Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 410 My Woman Likes You

Chapter 410 My Woman Likes You

After the box was opened, it turned out that there was an exquisite and unique birdcage inside, and the person lying in the birdcage turned out to be Ah Liang.

Zhou Niannian almost stood up in shock, but Lu Qingfeng grabbed her hand and said in a low voice, "Don't get up."

Only then did she realize her gaffe, and forced herself to sit down on the chair.

Ah Liang in the birdcage seemed to have passed out, lying in the cage with a listless expression.

Counting it, Ah Liang had only left the capital for more than ten days. She always thought that it was looking for Fei Yuan, but she was caught by the Cheng family.

Zhou Niannian frowned. With Ah Liang's intelligence and quick-wittedness, she should not be caught.

In the end what happened?
Cheng Laosi on the stage took out a small wooden stick and gently poked Ah Liang. Ah Liang turned her head a few times and slowly raised her head.

It didn't seem to be quite awake yet, its eyes swept around the hall without focus.

Zhou Niannian looked anxiously.

Cheng Laosi patted the bird cage, "Let's take a look, this bird has a blue crest and colorful feathers. It's extremely beautiful. It looks like the legendary phoenix bird."

"The most important thing is that it has a special aura and can understand people's speech."

Cheng Laosi said, patted the bird cage, "Come, bow to all the guests."

When Ah Liang's blank eyes were aimed at Zhou Niannian, they suddenly lit up, and the slack eyes gradually gained focus.

It limply lay down in the cage again.

Seeing that Ah Liang didn't react at all, the people in the hall immediately burst out laughing.

"I said Fourth Master Cheng, where did you get a bird to fool us? Could it be that the Cheng family can't get any treasure this time?"

"That's right, this bird looks beautiful, but it's not as mysterious as you said, is it?"

"That's right, if you can still understand human speech, isn't that the essence?"

Cheng Laosi looked a little embarrassed, he glared sullenly at the big man who was carrying Ah Liang's box just now, and then patted the bird cage bitterly, "I asked you to bow and bow, don't pretend to be dead for me."

Zhou Niannian clearly heard Ah Liang snort, "Master Bird is your father, when I go out, I have to ask you to kowtow to me."

She almost couldn't help laughing.

Others naturally couldn't understand Ah Liang's words.

She asked Ah Liang in her heart, "What's the matter with you? How could you be caught and put in a cage?"

Ah Liang sighed, "The Cheng family is too bad, not to mention hurting me, but even drugging me, which makes me weak now."

"Nian Nian, you hurry up and get me out before we talk."

Zhou Niannian nodded lightly, "Just be patient, right away."

After finishing speaking, he whispered to Lu Qingfeng, "Bring Ah Liang back."

Right now, there are people from the Cheng family all around, if they want to take Liang out, they can only buy it.

Lu Qingfeng nodded knowingly.

Over there, Cheng Laosi saw Ah Liang limp in the cage no matter what he said, and his face turned black with anger, "Take this disobedient bird down and teach me a good lesson."

The big man in black standing next to him immediately stepped forward to lift the bird cage.

"Wait a minute!" Lu Qingfeng stood up slowly, interrupting the action of the big man in black.

"What advice does Mr. Lu have?" Fourth Cheng raised his eyebrows and looked at Lu Qingfeng in surprise.

It was the first time this surnamed Lu came here, so he paid special attention to it, and he didn't call out the price once all night.

I don't know if it's something he didn't like, or if he came here for another purpose, Cheng Lao Si had already decided to secretly find someone to keep an eye on Lu Qingfeng.

Now that Lu Qingfeng suddenly stood up, he couldn't help being a little surprised.

"My wife likes this bird very much. I want it. How about 500 yuan?"

Lu Qingfeng took out the cigarette in his mouth, and lightly puffed out his eyes. In the hazy smoke, his brows naturally showed a sense of arrogance.

Zhou Niannian's face became hot and she couldn't help turning red.

It was the first time she heard Lu Qingfeng declare his identity in such a domineering way, which made her blush.

But five hundred!Is it a bit too much?
Zhou Niannian clearly heard the gasps of the people around him, and forced himself to hold Lu Qingfeng's hand.

Isn't Lu Qingfeng's bid too high?
She originally thought that it would be a lot to give 100 and [-], but Lu Qingfeng paid [-] per mouth.

The geese and fish copper lamp just sold for 1000 yuan, but now you spend 500 yuan to buy a bird, the people around must think he is crazy.

Fourth Cheng stared at Lu Qingfeng for a moment, then clapped his hands, "Mr. Lu is so refreshing, he is willing to spend a lot of money for a smile for Bomei."

Even if this bird could really understand human speech, it might not be able to sell for five hundred. The price Lu Qingfeng gave was too satisfying to Cheng Laosi.

"Deal! Mr. Lu, let's go through the formalities."

Lu Qingfeng hooked his lips, walked straight to the table, reached out to lift the birdcage, then leaned over and whispered a few words to Cheng Laosi.

Cheng Lao Si was stunned for a moment, but Lu Qingfeng had already walked back with the birdcage, and handed the birdcage to Zhou Niannian.

Zhou Niannian took the birdcage, reached out and gently touched Ah Liang's feathers.

At first, Lu Qingfeng pulled him up, and the two walked out side by side.

Cheng Laosi came back to his senses, and immediately waved for someone to come over, "Send Mr. Lu out."

Although Zhou Niannian was surprised why Lu Qingfeng left now, she didn't ask any further questions, and obediently followed Lu Qingfeng out.

When he was far away from the flour mill, Zhou Niannian reached out to open the bird cage, ready to release Ah Liang.

However, Lu Qingfeng reached out to take the bird cage, and said in a low voice, "Someone is following us from behind, we will open it after we return to the guest house."

Zhou Niannian paused for a moment, then took Lu Qingfeng's hand as if nothing had happened, "Are they suspicious of us? What did you tell Cheng Laosi just now?"

"There must be doubts. If I don't spend 500 yuan to buy Ah Liang, they will probably be even more suspicious." Lu Qingfeng smiled softly, "I told Cheng Lao Si that there is nothing rare for me tonight. He bought even rarer things here, and then left the address of our guest house."

"I guess they sent people to follow us just to verify that I was not lying."

"Relax, let's walk back to the guest house slowly."

Zhou Niannian nodded, and the two walked back slowly along the street, talking and laughing, until they returned to the room of the guest house. From the window on the second floor, they saw the people who followed them turned and left.

The man went back and reported the matter to Fourth Cheng.

Cheng Laosi rubbed his chin and muttered: "Since you left the real address, it seems that you really intend to do business with us."

"Send someone to bring him to the house tomorrow to talk."

Seeing that the people following them had left, Zhou Niannian quickly turned around and opened the bird cage, releasing Ah Liang, "What kind of drug have you been given?"

Ah Liang shook her head feebly, "How would I know, anyway, I don't have any strength at all, and I really want to sleep."

"Hey, Ah Liang, don't sleep, I have something to ask you." Zhou Niannian closed his eyes again when Ah Liang said this, and quickly reached out to pat her on the head.

(End of this chapter)

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