Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 399 Wait for me for a while

Chapter 399 Wait for me for a while
Zhou Hongshan hehe, he taught Lu Qingfeng confidently, "How can marrying a daughter-in-law be the same as marrying a girl? One is adding people to the family, and the other is reducing people in the family. They are two different things."

"What? Do you have an opinion?"

Lu Qingfeng: "I dare not have it!"

It's just that you say so confidently that marrying a daughter-in-law and marrying a daughter are two different things, is it really okay?

Zhou Hongshan was amused by Lu Qingfeng, and the whole family sat around and ate happily.

Qi Jiayan looked at the harmonious scene in front of her eyes with deep envy.

It would be great if her family could also be like this, where the father is kind and the son is filial, happy and harmonious.

Among the people at the table, Bai Yuqing didn't have much smile in his eyes.

The whole family had a dinner, Zhou Niannian brought Lu Qingfeng, the Zhou family warmly welcomed her, but never mentioned asking her to call Chen Shangde.

They are all in the same compound, but only a few steps away.

This shows that Zhou Hongshan began to reject her from marrying into the Chen family. Thinking of this, Bai Yuqing's eyes became dark.

Liang Ying was also a little dazed after being happy.

Zhou Changguo held her hand and said in a low voice: "After the new year, I will accompany you to the new city to see your parents. The situation will be easier next year. At that time, let's find a way to get my parents back."

The parents are Liang Ying's parents.

Liang Ying blinked, nodded heavily, and smiled warmly.

During this period of time, she and Zhou Changguo got along well, and the two of them had a more and more tacit understanding.

She didn't say anything, but Zhou Changguo knew that she was thinking about her parents who were far away in Xincheng, so he offered to accompany her to visit her parents.

This kind of care and thoughtfulness made Liang Ying feel very heartwarming.

After dinner, Zhou's phone rang.

Zhou Changan ran to answer the phone with lightning speed, the speed of which made everyone in the Zhou family look sideways.

Li Xiangxiu smiled and shook her head: "This kid, he knows how to work hard even after he's married."

Zhou Niannian glanced at Qi Jiayan in confusion.

Qi Jiayan lowered her head slightly, but there was a warm feeling in her heart. For the first time, she felt that Zhou Changan was actually a very careful person.

Zhou Changan left his home phone number to the investigation bureau. He was afraid that it was the investigation bureau's call, so he rushed to answer the call so quickly.

Zhou Changan promised him not to tell his family about this matter, and he was very serious about fulfilling this matter.

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Changan picked up his jacket, "Mom and Dad, I'll take Jiayan out for a while, and I'll be back in a while."

"Qingfeng, you come here too, I have something to do with you."

Qi Jiayan shrank in her heart, knowing that it must be the call from the Investigation Bureau.

After going out, Zhou Chang'an asked Qi Jiayan to wait for him at the door for a while, and he followed Lu Qingfeng to visit Lu's house.

After about 5 minutes, Zhou Changan came out from Lu's house, tilted his head and signaled, "Let's go."

When the two of them arrived at the investigation bureau, they saw Qi Guoyou and Cheng Laosi inside.

As soon as Qi Jiayan appeared, Qi Guoyou habitually slapped his face with a black face, "You bastard, you dare to bring your father here for trial, do you know that I am your father?" .”

Zhou Changan grabbed Qi Guoyou's arm and said with a cold face, "Do you dare to hit him again?"

Qi Guoyou only felt a sharp pain in his arm, and he was a little scared. In a blink of an eye, he thought that he was in the investigation bureau, and he screamed: "Comrade, comrade, someone is going to beat me."

There were two dry coughs behind him, obviously the comrades in the police were reminding Zhou Changan to pay attention to the situation.

Zhou Chang'an narrowed his eyes, shook off his arm, and protected Qi Jiayan by his side.

Qi Jiayan was about to burst into tears of embarrassment, not understanding why she had such a father.

The people from the Investigation Bureau had already asked Qi Guoyou and Cheng Laosi in advance, and the purpose of calling Zhou Changan and the others was to mediate.

Cheng Laosi sat on the chair in a dawdly manner, and rolled his eyes impatiently, "Qi Jia accepted a bride price of 2000 yuan, and Qi Guoyou also wrote a letter, and my elder brother is just waiting for the new wife to come home to worship."

"Our Cheng family doesn't accept refunds, so we need people."

The police comrade said with a sullen face: "The paper Qi Jiayan signed for you is not Qi Jiayan's own will. It violates the freedom of marriage and has no legal effect."

"On the contrary, Comrade Qi Jiayan and Comrade Zhou Changan have registered their marriage. If you want someone now, you are breaking the law, you know?"

Zhou Changan took out the marriage certificate from his pocket, opened it, and shook Qi Guoyou and Cheng Laosi, "Did you see that we are a serious married couple, did you see our names?"

The expressions of Qi Guoyou and Cheng Laosi changed immediately.

When Zhou Changan showed them, his hand happened to be in the position of the date.

Naturally, they didn't expect that these two people just went to register their marriage this morning.

"Didn't you say they are not married?" Cheng Laosi asked Qi Guoyou in a low voice.

Qi Guoyou hesitated and couldn't answer, he never thought of such a possibility.

He paused, rolled his eyes, and suddenly pointed at Zhou Chang'an and said, "My daughter who has been brought up so hard, you marry her if you want? The Cheng family even gave our family 2000 yuan as a gift money."

"I don't care. If you don't have 3000 yuan, you don't want to marry my daughter. I will go to court and sue you for fraudulent marriage."

The young policeman's eyes were wide open, and he looked at Qi Guoyou in disbelief. He obviously didn't expect such a father to exist in the world.

Qi Jiayan blushed with anger, "We have long said that we will break off the relationship. It is my own business that I want to get married, and it has nothing to do with you."

As she spoke, she was no longer afraid of embarrassment, and turned her head to explain to the police comrades what happened two years ago, and also explained the severance of ties with the Qi family.

"Tomorrow, I will announce in the newspaper that I will sever ties with the Qi family. The Qi family wants to earn my dowry money, but they don't have a dime."

The more she talked, the more emotional she became, and the tears in her eyes became more and more obvious.

Zhou Changan frowned, stepped forward and held her hand tightly.

The sudden warmth in her hands made Qi Jiayan stunned for a moment, she turned her head to look at Zhou Changan's concerned eyes, she closed her eyes and suppressed the tears in her eyes.

Zhou Chang'an patted her hand and said in a low voice, "Let me tell them, go out and calm down first."

Qi Jiayan frowned, but Zhou Changan had already turned her around and pushed her out of the door, "Be good, wait for me for a while."

Seeing Qi Jiayan go out, Zhou Changan turned around and walked in front of the young policeman, and said in a low voice, "Tell the Qi family that I am willing to pay 3000 yuan, but from now on, Qi Jiayan has nothing to do with their family."

The young policeman rolled his eyes and understood what he meant.

He walked up to Cheng Laosi and Qi Guoyou, and first said to Cheng Laosi: "The document signed by the Qi family is invalid. Even if you go to court, at most the Qi family will be ordered to return your betrothal money."

"This is in the capital, at the feet of the emperor. Here, if a brick is thrown down, nine out of ten people will not be offended by you."

"I advise you to negotiate with the Qi family to resolve this matter."

(End of this chapter)

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