Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 408 Your Heart Beats So Fast

Chapter 408 Your Heart Beats So Fast
Zhou Niannian and Lu Qingfeng looked at each other.

Boss Cheng knew about his engagement to the Qi family, and about Fourth Cheng's trip to Beijing, but he didn't know about Fourth Fourth Cheng's arrest of Qi Jiayan.

In other words, Cheng Lao Si went to Beijing obviously under another name, and kept Qi Jiayan's capture from his elder brother.

Naturally, he would not send Qi Jiayan to the Cheng family's old house if he caught her.

After sending Liu Shiqiang away, Lu Qingfeng called Zhou Changan and Li Dongxing back.

There was no news of Qi Jiayan all day, and Zhou Changan was in a very irritable state.

As long as he thought of the harm Qi Jiayan might suffer, Zhou Chang'an wished he could rush to the Cheng family and beat up everyone in the Cheng family.

Lu Qingfeng repeated Liu Shiqiang's words, "...In any case, we have to meet with Cheng Lao Si directly, and we will decide according to the situation."

"Cheng Lao Si has met Chang An. My suggestion is that Brother Li and I go to Dali Flour Mill, and Nian Nian and Chang An go to find news near Cheng Lao Si's house."

Zhou Niannian disagreed, "Cheng Lao Si has been to the Investigation Bureau and met Brother Li once. If he recognizes Brother Li, all your previous efforts will be wasted, and I will go with you."

Lu Qingfeng hesitated, he didn't want to take Zhou Niannian to take risks.

If it wasn't for worrying about Zhou Changan's impulsiveness, he would even have wanted Zhou Niannian to wait for news at the guest house.

"Going to this kind of place, you will look more realistic if you bring a woman, so you won't attract suspicion, right? It's easier to attract suspicion if you go with two men."

Zhou Niannian pulled Lu Qingfeng, and solemnly assured: "I'm not a girl who has no strength to restrain a chicken. With my strength, ordinary people can't hurt me."

Lu Qingfeng was finally persuaded by her.

The two tidied up a bit, but luckily when they went out, Zhou Niannian hurriedly scrambled for a pink skirt among the clothes.

Zhou Niannian put on a pink skirt and a beige overcoat, her long hair was tied loosely behind her head, she lost a bit of girlish immaturity, and added a touch of feminine charm.

Lu Qingfeng looked at her dressed up, and couldn't help but his eyes were burning. If it wasn't for the wrong time and the wrong occasion, he would definitely rub Zhou Niannian into his arms fiercely.

Li Dongxing drove them to the alley near Dali Flour Mill, and the two got out of the car and walked over.

Liu Shiqiang had briefly introduced the background of Dali Flour Mill to them before.

Dali Flour Mill is an old flour mill in Nancheng. Most of the flour eaten by Nancheng people comes from Dali Flour Mill.

The current director of the flour mill is the third child of the Cheng family.

"The Cheng family is too arrogant to set the location of the underground transaction in the flour mill, isn't it?" Zhou Niannian whispered.

Lu Qingfeng held her hand and curled his lips, "This is just a trick to deceive people."

What's the meaning?Zhou Niannian blinked, "Does that mean the real location is not at the flour mill?"

Lu Qingfeng nodded, stopped suddenly, and took out a cigarette from his pocket.

Only then did Zhou Niannian notice that they were not far from the flour mill.

It was already dark, the street lights were dim, and people could not be seen clearly.

Lu Qingfeng lit a cigarette and put it in his mouth. He looked evil and charming. He tilted his head and glanced at Zhou Niannian, motioning for her to hold his arm.

Zhou Niannian took a deep breath, put his hand into his arms, and the two of them approached the flour mill.

During the Chinese New Year, the flour mill was closed for holidays, and two burly men stood under a dim street lamp at the door.

"Are you here to see the flour fair? Do you have a ticket?" Seeing Lu Qingfeng and Zhou Niannian glance, one of the men stretched out his arms to stop them.

Zhou Niannian took out the ticket from her bag and handed it over.

The man took the ticket, looked at Zhou Niannian and Lu Qingfeng again, and then turned his head to signal the people behind to open the door.

"Please come in, both of you, go ahead and turn left to the first floor."

Zhou Niannian followed Lu Qingfeng inside, subconsciously glanced around.

"Don't look around, raise your head and look ahead, don't worry, everything is up to me." Lu Qingfeng reached out and patted Zhou Niannian's hand in his arm, and whispered in her ear.

From outsiders' perspective, Lu Qingfeng was just being intimate with Zhou Niannian.

Zhou Niannian hummed lightly, stood up straight, and followed Lu Qingfeng into the place pointed by the door.

After entering, someone led them into a spacious conference room.

There are different booths inside, and each booth has different things, such as flour, sweet potato flour, mung bean flour, etc. Next to it are snacks made with different flour.

There is an old-fashioned player in the corner, playing babbling music.

Looks like a trade fair.

Many people have already shuttled through it, tasting snacks and talking with each other.

When Lu Qingfeng and Zhou Niannian went in, they didn't attract many people's attention, but a young man with cross-legged legs sitting in the corner noticed them.

Lu Qingfeng led Zhou Niannian around two or three booths, and then sat down on the chair next to him.

He pulled Zhu Niannian to sit on his lap, put his head on Zhou Niannian's neck, and said in a low voice: "The man in the northeast corner has been staring at us."

Zhou Niannian froze for a moment, then relaxed her body the next moment, and hugged Lu Qingfeng's neck with a smile.

Fortunately, Lu Qingfeng liked to hug her and make some intimate gestures before, otherwise Zhou Niannian felt that his face would be blushing.

Even so, her heart was beating so fast.

Lu Qingfeng lay on her shoulder and smiled softly, "Nian Nian, your heart beats so fast."

Zhou Niannian pinched the flesh on his back secretly, she was so nervous, how could this guy still have the mood to joke.

Lu Qingfeng was pinched, he raised his head obediently, lit another cigarette, and exhaled the smoke ring in a bored manner.

The young man who had been staring at them came over and extended his hand to Lu Qingfeng, "Hello, Cheng Yuxi, what's your name, sir?"

Lu Qingfeng curled his lips slightly, "My surname is Lu."

"Listen to the accent, isn't Mr. Lu a native of Nancheng?" Cheng Yuxi hooked up a chair and sat down, and asked with a smile.

"I'm from Xincheng, and it's my first time in Nancheng." Lu Qingfeng casually smoked a cigarette, patted Zhou Niannian, and signaled her to stand up.

Zhou Niannian stood up obediently, and Lu Qingfeng dragged her out.

"Mr. Lu is not satisfied with the products we exhibit?" Cheng Yuxi followed Lu Qingfeng unhurriedly, asking in a low voice.

Lu Qingfeng took a deep puff of his cigarette, threw the remaining cigarette butt on the ground, and shrugged his shoulders disdainfully, "I've heard about the reputation of the Cheng family in Nancheng for a long time, and thought there would be good things today, but it turned out that these broken Toy."

"The Cheng family in Nancheng is nothing more than that."

As he spoke, he laughed, embraced Zhou Niannian and walked out.

Cheng Yuxi narrowed his eyes and frowned, seeing that Lu Qingfeng had already walked to the door, "Mr. Lu, please stay."

Lu Qingfeng and Zhou Niannian looked at each other, and they both saw a smile in each other's eyes.

"What? Is there something else?" He turned his head to look at Cheng Yuxi, seeming a little impatient.

 Two chapters will be updated first, and there will be more updates tonight
(End of this chapter)

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