Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 422 What is Dog Food?

Chapter 422 What is Dog Food?

Zhou Niannian and Lu Qingfeng speculated that the reason why the Cheng family was so tough must be because there were people behind them.

Li Dongxing also thought of this, and asked the Cheng family if they knew Bai Yongsheng.

The Cheng family insisted that they didn't know Bai Yongsheng before, he was just a customer who came to buy things.

This is clearly an excuse.

The Cheng family brothers denied it, and the Bureau of Investigation had no choice but to arrest Bai Yongsheng without definite evidence, so they could only post notices everywhere in the city, looking for Bai Yongsheng, in the name of "asking him to assist in the investigation."

As for the ancient tomb discovered by the Cheng family, the Investigation Bureau has already reported it, and I heard that the Archaeological Institute has sent people to investigate.

"There is no further evidence to prove that the Cheng family has stolen national cultural relics, so they won't be able to sentence them for long." Zhou Niannian sighed.

Qi Jiayan asked in confusion: "Didn't you witness them reselling cultural relics before? You can accuse them as witnesses."

"That can only accuse them of reselling cultural relics, and it cannot be used as evidence of their illegal theft of ancient tombs. Reselling cultural relics is not a serious sentence." Zhou Niannian explained the difference to Qi Jiayan.

Qi Jiayan and Zhou Changan looked at each other.

Zhou Changan raised his eyebrows excitedly, "I don't know if the evidence in our hands will be able to punish the Cheng family more severely?"

Zhou Niannian turned her head in surprise, "What evidence? Have you found any other evidence in Nancheng?"

Qi Jiayan nodded slightly, "Your second brother accompanied me to dig up the Cheng family's grave and found the bones of Boss Cheng's three dead wives. I performed autopsies on them."

Zhou Niannian was dumbfounded.

Her second brother and Qi Jiayan even went to dig a grave for an autopsy!

Even Lu Qingfeng, who was driving, shook his feet and the car body shook before continuing to move forward smoothly.

"What did you find?" Lu Qingfeng turned his head and glanced at Zhou Changan.

"There are two people who died a long time ago, so it is difficult to determine the real cause of death, but there are obvious scars and cracks on the neck bone of the other skeleton, which should be caused by external force."

Qi Jiayan slowly talked about her discovery.

After listening for a long time, Zhou Niannian couldn't help but excitedly said to Lu Qingfeng: "Turn around, let's go to the Investigation Bureau first and tell Brother Li about this discovery."

"With this discovery, Brother Li can change the direction of the investigation and send someone to Nancheng to investigate and collect evidence again."

Lu Qingfeng turned the car around without any objection and drove to the investigation bureau.

"Jiayan, I didn't expect you to think of autopsy. You guys are so awesome." Zhou Niannian gave Qi Jiayan a thumbs up.

Qi Jiayan glanced at Zhou Changan, and said embarrassedly: "Fortunately, your second brother is with me, otherwise I wouldn't dare."

Zhou Changan looked at her intently, "Shouldn't I be with you?"

Qi Jiayan couldn't help but blushed.

In the past few days in Nancheng, Zhou Chang'an gave her too much shock.

First, the Cheng family invited the two of them.

The remaining brothers of the Cheng family went to the main family to ask for help, and the people of the main family locked Zhou Changan and her up, preparing to negotiate with the capital.

It was Zhou Chang'an who brought her out and successfully found the head of the Cheng family.

Facing the [-]-year-old head of the Cheng family, Zhou Changan did not hesitate to say anything, and justified what the brothers of the Cheng family did and why they should take care of it.

The Cheng family's family occupies half of Nancheng, and the family members have contributed a lot.

The head of the Cheng family is a calm and wise old man. Zhou Changan talked with him for a long time, and finally took himself out of the Cheng family.

At that time, Qi Jiayan realized for the first time that Zhou Changan was not a big boy who could only lose his temper.

For the first time, she felt that Zhou Chang'an was a man who could protect him from wind and rain.

Later Zhou Changan took her to Qi's house again.

In front of everyone in the Qi family, Qi Jiadong and Qi Guoyou were beaten up, and she declared that Qi Jiayan would only be the daughter-in-law of the Zhou family and would no longer have any relationship with the Qi family.

It was the first time Qi Jiayan was protected by someone like this, and she was completely dumbfounded.

"Tsk tsk, you spilled dog food, I feel a bit full." Zhou Niannian looked at Zhou Changan's focus on Qi Jiayan, couldn't help hugging his shoulders, expressing his rejection of dog food.

Qi Jiayan came back to her senses and asked puzzledly, "What is dog food?"

Zhou Niannian shrugged with a smile, "It's just to praise you for your love. Doesn't it just make me envious and hate you for showing such affection in front of me?"

Qi Jiayan understood, and uncomfortably broke away from Zhou Changan's hand.

Zhou Changan didn't allow her to break free, held her tightly, and gave Zhou Niannian a look, "Where did the weird vocabulary come from, it will make trouble with your sister-in-law, why don't you turn your head away?"

Zhou Niannian curled her lips and turned her head.

A big hand stretched out from the next door and rubbed her hair, "Look at what other people are doing, we can do the same, and choke them to death."

Zhou Changan in the back seat: .
When the group arrived at the investigation bureau, Qi Jiayan told Li Dongxing what she had found.

Li Dongxing listened very seriously, "I immediately asked to take someone to re-investigate and collect evidence."

With this discovery, it might be possible to break through Boss Cheng's mouth.

After leaving the investigation bureau, the four went home.

After entering the door, I found that Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu were waiting at home.

Seeing Zhou Changan and Qi Jiayan, Li Xiangxiu happily asked questions, and asked about the situation of the Qi family.

Qi Jiayan hesitated to speak.

Zhou Changan blocked back with the excuse that he was too tired from the car, and lightly patted Qi Jiayan's hand, indicating that he would find a chance to tell Li Xiangxiu the actual situation.

Then Zhou Changan asked about Bai Yuqing's engagement, and Li Xiangxiu's attention was diverted as expected.

Qi Jiayan pursed her lips, looking a little sad.

I don't know if the Zhou family will look down on her because of her family.

Zhou Niannian saw her thoughts and dragged her upstairs first.

"Don't worry, my parents will only love you more when they find out about you." Zhou Niannian hugged Qi Jiayan to comfort her.

Qi Jiayan smiled, feeling better.

Zhou Niannian approached her, winking her eyes jokingly, "There is another way to make my parents like you more."

Qi Jiayan's eyes lit up, "What method?"

"Get pregnant quickly and give them a big fat grandson." Zhou Niannian smiled and blinked.

Qi Jiayan was taken aback for a moment, then her face turned red and turned into a cloth, but she lowered her head and did not speak.

She and Zhou Changan have not met yet
When she first married Zhou Changan, Zhou Changan seemed to have that intention, and she felt that she was not ready.

But after going through this incident, she felt that she didn't seem to be very repulsed to make further moves with Zhou Changan.

But Zhou Changan was cautious, as if he was afraid of scaring her.

"Don't talk about me, tell me about you and Lu Qingfeng, when are you going to get married?" Qi Jiayan came back to her senses and slapped Zhou Niannian's arm.

Mentioning this matter, Zhou Niannian couldn't help but fell on the bed with a howl, "Oh, I planned to bring up the matter of marriage with my dad when I came back, who knew that I would run into the engagement matter when I came back, how dare I mention it now? .”

 The second update is around [-]:[-] pm. Friends who still have monthly tickets, please continue to vote. Please, today is my birthday, hehe, I feel a year older.

(End of this chapter)

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