Chapter 420

Qi Jiayan raised her head in surprise, opened her mouth, and remained silent for a while.

Zhou Niannian was still with her just now, why is there an urgent matter in the blink of an eye?
Zhou Changan looked at Qi Jiayan who bowed her head in silence, took a deep breath, walked gently to Qi Jiayan's side, squatted down halfway, and made herself and Qi Jiayan look at each other.

Qi Jiayan shrank her eyes, and subconsciously wanted to dodge to the side.

Zhou Changan reached out and fixed her chin.

"Jiayan, I thought about it carefully just now, I can't divorce you."

Qi Jiayan's breathing became short, "I thought I made everything clear."

Zhou Changan smiled, "But I didn't explain it clearly."

Qi Jiayan looked at her inexplicably.

"You see, I married you to help you. Now that you have used me up, how can you get rid of me?"

"Don't you think it's a little too cruel for you to do this?"

Qi Jiayan looked at Zhou Changan in astonishment, and he looked at himself with an aggrieved face, as if he was a heartless man who abandoned him ruthlessly.

Uh, this description is really weird.

He just went down to have a meal, why did he suddenly change his appearance when he came up?

"I don't mean that, I mean you can find a better girl." She tried to reason with Zhou Changan.

Zhou Changan shook his head stubbornly, "You are the best, I have fallen in love with you, so you can't abandon me."

"If you abandon me, you are cruel, ruthless, and heartless"

Zhou Changan looked at her extremely aggrieved, and couldn't think of any other words, so he ended his performance, "Anyway, you just can't abandon me."

"I can't help you, but you come to harm me?"

Qi Jiayan blinked, not knowing how to answer Zhou Changan's words.

Her bewildered appearance fell into Zhou Changan's eyes, and a cunning flashed in Zhou Changan's eyes.

Sure enough, the stalking trick that Lu Qingfeng said is very useful.

Before Qi Jiayan could figure out how to answer him, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Miss Qi, Mr. Zhou, my husband invites you to come and sit at home." Two gentle and polite men stood outside the door.

Zhou Changan's face darkened, and when he noticed Qi Jiayan's shivering, he couldn't help holding Qi Jiayan's hand tightly, "Follow me, don't be afraid, I'm here, I won't let anyone hurt you."

Qi Jiayan looked at the generous back standing in front of her, and a warm current gushed out from the bottom of her heart.

It was already night when Zhou Niannian and Lu Qingfeng returned to the capital.

Li Xiangxiu was very surprised when she saw her come back, "Why didn't you call back beforehand? Why didn't your second brother and sister-in-law come back together?"

According to the words discussed with Lu Qingfeng, Zhou Niannian said, "Qingfeng has a business emergency, so we will come back first. The second brother and the second sister-in-law will stay in Nancheng for a few days, and we will come back in two days."

Li Xiangxiu had no doubts, "I finally went back to my mother's house, so I should stay for a few more days."

Ah Liang jumped out from behind Zhou Niannian, stood on Zhou Niannian's shoulder, and greeted Li Xiangxiu and Zhou Hongshan chatteringly.

When Li Xiangxiu saw Ah Liang, she immediately forgot the topic just now, and hugged Ah Liang over, "Oh, Ah Liang also came back with you? Where have you been these days? You can't find anything delicious you."

Zhou Hongshan cast a sullen look at Zhou Niannian, "You still know how to come back?"

Only then did Zhou Niannian remember that when he went to Nancheng, the situation was urgent and he didn't tell Zhou Hongshan, and the excuse he made was to hang out with Lu Qingfeng.

She walked forward with a smile, and hugged Zhou Hongshan's arm coquettishly, "Dad, I've been away for a few days, do you miss me?"

"No!" Zhou Hongshan snorted coldly.

Zhou Niannian leaned her head on his shoulder with a smile, "But I miss you very much."

Zhou Hongshan's expression eased a lot, and he glanced at her, still unable to hold back his face, "I think you are having fun, and you are too bold, you dare to go out with the kid from the Lu family even before you are married. "

"Oh, there is no second brother and second sister-in-law here, and it's not considered going out alone." Zhou Niannian coquettishly promised, "I promise that I will never go out with him alone without your permission, okay? "

Zhou Hongshan pursed his lips and snorted.

"Okay, Comrade Zhou, stop pretending, I know you miss me too." Zhou Niannian pushed Zhou Hongshan, "If I get angry again, I'll go hug my mother."

Zhou Hongshan gave her a blank look, "It's not big or small."

He still couldn't help muttering, "I don't worry about one or two, really."

Zhou Niannian blinked, and looked up at Bai Yuqing, who had been sitting quietly at the table eating since she entered the house.

One refers to her, what about two?
What did Bai Yuqing do again?

Bai Yuqing also heard Zhou Hongshan's words, her face darkened, and she continued to eat with her head down.

Zhou Niannian looked away and did not speak.

After resting for the night, he went to Lu Qingfeng's house the next day and found out what Bai Yuqing had done after seeing Li Chengyu.

It turned out that during the two days they left, Bai Yuqing often went out to play with Chen Shangde.

During the Chinese New Year, young people don't like to follow their elders to visit relatives and friends, so they will inevitably get together to eat, drink and have fun.

One day, without knowing what happened, Bai Yuqing drank too much, and it was Chen Shangde who carried her back, and almost everyone in the compound saw it.

Zhou Hongshan's face turned dark for several days.

"The Chen family asked someone to propose a marriage yesterday, and your family has already agreed. It is estimated that their wedding date will be settled soon." Li Chengyu said with a smile, "Your family has been full of happy events recently."

Zhou Niannian didn't bother to pay attention to him.

I didn't expect that so many things happened after she left for only a few days.

Bai Yuqing and Chen Shangde had physical contact in public, this time Zhou Hongshan did not agree with the Chen family's marriage proposal.

"I heard that Shangde's father has been promoted to another level, so he must be in the judicial system." Li Chengyu gave a thumbs up.

"Didn't you see Shang De's mother, it's windy to walk in the compound recently."

Lu Qingfeng stretched out his foot and kicked him, "I haven't seen you for a few days, why are you so gossip?"

Li Chengyu smiled and hid aside, "Isn't this boring? You are not here, the school is not open, and the store is not open. I am really bored."

"You don't know how to find Xiaomeng when you're bored? Didn't you call Xiaomeng?" Zhou Niannian asked him.

Li Chengyu paused with a smile and shrugged, "I called one two days ago, and I don't know what I was up to, so I hung up after saying a few words."

Seeing his heartless look, Zhou Niannian shook her head helplessly.

Two days later, the Zhou family and the Chen family officially got engaged, and the wedding date of Chen Shangde and Bai Yuqing was set on March [-]th.

On the day of the engagement, Zhou Niannian went and saw Bai Yuqing standing next to Chen Shangde, with a gold bracelet on her hand and a gold necklace around her neck, dressed in a rich and noble manner, with a bright smile.

(End of this chapter)

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