Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 396 Give Me a Reason

Chapter 396 Give Me a Reason

Zhou Niannian understood, she squeezed her eyes, and gave Zhou Changan a push, "Okay, okay, I got it, you should go to sleep too, you're going to be a groom tomorrow."

Zhou Changan turned his head and took a deep look at Qi Jiayan, opened the door and went out.

Zhou Niannian closed the door, turned her head and looked at Qi Jiayan with a smile, "Second sister-in-law, let's sleep too."

Qi Jiayan blushed immediately when she heard the second sister-in-law, "You know that this is just a stopgap measure, so you came here to make fun of me."

A smile appeared in Zhou Niannian's eyes.

Jiayan is confused now, even if it is an expedient measure, judging by his second brother's behavior, Jiayan will definitely not be allowed to divorce him after the matter is resolved.

It seems that Qi Jiayan is destined to be her second sister-in-law.

"Okay, okay, don't bother you, go to sleep."

After the lights were turned off, the two girls were lying on the bed, neither sleepy, and could not help but whisper.

"Do you still remember that when I was in Zezhou, I said I introduced my second brother to you, and let him be a fake partner for you?"

"I never thought you would really be my second sister-in-law." Zhou Niannian smiled and took Qi Jiayan's arm.

Qi Jiayan pursed her lips and smiled slightly in the darkness.

It was the first time she laughed this evening.

Maybe it was because Zhou Changan helped her, or maybe it was because of the sudden appearance of her father and the sudden marriage.

In short, she didn't feel repulsed when she thought of going to register for marriage with Zhou Changan tomorrow.

If it was placed a week ago, Qi Jiayan felt that she would not be able to accept this matter.

"For the Cheng family, you can rest assured to leave it to my second brother. Although he has a bad temper and is sometimes a little stunned, he is very kind to the family." Zhou Niannian saw that she was silent, thinking that she was Qi Guoyou's matter Worried, he comforted her softly.

Qi Jiayan nodded. For some reason, her flustered heart gradually calmed down.

Zhou Changan went out of the room, stood at the door and thought for a while, but instead of going back to his room, he quietly went downstairs to the Lu's house next door.

Just as Lu Wenhan and his wife were about to go to bed, they were very surprised to see Zhou Changan coming, "It's so late, do you have anything to do with Qingfeng?"

"Qingfeng just came back, and it's upstairs."

"It's okay, let's chat with Qingfeng." Zhou Changan smiled and went upstairs quickly.

Lu Qingfeng drank a little too much, he just took a shower and changed his clothes.

Zhou Changan knocked on the door, came in and saw that he was very neatly dressed, raised his eyebrows, "I knew that you boy planned to visit the boudoir tonight."

Lu Qingfeng rubbed his nose, why is it not a secret in the Zhou family that he visits the boudoir at night?
"Niannian and I got engaged today." He looked at Zhou Changan innocently.

Such a beautiful and memorable night, of course he wanted to spend it with his sweetheart.

Zhou Changan's face turned dark, "You can't go there tonight, let's chat."

Lu Qingfeng refused, "Can't we talk at another time? We have to talk now."

Zhou Chang'an pulled up a chair, and sat on the balcony with a big horse. His long legs covered most of the balcony, "No, we have to talk now."

Lu Qingfeng clasped his arms around his chest and squinted his eyes to look at him, "What's so hot at night? Give me a reason not to watch Nian Nian, but to chat with you."

"I'm Nian Nian's elder brother. I don't want you to visit my sister at night. I'm afraid you will bully her."

Lu Qingfeng shrugged, "Reject, I can't chat with you even if I don't go to see her, let's change the reason."

"I want to chat with you."

"Reject, I don't want to."

Zhou Changan curled his lips sullenly, "Qi Jiayan and Niannian are sleeping together tonight, you can't go over there."

Lu Qingfeng: "."

Well, this reason cannot be dismissed.

He sat on the bed angrily, stretched out his long legs, and kicked Zhou Changan's feet, "What's awkward, just say no to this reason, I'm afraid I'll see something I shouldn't see when I go there in the middle of the night?"

Zhou Changan looked up at the sky.

Lu Qingfeng laughed, and kicked Zhou Changfeng again, "You are Nian Nian's brother, you are not afraid that I will see Nian Nian, but you are afraid that I will see Qi Jiayan and say you have no ideas?"

Zhou Changan jumped up from the chair like a rabbit whose tail was burnt, "Speak up if you have something to say, don't keep kicking me, don't forget, I am your uncle, if you offend me, don't let me read it." I want to marry you."

Lu Qingfeng looked at him leisurely, "It's the second uncle, if you want to be a big one, you have to ask Brother Chang Guo first."

Zhou Changan: "."

Is now the time to count on this?

He sat down again lazily, without speaking with his head sullen.

"Really moved?" Lu Qingfeng raised his brows, "Didn't you come to chat with me? Why don't you talk?"

Zhou Chang'an raised his head and looked at the ceiling, shook his head irritably, and said in a muffled voice, "I don't know, but it's annoying to see her being bullied by others today."

"Obviously when I bullied her myself, I didn't feel this way."

"His father got engaged to her. He is an old man who likes to beat his wife. I wanted to punch her father in the face at that time."

Lu Qingfeng couldn't help but laugh, "Believe me, you're really tempted."

Is this what it feels like to be tempted?Zhou Changan looked at Lu Qingfeng blankly.

Lu Qingfeng shrugged, "I'm like this with Niannian. Since I was a child, I can't help bullying her. In fact, I just want to attract her attention."

"If she exaggerates the boy in the yard, I will definitely find a chance to fight that boy later."

When Lu Qingfeng said this, he couldn't help but think of the time with Zhou Niannian's childhood sweetheart.

She doesn't understand love at a young age, but she doesn't want her to set her sights on other boys.

At that time, although Zhou Niannian always disliked Zhou Niannian's coquettishness, she still silently remembered her little habits of not knowing how to eat fish, but loving ribs and so on.

He experienced a year in the new city and grew a lot, and when he saw Zhou Niannian again, he slowly understood his heart.

Zhou Changan looked at Lu Qingfeng, who was in a daze, and couldn't help shivering, feeling that the hungry goosebumps on his body were about to rise.

"Stop, tell Niannian what you said, I'm getting goosebumps."

Lu Qingfeng smiled lowly, "You will feel this way one day."

Zhou Changan stood up irritably, and walked around the room twice, "Let's talk about it, anyway, I can't let her be bullied by others now."

He said as he walked out, his purpose of coming had been achieved, so he didn't want to stay here anymore.

When he walked to the door, he couldn't help but glanced at Lu Qingfeng proudly, "I forgot to tell you, I'm going to register with Qi Jiayan tomorrow to get the certificate, please remember to prepare the gift money for me."

Lu Qingfeng was stunned, "Why?"

He and Zhou Niannian were in love, they were engaged, and it was not time to get the marriage certificate, why should Zhou Changan, who didn't even understand his own intentions, get married first.

How unfair!

Seeing Lu Qingfeng's dark face, Zhou Changan suddenly felt happy, and walked out laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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