Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 409 I'm a bit contemptuous

Chapter 409 I'm a bit contemptuous
Cheng Yuxi walked up to Lu Qingfeng with his hands in his pockets, "I don't know what kind of good things Mr. Lu said?"

The corner of Lu Qingfeng's mouth twitched, and he gently approached Cheng Yuxi and said something.

Cheng Yuxi's eyes flickered slightly, and he looked at Lu Qingfeng with a little more scrutiny.

Zhou Niannian was a little curious about what Lu Qingfeng said, but she didn't dare to ask in front of Cheng Yuxi, so she could only keep her curiosity in her heart.

After a while, he smiled softly, his small eyes almost forming a straight line, "It's not that there are no good things, but I just don't know if Mr. Lu can offer a starting price."

Lu Qingfeng raised his eyebrows, and his evil eyes were full of arrogance, "Just kidding, I really haven't seen something that Lu can't afford, Mr. Cheng will open my eyes?"

Cheng Yuxi stretched out his hand as a gesture of invitation, and led the way to the back of the conference room.

Zhou Niannian and Lu Qingfeng followed behind him unhurriedly.

Cheng Yuxi walked to the place where he was sitting just now, and opened a door behind the heavy curtain.

Only then did Zhou Niannian realize that there was actually an invisible door here.

The appearance of this invisible door made her nerves jump, and she felt that the Cheng family was more difficult to deal with than she imagined. There must be some shady business behind the Cheng family.

Behind the door is an aisle, the aisle is a bit dark, Zhou Niannian subconsciously clenched Lu Qingfeng's hand.

Cheng Yuxi was right in front, and it was not convenient for them to talk, so Lu Qingfeng just held her hand tightly.

Zhou Niannian's heart calmed down a little.

Walking through the aisle, I entered a garden. There was a two-story old building in the yard. The mottled walls outside looked like it had been around for a while.

Four big men with the same stature stood at the door. Seeing Cheng Yuxi, they all stood up straight and shouted, "Mynah!"

If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, Zhou Niannian felt that he would be able to laugh.

Mynah, what about parrots?

But since it's called starling, it can't be the eighth son of the Cheng family, right?
After entering the door, there is a spacious living room. There are five rows of chairs in the living room, and there are already many people sitting on the chairs.

Zhou Niannian glanced lightly, and saw that some of the people sitting inside were wearing Chinese tunic suits, some were in suits and leather shoes, but every man was sitting next to a young and beautiful female companion.

Opposite the living room is a taller table, about one meter wide.

The fourth child of the Cheng family sat behind the chair and tapped the table with his right hand. When he saw Cheng Yuxi leading someone in, his eyes fell on Lu Qingfeng and Zhou Niannian who were behind him.

"Little Ba, who is this?" Fourth Cheng stood up and went up to meet him. First he gave Cheng Yuxi a look, and said in a low voice, "Why did you bring a stranger in?"

"Fourth brother, he can speak jargon, so he must be an old hand." Cheng Yuxi said in a low voice.

Fourth brother Cheng's eyes flickered, and Cheng Yuxi had already stood up straight, "Fourth brother, this is Mr. Lu from Xincheng, Mr. Lu, this is my fourth brother."

Fourth Cheng reached out his hand to shake hands with Lu Qingfeng, "Hello, Mr. Lu."

Lu Qingfeng stretched out his hand and shook it lightly, with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth, "I heard that Mr. Cheng has a lot of good products here, someone Lu came here to open his eyes."

Fourth Cheng made a gesture of invitation and asked Lu Qingfeng to take a seat.

Lu Qingfeng and Zhou Niannian chose a middle seat and sat down.

Cheng Yuxi took them and left, returning to the exhibition hall in front.

Fourth Cheng stood behind the table, clapped his hands, and the whispering in the hall stopped.

All eyes were on Cheng Laosi.

Cheng Laosi stretched out his hand to stroke the broken hair on his forehead, and said with a smile: "Thank you for attending our Cheng family's monthly sales meeting. Friends who came today, I guarantee that your expectations will not be disappointed."

After he finished speaking, he clapped his hands, and a long line of big men in black came in one after another carrying boxes covered with red flannel, and stood in two rows on both sides of the hall.

The first big man to come in put the box on the table.

Cheng Laosi slowly lifted the flannelette on the top, and inside was a black lacquered wooden box with a flat top.

I don't know where Cheng Laosi pressed it, but the wooden box was opened on all sides, and all the wooden boards on all sides lay flat, revealing the contents inside.

It is in the shape of a red and white wild goose, with a slender neck of the goose turned backwards, and a colorful fish connected to the mouth of the goose, under the body of the fish looks like a lampshade.

Zhou Niannian clearly heard two gasps from the people sitting around.

Some even couldn't resist standing up.

"Is this thing expensive?" She couldn't help asking Lu Qingfeng.

Lu Qingfeng hummed, and said in a low voice: "This is called the Painted Goose Fish Bronze Lamp, which is a kind of lamp used by the ancients. The two lampshades can be rotated freely to adjust the direction of the light and protect against incoming wind. The belly of the goose can be filled with Clear water, the lamp smoke melts into the water through the neck of the goose, the design is exquisite and unique."

Zhou Niannian was very surprised when he heard it, and couldn't help admiring: "Antique."

Lu Qingfeng shook her hand and motioned her to keep her voice down.

Zhou Niannian nodded lightly, and heard Cheng Laosi on the stage say with a smile: "We still follow the old rule, the highest bidder wins."

Zhou Niannian was a little surprised that it was still an auction. Before he could react, people in the audience had already started shouting the price.

"five hundred!"

"Six hundred!"

"Eight hundred!"

Lu Qingfeng watched from the sidelines, but did not participate in the bidding.

The price gradually increased, and finally it was bought by a middle-aged man in a Chinese tunic suit for [-] yuan.

A big man in black came forward and led him to go through the formalities.

Cheng Laosi displayed ancient jade, gold girdles, and ceramic vases one after another.

Zhou Niannian gradually saw some ways.

Each of these things will be a sky-high priced antique after decades, and they all have a common feature, that is, these things should all come out of tombs, and they are ancient tombs.

How did the things in these ancient tombs appear in the Cheng family?

Could the Cheng family have something to do with the tomb robbers?

As Cheng Laosi introduced more and more things, the atmosphere in the hall became more and more heated.

"Mr. Lu doesn't seem to be asking the price, why? Don't you like these things?" Cheng Laosi wandered in front of them at some point, and leaned over to look at Lu Qingfeng thoughtfully.

Lu Qingfeng curled his lips, "It's a bit contemptuous!"

The expression on Cheng Laosi's face froze, then he sneered, nodded, stood up straight, reached out to take something from the hand of a big man next to him, and lifted it to the table.

He placed the box heavily on the table and made a dull sound, and the hall was quiet for a while.

"The next thing is a living thing, but it also absorbed enough aura from that place. I guarantee that you have never seen or heard of it."

Zhou Niannian guessed that the place Cheng Laosi mentioned should refer to the ancient tomb.

After Cheng Laosi finished speaking, he tore off the flannel from the box and opened the box.

When Zhou Niannian saw something in the alley, she almost cried out.

 I suddenly found that Chapter 407 was missing from the chapter when I updated it in the morning, and I directly jumped the chapter number to Chapter 408, but the content is not missing, so everyone just needs to know it.

(End of this chapter)

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