Chapter 398

After going out, Qi Jiayan asked with a puzzled look, "What do we want to buy?"

Zhou Changan shrugged, "It's just an excuse to fool my mother. Let's deal with something, and you will know when the time comes."

Qi Jiayan's household registration is at the school. Fortunately, there is a relationship with the Lu family. Lu Wenhan sent someone to the school to help Qi Jiayan find the household registration page.

The Civil Affairs Bureau was not on holiday yet, and the two successfully obtained their marriage certificates.

Looking at the freshly baked red book, Qi Jiayan rubbed her name on it with a complicated expression.

She just became a married woman?
Zhou Changan kicked the marriage certificate into his pocket, pulled Qi Jiayan straight to the left, and strode away.

"Where are we going?" Qi Jiayan asked puzzled.

Zhou Changan didn't answer her, and walked for about 5 minutes before saying, "Here we are."

Qi Jiayan looked up at the big characters of the Bureau of Investigation, with a dazed expression on her face.

They had just received their marriage certificate, what did they come to the investigation bureau for?
However, Zhou Changan dragged her straight in, and directly reported to a policeman, claiming that someone was going to rob his wife.

Qi Jiayan looked at Zhou Changan in astonishment with an angry expression in front of the police, and she spoke wonderfully about a wife who loved her so much, but someone maliciously robbed her.

She was dumbfounded and thought: Is this considered preemptive?

The Bureau of Investigation accepted their report, looked at their marriage certificates, and looked at Zhou Chang'an in a daze.

"Aren't you just married?"

The date on the marriage certificate is still today.

Zhou Chang'an was full of anger, and said righteously: "Yes, someone robbed the marriage just after we got married, comrade, you have to make the decision for us."

Qi Jiayan blushed so much that she wanted to get under the ground.

Why didn't she know that Zhou Chang'an could do this.

Zhou Changan recounted the situation of Qi Guoyou and Cheng Laosi, "I don't know where they live, and I have to ask the police comrades for help."

After a long time, there was still a family dispute. The police comrade who took the case rubbed his face with a headache, "You go back first, I will find them and notify you to come here."

"Thank you so much." Zhou Changan shook hands with the policeman with a face of relief, and found out a pack of wedding candy from nowhere, "It's hard work, hard work, let us be happy."

When the policeman saw the bag of wedding candies, he immediately laughed.

Coming out of the investigation bureau, Qi Jiayan looked at Zhou Changan several times while hesitant to speak.

"You don't have to worship me, just say whatever you want." Zhou Changan curled his lips.

Qi Jiayan curled her lips and muttered softly, "I don't admire you."

"What did you say?" Zhou Changan picked out his ears and turned to look at Qi Jiayan.

Qi Jiayan shook her head, and followed him back to Zhou's house.

Seeing Lu Qingfeng's dark face all morning, Zhou Niannian asked strangely, "What happened to you today? Who messed with you."

"You!" Lu Qingfeng muffled out a word.

Zhou Niannian was stunned, she frowned and thought about it, she didn't have anything to offend Lu Qingfeng all morning?
"How did I offend you?"

Lu Qingfeng looked at her with an aggrieved expression, "Qi Jiayan and Chang An have gone to register."

Zhou Niannian: "."

After working for a long time, this guy has been unhappy about this all morning.

She gave Lu Qingfeng a blank look, then turned around and went to the inner room to continue packing her clothes.

Lu Qingfeng silently followed her into the inner room, leaned against the wall and watched her pack her clothes, and asked quietly for a while, "Do you dare to secretly register with me first?"

Zhou Niannian put down his clothes, looked at him happily for a moment, and said three words: "I dare not!"

Lu Qingfeng froze immediately, and looked at Zhou Niannian viciously for a moment, "I really want to force you to cook the raw rice first."

Then Zhou Hongshan would have no reason to postpone the wedding.

Seeing his appearance, Zhou Niannian became happier, smiled for a long time, and patted him on the shoulder to comfort him, "Comrade Lu Qingfeng, the revolution is about to succeed, my second brother is getting married, and I don't think Bai Yuqing will be able to delay it for long. "

"So the dawn of victory is in sight, keep working hard."

Lu Qingfeng sighed, closed the door, hugged her and begged for compensation for a long time before he opened the door and went out satisfied.

Li Chengyu looked at Lu Qingfeng with a broken smile coming out of the corners of his eyebrows and eyes, and couldn't help but said sourly: "Can you stop provoking me, a loner, from the sky."

Lu Qingfeng said without hesitation: "If you are afraid of being stimulated, close your eyes, or don't come to the store."

Li Chengyu was speechless.

For the first time since the holiday, he strongly hoped that Yue Xiaomeng would come back soon.

He is also a person with a target, okay?
At noon, Zhou Niannian and Lu Qingfeng went back to Zhou's house for dinner.

Today is the day for Qi Jiayan and Zhou Changan to receive their certificates, and they made an appointment to celebrate together at noon.

Li Xiangxiu cooked a table of sumptuous meals, and the whole family sat around, very happy.

Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu each took out a red handkerchief and handed it to Qi Jiayan, knowing that it contained money for the new daughter-in-law without even looking at it.

"Jiayan, you are welcome to our home. From today onwards, I will hand over the bastard Chang An to you."

"If he dares to bully you, I will not spare him." Li Xiangxiu put the red envelope in Qi Jiayan's hand, and patted her hand with a smile.

Qi Jiayan refused with some embarrassment, in her heart, this marriage was just an expedient measure to help her, how could she have the nerve to ask for red envelopes from Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu.

"Uncle, Auntie, don't need it"

Li Xiangxiu lowered her face in displeasure, "Why are you still called Uncle, Auntie?"

Qi Jiayan glanced at Zhou Chang'an a little at a loss.

Zhou Changan hooked his lips, leaned close to her and said in a low voice, "Call me Mom and Dad instead."

His warm breath reached Qi Jiayan's ears, Qi Jiayan felt her ears were going to burn, and blushed, she called out to her parents.

Zhou Chang'an reached out and took the red handkerchief from Li Xiangxiu, and put it in Qi Jiayan's hand, "My parents gave it to me, don't waste it, take it."

"You bastard, you're already married, can you be a little more regular?" Li Xiangxiu stretched out her hand and patted Zhou Chang'an.

Zhou Changan screamed exaggeratedly, "Mom, you also said that I am married, why are you still beating me?"

Zhou Niannian grabbed Li Xiangxiu, "Mom, my second brother is married, so I will leave it to my second sister-in-law to discipline my second brother from now on."

"Isn't that right, Second Sister-in-law?" She winked at Qi Jiayan jokingly.

Qi Jiayan blushed and glanced at Zhou Niannian angrily.

Nian Nianming knew what was going on with her marriage with Zhou Changan, so she also made fun of her.

Zhou Hongshan waved his hand, Qi Jiayan said with a pleasing expression, "Your mother and I are already choosing a date. When you come back from Nancheng after the new year, we will hold a wedding for you."

Qi Jiayan didn't know how to respond, she looked at Zhou Changan.

Zhou Changan grinned, "Thank you, Mom and Dad."

Lu Qingfeng next to him couldn't help feeling a little sour, "Uncle, aren't you too partial?"

When a son marries a daughter-in-law, the engagement period is precarious, but when marrying a daughter, it is too slow and procrastinating.

(End of this chapter)

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