Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 402 Happy New Year, My Girl

Chapter 402 Happy New Year, My Girl

This Spring Festival of the Zhou family was extremely warm.

During the Spring Festival last year, Zhou Hongshan and his wife were still in Xincheng, the weather was freezing, their children were not around, and they had no intention of celebrating the New Year.

This year is different.

The family returned to the capital. Zhou Hongshan's work went well. Both sons got married and found their own daughter. Li Xiangxiu's heart was full, and she worked hard to prepare a large table for the New Year's Eve dinner.

Even the red envelopes on the morning of the first day of junior high school are fully given.

On the morning of the first day of the lunar new year, Zhou Niannian got up early, first paid New Year's greetings with Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu, and then came to Qi Jiayan.

Stretching out his head to look at her red envelope, he smiled and winked at Qi Jiayan, "Tsk tsk, the new daughter-in-law is different, she gets more red envelopes than I do."

Qi Jiayan has been teased by her a lot in the past two days, and she has begun to get used to it, and retorts without thinking, "If you want to get a university, go to the Lu family next door."

Zhou Niannian didn't feel shy at being teased at all, and nodded solemnly, "Well, Aunt Lu will indeed wrap a big one for me."

Every year during Chinese New Year, Yang Shutong gives her more red envelopes than others. In her words, "This is my future daughter-in-law, so of course I give more."

The family packed up and went to the Lu family next door to celebrate the new year. Yang Shutong really gave her a generous red envelope, and clapped her hand with a smile, "I hope I can give you a bigger one next year."

This meant to urge her and Lu Qingfeng to get married quickly.

Zhou Niannian pursed her lips and smiled.

Lu Qingfeng tugged at her sleeve, motioning for her to follow her upstairs.

Both parents were there, especially Zhou Hongshan, Zhou Niannian didn't dare to follow him upstairs so boldly.

She pretended that she didn't understand Lu Qingfeng's hint.

Lu Qingfeng narrowed his eyes slightly, exuding a dangerous aura, stood up and smiled softly, "Uncle Zhou, I just found a new book on ancient criminal law research, it's a lonely book, take Niannian to read it, do you have any comments? "

Zhou Niannian looked at Lu Qingfeng dumbfounded.

Who did you learn such a direct operation from?

Knowing that her father was upset, but still asking in front of so many people, Lu Qingfeng is quite courageous.

Zhou Hongshan frowned, and subconsciously wanted to refuse, but before he could say anything, his back hurt, and Li Xiangxiu pinched him.

"Go ahead, just come down later, we still have to go out to pay New Year's greetings." Li Xiangxiu waved her hands with a smile.

Lu Qingfeng pulled Zhou Niannian up the stairs.

In front of these people, Zhou Niannian felt a little embarrassed.

This guy Lu Qingfeng's mind is too impure, don't think it will be good if he goes upstairs alone.

Although she usually has a thick skin in front of Lu Qingfeng, she still feels a little embarrassed in front of so many people.

"What are you doing?" As soon as she went upstairs, she patted Lu Qingfeng lightly.

Lu Qingfeng grabbed her hand, pushed open the door on the left, and pushed Zhou Niannian in.

Before Zhou Niannian could finish her sentence, Lu Qingfeng pressed her against the wall, and her voice was swallowed up in the next second.

After a while, Lu Qingfeng let her go, and smiled lowly against her forehead, "Happy New Year, my girl."

Zhou Niannian's breath was a little unstable, and he looked up at him with blurred eyes, feeling his heart was both crisp and numb.

Lu Qingfeng's big hand lightly covered her eyes, "Don't look at me like that."

His voice was rough and hoarse, as if he was trying to suppress something.

Zhou Niannian couldn't help giggling, she pursed her lips lightly and touched Lu Qingfeng's palm, then murmured: "Happy New Year, Brother Qing!"

The phrase "Brother Qing" brushed across Lu Qingfeng's heart like a feather, making him growl softly and give up all resistance.

Zhou Niannian could feel that Lu Qingfeng seemed to be extraordinarily enthusiastic today, his right hand tightly clasped the back of his head, wishing to rub himself into his arms.

She clearly felt something pressing against her.
It took a long time for Lu Qingfeng to lie on her shoulder and mutter: "When will I not wrong my Xiaoqing?"

Zhou Niannian was stunned for a moment to realize what he meant, and his face burned instantly.

This guy has been in an abnormal state since her second brother got married.

In order to prevent Lu Qingfeng from getting too excited, she gently pushed him, "Where's my research on ancient criminal law?"

Lu Qingfeng leaned on her shoulder and muttered again, then stood up straight, and took out a somewhat worn-out book from the bookcase.

Zhou Niannian took it over and saw that it was really a study of ancient criminal law. She thought that Lu Qingfeng had fooled Zhou Hongshan casually.

"Where did you find it?" She flipped through it in surprise and joy.

Guan Ping recently asked her to study ancient legislation and asked her to submit a research report on ancient criminal law before school started.

I have been studying foreign legislation from her for the previous year, and now that I have read foreign laws, I have started to let her study the legislation of past dynasties.

Guan Ping said that after the turmoil in Huaguo, the legal system was not perfect, and she was asked to study foreign legislation and ancient Chinese legislation in order to let her know what she knew, and combine foreign legal systems with Huaguo's own customs and customs, and have a good understanding of Huaguo. Contribute to the construction of the country's legal system.

She understood Guan Ping's painstaking efforts, so she prepared her homework seriously and planned to start with criminal law. She also consulted some materials before, but she has not found a very systematic book on the research and analysis of ancient criminal law.

Unexpectedly, Lu Qingfeng didn't ask her about her homework on weekdays, but instead paid attention to her needs.

"I asked Uncle Chen to help find it." Lu Qingfeng saw that she had opened the book impatiently, and a smile appeared in his eyes.

Zhou Niannian briefly flipped through the book, and saw that there were many contents in it that he needed, so he couldn't help but smile.

She closed the book, stood on tiptoe and left a mark on Lu Qingfeng's face heavily, "Thank you, Brother Qing."

"Call again." Lu Qingfeng's eyes deepened, and he looked at Zhou Niannian intently, his voice a little hoarse.

This girl is always Lu Qingfeng outside on weekdays, and Lu Qingfeng calls him, it's rare for her to be so obedient.

"Brother Qing!"

Lu Qingfeng couldn't help but lowered his head again.

The study of ancient criminal law that he had painstakingly retrieved stood in front of him. Zhou Niannian winked at him playfully from the back of the book, "Let's go and pay Uncle Chen and Aunt Chen a new year later."

Uncle Chen and Aunt Chen have no children around them, so the Chinese New Year is inevitably a bit bleak.

Lu Qingfeng nodded, and reached for the book in front of him.

Zhou Niannian made a grimace, jumped to the door with the book in his hand, opened the door and ran out.

Then he stood at the door, shaking the book with a smile on his face, "Let's go, let's pay New Year's greetings to the teacher first."

He picked up the book and went downstairs first.

Lu Qingfeng was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and laughed, then looked down at Xiao Qing who had gradually calmed down, and then slowly stepped out of the room.

Zhou Niannian had already sat next to Qi Jiayan, listening to the elders of the two families talking about having lunch together.

Lu Qingfeng slowly sat down next to Zhou Changan.

Zhou Changan frowned and glanced at him, "Please cover up your smug smile."

(End of this chapter)

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