Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 401 I am your man

Chapter 401 I am your man

Lu Qing shook his head faster than a windmill, "No, yes, yes."

He grinned, "What you said in front of Uncle Zhou is more effective than Aunt Zhou, Chang An, and the others. If you say you want to get married, Uncle Zhou will give us an engagement date even if he doesn't want to."

Seeing his eager look, Zhou Niannian couldn't help being happy.

Lu Qingfeng was happy, and thought of other things, "Today is Chang'an's wedding night, do you want to?"

Even after dinner in the evening, Qi Jiayan was dawdling, but she was pushed by the enthusiastic Li Xiangxiu and Zhou Changan to the new house.

As soon as Zhou Changan entered, he shouted in surprise, "Who made my room like this?"

In his room, all the bedding on the bed was changed to bright red, the bright red pillows, bed sheets, and bright red quilt, and the pattern of many children and blessings on the quilt was very festive.

Li Xiangxiu slapped him on the head, "Aren't you stupid, of course you have to change into festive bedding when you get married."

When they were not at home today, Li Xiangxiu called Yang Shutong over to clean up Zhou Changan's room.

While tidying up, Yang Shutong hinted enviously to Li Xiangxiu that she really wanted to tidy up her son's wedding room as soon as possible.

Li Xiangxiu managed to bypass this topic with a haha.

Qi Jiayan was also overwhelmed by the festive decorations in the room, she felt that her face was blushing enough to bleed.

Li Xiangxiu glanced at the two of them with a smile, turned around and went out, and closed the door for the two of them considerately.

There were only the two of them left in the house.

The festive decorations made the atmosphere in the house even more charming.

Seeing the festivities in the room, Qi Jiayan had the real feeling of her marriage.

She bit her lip, looked up at Zhou Changan, and said in a low voice, "Why don't I go to Niannian's room tonight and sleep with Niannian."

Zhou Chang'an's face turned dark immediately, "You don't sleep with your own man when you're married, and go to sleep with your sister-in-law?"

The word "my man" made Qi Jiayan blush immediately.

"I, we" she murmured, not knowing what to say, she wanted to say that the marriage between the two of them was just a stopgap measure, and they got married to help her.

When the words came to his lips, he felt that Zhou Changan would sacrifice his marriage to help him, how could he refuse him?
She gritted her teeth, walked up to Zhou Changan, raised her face to look at her, closed her eyes, and blushed almost to the point of exploding.

Zhou Changan's eyes fell on her bright red lips involuntarily.

His eyes suddenly darkened, and Zhou Changan couldn't help lowering his head, getting closer, getting closer, and seeing that the two lips were about to come together.
"Brother Chang An, let's sleep together tonight!"

"I'm your man, of course we want to sleep together."

Suddenly two strange voices came from the balcony, and then the curtain was opened, revealing Li Chengyu's head.

Qi Jiayan jumped up like a frightened rabbit, but her head hit Zhou Changan's nose straight.

Zhou Chang'an's nose hurt, and he covered his nose with his hand, and then felt two lines of hot liquid flow down.

"Li Chengyu!" He yelled at Li Chengyu with a dark face.

Li Chengyu laughed, "You are the first of the four of us to get married, if you don't make trouble with your (bridal) room, who is it?"

As he spoke, he opened the curtains, and Lu Qingfeng pulled Zhou Niannian out, followed by Chen Shangde and Bai Yuqing who looked a little uncomfortable.

It turned out that these people had already entered their room first and hid behind the curtains.

Qi Jiayan saw the bright red liquid flowing from Zhou Changan's fingers, and hurriedly touched the handkerchief to wipe it for him in panic, "I'm sorry, it's all my fault."

Zhou Changan took the handkerchief and wiped it twice. Feeling that the blood had stopped, he glared at the people in the room angrily, "I said why there was no one after dinner tonight, so you are waiting for me here, right? ?”

Lu Qingfeng leaned against the wall and hooked his lips, "You are so excited, this nosebleed"

Li Chengyu approached and hugged Zhou Changan in a mischievous manner, "Brother Chang'an, you have a nosebleed before it even starts. If you really want to play, you won't have to bleed like a river."

"Get out of here." Zhou Chang'an glared at him, then pushed him away in disgust.

Chen Shangde took a step forward, smiled and said to Zhou Chang'an, "Brother Chang'an, congratulations, I just found out about your marriage."

In his words, there was a faint complaint that Zhou Changan didn't tell him about his marriage.

He only found out about Zhou Changan's marriage when he went to find Li Chengyu just now.

And I also learned that the Zhou family had already celebrated this morning, and Lu Qingfeng also participated, but he was not called, which made Chen Shangde very uncomfortable.

Zhou Changan frowned, and slightly hooked his lips, "Thank you, I also just got the certificate this morning."

Chen Shangde touched a nail that was neither soft nor hard, his eyes were a little sad.

He didn't understand how the good brothers who grew up together suddenly felt alienated.

He proposed to Bai Yuqing at Lu Qingfeng's engagement banquet. He really felt sorry for Lu Qingfeng and Zhou Niannian, but he had already apologized.

Why did Li Chengyu and Zhou Changan also alienate him?
They are good brothers, why can't they think of him a little bit?

Seeing this scene, Bai Yuqing's eyes flickered, and she quietly stepped forward to hold Chen Shangde's hand.

Chen Shangde turned his head and met her tender eyes, and suddenly felt that the irritability in his heart was much less. Yuqing understood him.

Li Chengyu took out a piece of paper from his pocket, flicked it lightly, looked at Zhou Changan with a smile, shook his head and said, "How can you waste your time with such a beautiful day?"

He shook the paper in his hand, "Don't worry, Brother Chang An, we have one night."

Zhou Changan's face turned dark.

Although Qi Jiayan felt shy in her heart, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Although she was grateful to Zhou Changan, she still panicked at the thought of having sex with Zhou Changan, and was not mentally prepared.

Li Chengyu is the person who can jump up and down the most, and Lu Qingfeng, who has an inexplicably unbalanced mentality, made a fuss for most of the night.

I don't know where they found so many tricks to trick people. After a while, Zhou Chang'an and Qi Jiayan each bit one end with a red rope, tied a stick of incense in the middle, and went to light the matches on the table together.

After a while, he buckled two glasses together so that the two of them could drink the wine in the glasses without using their hands.

Zhou Niannian also thought it was quite funny, she agreed to Lu Qingfeng to make trouble, just because she was afraid that Qi Jiayan would be uncomfortable on the first night.

In the end, Li Xiangxiu couldn't stand it anymore, seeing how noisy they were, she drove them away one by one.

The exhausted Zhou Changan stared at them with a dark face, and said grimly: "You wait, I will come back with revenge sooner or later."

When all the people dispersed and it was almost dawn, Zhou Changan looked back at Qi Jiayan who also had a tired face, and he lost his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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