Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 421 Your Future 1 Will Be Happier

Chapter 421 Your Future Will Be Happier

However, Li Xiangxiu was a little bit reluctant, "It's really hard for my daughter to get married not long after she came back."

Zhou Hongshan pursed his lips, but did not speak.

Chen Shangde's father was promoted to another level, and he will officially take office in two days.

The official appointment has come down, and recently the Chen family is simply the most beautiful family in the compound.

The engagement between Chen Shangde and Bai Yuqing was very grand, and there were nearly forty tables in the banquet.

Judicial units, medical and educational units, financial and taxation units, etc. all came to support.

The Chen family clearly designed this engagement banquet as a super social banquet.

Watching the couple lead Chen Shangde and Bai Yuqing back and forth between different tables to toast, Zhou Hongshan sighed.

"I don't know if it's right or wrong to marry Yuqing to the Chen family?" He murmured.

Li Xiangxiu glanced at him, "Shang De is a good kid, and he treats Qingqing well, as long as their lives are easy for the young couple, that's fine."

"I hope so." Zhou Hongshan sighed.

Zhou Niannian came to Bai Yuqing's engagement banquet purely because he didn't want the Zhou family to be looked down upon.

Zhou Changguo and Liang Ying went to Xincheng to visit relatives and have not returned yet.

Zhou Chang'an and Qi Jiayan are still in Nancheng, and they won't be back until this afternoon.

She was the only one left in the Zhou family. If she didn't come again, she was afraid that others would say that the Zhou family didn't understand etiquette, so she came to sit and sit.

She was going to pick up Zhou Changan and Qi Jiayan at the station with Lu Qingfeng after dinner.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Zhou Niannian and Zhou Hongshan greeted each other and prepared to leave for the station with Lu Qingfeng.

When he walked to the door, Bai Yuqing's voice came from behind him.

Zhou Niannian turned her head and saw Bai Yuqing walking over gracefully in a long red dress.

"Nian Nian, are you leaving? Why don't you eat more?"

When she came over, she had a smile on her face and a gentle tone, like a good sister who cared about her younger sister.

The guests sitting on the tables around looked at her with nods of approval.

Zhou Niannian looked at her calmly, "I still have something to do, let's take a step first."

"I'll see you off." Bai Yuqing smiled and walked out with her.

Zhou Niannian didn't know what kind of medicine she was selling in the gourd, so she also walked out silently.

Walking outside the hotel, Lu Qingfeng turned to Zhou Niannian and said, "I'll get my dad's car here."

Zhou Niannian nodded, watching Lu Qingfeng turn towards the backyard of the hotel, and there was a chuckle behind him.

"It's really funny to think about my previous self. I didn't know much. When I saw someone like Lu Qingfeng, I felt that I was the son of heaven."

"After I got to know Shang De, I realized that it is really maddening that this person compares himself to others."

Zhou Niannian turned to look at her.

With a smug smile on the corner of Bai Yuqing's mouth, he shook the gold bracelet in his hand, "I have deeply realized since I was a child that this person is only what I hold in my hand."

She talked and smiled and leaned in front of Zhou Niannian, "To put it bluntly, Lu Qingfeng is just the son of a university president."

"Shang De is different. His father's position has been promoted again, and he is very hopeful to enter the core department. Do you know what this means?"

When Bai Yuqing said this, her whole face lit up, and she looked at Zhou Niannian with satisfaction in her eyes.

Zhou Niannian sneered.

She thought Bai Yuqing was here to show off.

"so what?"

Bai Yuqing half-covered her mouth and raised her eyebrows triumphantly, the gold bracelet on her hand shone golden in the sun, "So what? That means my future life will be much higher than yours, hehe .”

Bai Yuqing looked at Zhou Niannian and felt that since she knew Zhou Niannian for two years, today was the most proud day for her.

She flaunted her self-satisfaction recklessly, and vented all her inferiority complex and unwillingness in front of Zhou Niannian in the past two years.

Of course, this is just the beginning.

"If Shangde's father goes further, the Chen family will become an important family in this country. By then, we, even my children, hehe, will not be comparable to you, a schoolteacher."

The corners of Zhou Niannian's mouth twitched, and he did not become as angry as Bai Yuqing thought, "Really? I hope that day will come as soon as you wish, and I hope you can live the rich life you want."

Didi, two horns sounded on the side of the road.

Zhou Niannian looked up and saw Lu Qingfeng rolling down the car window and waving at her.

She lifted her leg and walked away.

Looking at her neat figure, Bai Yuqing couldn't help stamping her feet indignantly.

Why is Zhou Niannian still so indifferent, not getting angry or even jealous of her?

It was not easy for her to have the capital to show off to Zhou Niannian.

"Yuqing, what are you looking at?" Chen Shangde came out, saw Bai Yuqing standing at the door in a daze, and called her, "Come in quickly, my dad wants to introduce some uncles to us."

Bai Yuqing took a deep breath and put on a soft smile on her face, "Here we come."

The people who came here today are either rich or expensive, and she will have to deal with these people in the future, so she must not leave a bad impression.

She can have today's life because of her own hard work. The Zhou family refused to help her and didn't want her to be engaged to the Chen family, so she came by herself.

Bai Yuqing took Chen Shangde's arm and walked in with a smile.

"What is there to talk about with her?" Lu Qingfeng drove the car and asked Zhou Niannian.

Zhou Niannian smiled, "She wants to chat with me and show off her happy life in the future."

In fact, in her opinion, the more Bai Yuqing was so eager to show off, it showed that she was extremely uncertain and unconfident in her heart, so she wanted to find a sense of accomplishment from her.

Lu Qingfeng held the steering wheel with one hand. Hearing this, he took a deep look at her, reached out and held her hand tightly, "Your future will be happier."

Zhou Niannian smiled with crooked eyebrows, "Well, heroes see the same thing."

When they arrived at the station, they waited for about ten minutes before seeing Zhou Changan and Qi Jiayan walking out of the station holding hands.

Zhou Niannian's eyes glanced at the hands of the two people holding each other. It seems that the two people stayed in Nancheng for a few days, and their relationship developed by leaps and bounds.

Lu Qingfeng whistled directly.

Qi Jiayan blushed, looked at Zhou Changan uncomfortably, and wanted to pull out her hand, but Zhou Changan held it so tightly that she couldn't pull it out no matter what.

"There are so many people watching." She glared at him reproachfully.

Zhou Chang'an was confident, "How many people are watching, but they can't let me hold my wife's hand."

Qi Jiayan blushed even more, remembering how Zhou Changan had taken care of her in Nancheng these past few days, she couldn't bear to pull her hand away, so she let him go.

After getting in the car, Zhou Changan couldn't wait to ask about the Cheng family.

"Brother Li said that the Cheng family has a very hard-nosed personality. After a few days of interrogation, he refused to admit anything except the fact that the tomb robber was caught on the spot." Zhou Niannian just went to see Li Dongxing yesterday, and answered directly road.

This time, it was Cheng Boss and Cheng Lao Si who were caught, and the others were all young men of the Cheng family, who didn't know too much about the inside story.

Cheng Boss and Cheng Boss only admitted to the tomb robbery, but they denied all other criminal evidence.

(End of this chapter)

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