niannian went to Nancheng, he had already seen what kind of family the Qi family was.

She told Zhou Niannian the whole story.

"...That's the way it is. I didn't expect my dad to be like this."

"Nian Nian, you don't know that Boss Cheng is almost 20 years older than me. When I was young, I saw him beat his wife by pulling his hair to death."

"He died three wives back and forth, and the other two wives couldn't bear it and ran away secretly."

"The Cheng family is quite rich and has some influence. They are very powerful in our ten miles and eight towns. Moreover, there are many brothers in the Cheng family. There are eight of Cheng's four brothers, and none of them are cheap."

"Before I went to Zezhou to jump in the queue, no one in the vicinity was willing to marry their daughters to the Cheng family. The daughters-in-law of the Cheng family were all brought back from other places at a high price."

When Qi Jiayan said this, she was angry and hated, "Who knew that my dad actually agreed to the Cheng family, me."

"Your second brother said that to help me."

After hearing what happened, Zhou Niannian was also very angry at Qi Guoyou's actions, "Second brother is right, such a person is not worthy of being a father."

"You should have published a statement in the newspaper when you said you had severed ties with them."

Qi Jiayan lowered her head with a dejected expression. She was extremely sad when she said that she had broken off the relationship. After thinking about it afterwards, at most she would just not return to Nancheng in the future, and she never thought about publishing a statement in the newspaper.

"So my second brother suggested to register tomorrow, so that your father can't take you away?" Zhou Niannian asked.

Qi Jiayan nodded embarrassingly, "Actually, I didn't care about his business, but I got him involved."

Yes, this matter really has nothing to do with Zhou Changan, Zhou Niannian glanced at Zhou Changan thoughtfully.

Zhou Changan rubbed his nose and looked up at the sky, but his eyes did not meet her.

Zhou Niannian's eyes turned slightly, Qi Jiayan is a fan of the authorities, and now she is upset and doesn't have a particularly clear train of thought.

In her opinion, Qi Jiayan's matter is not difficult to solve.

The country now advocates freedom of marriage. Although Qi Guoyou signed a document with the Cheng family, this document promising the marriage of their children violates the freedom of marriage advocated by the country. Even if it goes to the court, the document will be ruled invalid.

At most, the court would mediate between the Qi family and the Cheng family, and negotiate to resolve the matter. If they were afraid of revenge from the Cheng family, the Zhou family could come forward to defend it, and the matter would basically be resolved.

Qi Jiayan couldn't think of it, she didn't believe her second brother couldn't think of it.

But why did my second brother propose to marry Qi Jiayan?

Whether they have a marriage certificate or not does not have a big impact on this matter. Seriously speaking, marriage is only one of the ways for the Zhou family to participate in this matter with integrity.

She hesitated whether to remind her friend, "Jiayan, it's actually not difficult."

"Cough, cough, cough..." Zhou Changan, who was leaning against the wall leisurely, suddenly covered his mouth and coughed violently, interrupting Zhou Niannian's words.

"What's wrong with you?" Qi Jiayan was distracted by him, and asked with concern, forgetting to ask what Zhou Niannian said just now.

Zhou Chang'an took a deep look at Zhou Niannian to make sure that Zhou Niannian accepted what he meant, and then cleared his throat, "I'm fine, but suddenly I feel my throat is a little dry."

"Oh," Qi Jiayan felt relieved, and turned to Zhou Niannian, "Niannian, what did you want to say just now?"

Well, to help a good friend or to help his second brother, Zhou Niannian said that this is a difficult problem.

Help a good friend expose the second brother, the good friend's problem can be solved, but she may lose a sister-in-law.

If you help the second brother, can the second brother really excite Jiayan?
Zhou Niannian suddenly remembered Lu Qingfeng's words, Lu Qingfeng had always been sure that Zhou Chang'an Qi Jiayan had something unusual in his mind.

Originally, she didn't believe it at all, but Zhou Changan's stare at her just now made her believe Lu Qingfeng's words a little bit.

"Oh, Niannian just wanted to say that my proposal is very good, and she agrees." Before Zhou Niannian could make a decision, Zhou Changan had already answered for her, for fear that she would say anything else.

Zhou Niannian glanced at her second brother dumbfounded.

Zhou Changan patted her on the head, "From tomorrow onwards, you will have a second sister-in-law, let your second sister-in-law stay with you for another night tonight, go to bed early."

His voice bit the word "Second Sister-in-law" heavily.

(End of this chapter)

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