Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 419 Let's go

Chapter 419 Let's go

As soon as Lu Qingfeng came out, the cold wind mixed with snowflakes blew into his neck.

He frowned, and seeing Zhou Changan leaning against the wall smoking a cigarette outside the door, he couldn't help but sneered, "Here to relieve your worries early in the morning?"

He glanced at the pile of cigarette butts under Zhou Changan's feet, "Who provoked you?"

Zhou Changan took a deep puff of cigarette, and after a while he let out a puff of smoke ring, "She wants to divorce me."

Lu Qingfeng raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Zhou Changan threw down the cigarette butt angrily, and punched the wall, "I really don't know what she thinks, I told her I love her, I love her, she."

"She still insisted on divorcing me."

Speaking of the last sentence, Zhou Changan's voice was faintly tinged with grievance.

"It deserves it!" Lu Qingfeng leaned against the wall with his arms folded, gloating and uttering two words.

Zhou Changan glared fiercely, "It seems that you don't plan to marry my sister."

Lu Qingfeng put away the smile on his face, and said lightly, "Nian Nian said, this time when I return to the capital, I will persuade Uncle Zhou to register for marriage with me."

Zhou Chang'an gave him a sullen look, not even thinking about arguing with him.

The snow fell more and more heavily, and immediately buried the cigarette butt under his feet.

Lu Qingfeng tugged at him, "Go to the restaurant and talk, don't pretend to be affectionate here."

What does it mean to pretend to be affectionate? He is already very affectionate, okay?

It was the first time in his life that Zhou Changan encountered emotional setbacks, gave Lu Qingfeng a hard look, and followed him slowly into the restaurant.

Lu Qingfeng put the rice in front of him, made another one for himself, and said while eating, "You, you can't blame other girls for wanting to divorce you."

"Think about how you treated people in the past? You always pissed them off, bullied them, made them cry, and kissed them in public."

"How do you say that you act like you like someone? Do you think that if you say you love someone now, they will jump into your arms?"

Zhou Changan was very unconvinced, "Didn't you treat Niannian like this before? Why did Niannian agree to be with you?"

Lu Qingfeng shrugged his shoulders, "That's because I discovered my feelings, regretted it in time, and showed myself well. Besides, is my Nian Nian an ordinary girl?"

Zhou Changan frowned, why did this sound so awkward?

Although he was praising his younger sister, he still couldn't help adding, "Jiayan is not an ordinary girl, and besides, Niannian still belongs to my family, not yours."

Lu Qingfeng clenched his chopsticks and stared over, "Do you still want to hear my analysis?"

Zhou Changan pursed his lips, "Go on."

"In a word, you have to let the girls feel your love."

Zhou Changan looked at him dully, "That's all? No more?"

Lu Qingfeng shrugged and finished the porridge in the bowl, "No more."

"But how can I make her feel my love?" Zhou Changan couldn't help asking.

However, Lu Qingfeng had already stood up and left, leaving behind a sentence: "I think, the worst thing is to stalk me, will I?"

Zhou Chang'an was left staring blankly at the meal in front of him, without any appetite.

Lu Qingfeng made two breakfasts and delivered them to Zhou Niannian and Qi Jiayan.

Qi Jiayan doesn't have much appetite.

Zhou Niannian teased her to drink a bowl of porridge, then took her hand and said, "Jiayan, no matter what your family has done, from now on you have nothing to do with them."

"You are a very good, very good girl, you deserve to be treated with care, and you have the right to happiness."

"Listen to me, don't reject my brother too quickly, okay?"

Qi Jiayan pursed her lips and remained silent for a long time before she nodded slightly.

Lu Qingfeng knocked lightly on the door outside and asked Zhou Niannian to come out.

"What's the matter?" Zhou Niannian went out and asked Lu Qingfeng.

Lu Qingfeng smiled mysteriously, "We'll be back in the capital in a while, and you don't need to pack your things for now. When your second brother and the others go back, just take them back for you."

Zhou Niannian was taken aback, "Us? Just the two of us? Why did you leave so quickly, there are still many things to deal with?"

She also wanted to accompany Jiayan to the Qi family, as well as the Cheng family. They contacted the investigation bureau and arrested Boss Cheng and others. I believe the Cheng family must have got the news.

How could they leave Nancheng now?
Lu Qingfeng lightly touched Zhou Niannian's lips with one hand, suppressing the anxiety she wanted to say, and shook his head with a smile, "Trust me, your second brother can handle those things."

Zhou Niannian looked at him puzzled.

"Qi Jiayan married your second brother, not you, and going to the Qi family to vent her anger is also your second brother."

"In addition, although the Cheng family's family is powerful in Nancheng, they still have a role to play. They won't deliberately make things difficult for your second brother and the others just because of Boss Cheng and others."

"As for Boss Cheng's other brothers, I'm afraid they can't afford to protect themselves now, and nothing will happen. Your second brother can handle it."

He said, winking his eyes, "Girl, you have to give your second brother a chance to behave, don't you?"

Zhou Niannian felt at ease after listening to his analysis clearly and logically.

When she heard the last sentence, she suddenly realized, yes, she is here, and Jiayan will rely on her subconsciously.

She left, so she can only rely on her second brother.

Thinking of this, Zhou Niannian smiled and snapped his fingers at Lu Qingfeng, "Go, let's go if we say go."

She followed Lu Qingfeng back to her room to pack her luggage.

Lu Qingfeng opened the luggage bag and began to put clothes in it. When he picked up the shorts he was wearing next to his body, he couldn't help shaking Zhou Niannian, "Girl, the clothes are packed to my liking."

Zhou Niannian stared at the panties in his hand, couldn't help but get hot, and glared at him, "Clean it up yourself, I'll talk to my second brother."

She found Zhou Chang'an who was still in a daze in the restaurant.

When he heard that they were leaving, Zhou Changan couldn't help but panic, "But...if we don't wait two more days, let's go together."

Zhou Niannian couldn't help but laugh, "Second brother, what are you afraid of?"

Zhou Changan couldn't help being a little downcast, "I'm afraid that Jiayan will ignore me."

"Second brother, Jiayan." Zhou Niannian thought for a while and said seriously: "Actually, Jiayan is a very sensitive girl. Her family hurt her very much in this matter, so she may not be able to open up for a while. I accept you with all my heart.”

"You have to be more patient, don't always lose your temper in front of her."

Zhou Changan nodded silently, "I know, I won't lose my temper in front of her in the future."

Zhou Niannian saw Lu Qingfeng waving at her at the door of the restaurant, smiled and made a cheering gesture to Zhou Changan, got up and left.

Zhou Changan silently put down the bowl in his hand, took a deep breath, got up and went back to the room.

"Where's Niannian?" Seeing that he was the only one returning to the room, Qi Jiayan looked behind him, but she didn't see Zhou Niannian, and asked in a low voice.

Zhou Changan smiled, "Oh, Qingfeng said there is something urgent, so I'm going back to Kyoto with Niannian."

(End of this chapter)

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