Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 423 Guan Pengtian's Life Experience

Chapter 423 Guan Pengtian's Life Experience
Zhou Hongshan was obviously not happy about the marriage between Bai Yuqing and Chen Shangde.

Thinking of Bai Yuqing's flaunting face today, Zhou Niannian guessed that Zhou Hongshan must have expressed to Bai Yuqing that he did not want to marry the Chen family before.

But Bai Yuqing was carried back by Chen Shangde in public.

If it is said that there is no Bai Yuqing's calculations, Zhou Niannian would not believe it if he was beaten to death.

If she could imagine it, Zhou Hongshan would naturally want it too.

That's why Zhou Hongshan was disappointed and saddened by Bai Yuqing. At today's engagement banquet, Zhou Niannian could tell that his parents were not happy.

At this time, how dare she mention that she wanted to register with Lu Qingfeng, wouldn't it make Zhou Hongshan even more uncomfortable?

Seeing her lying on the bed, Qi Jiayan probably understood after thinking about it.

"Let's talk about that one after he gets married."

Zhou Niannian nodded, that was the only way to go.

Lu Qingfeng and Li Chengyu's clothing store officially opened after the eighth day.

But just after the new year, business was slow, so Lu Qingfeng took advantage of this time to go to Guangcheng again.

There was a call from Guangcheng. They were very interested in the drawings Lu Qingfeng gave them years ago. They asked Lu Qingfeng to come over and discuss the cooperation plan in detail.

Lu Qingfeng originally wanted to take Zhou Niannian with him.

Zhou Niannian remembered that he had promised Zhou Hongshan not to go out with Lu Qingfeng alone, and seeing that Zhou Hongshan had been bored recently, it happened that Guan Ping also had something to do with her, so Zhou Niannian refused to go with Lu Qingfeng.

Lu Qingfeng hugged Zhou Niannian depressedly and gnawed hard, grinding his teeth and scolding her for being so heartless.

After seeing off Lu Qingfeng, Zhou Niannian went to Guan Ping's house.

The school is about to start, and Guan Ping is already preparing the lesson plans for the lecture.

He has been serious and rigorous all his life. Even though he is already familiar with the legal provisions, he will still carefully prepare the lesson plans before class.

Seeing Zhou Niannian coming, he happily waved her to come and do it.

"I mentioned to you a few years ago that you were asked to graduate early. I got a letter of approval yesterday. When school starts, you can go for an internship. After one year of internship, you can graduate early." Guan Ping told me cheerfully. she.

Zhou Niannian was both surprised and delighted.

In fact, she had already finished all the legal courses under Guan Ping's pressure.

Years ago, Guan Ping had said that she could apply for early graduation.

Zhou Niannian was very moved, but felt that he was inexperienced and worried that the school would not approve it.

"Our country's lawyer team needs to be rebuilt, and a lot of work is already in progress," Guan Ping said with a smile, "If you graduate earlier, you can also make some contributions to society earlier."

"I've also arranged the internship for you. Recently, the Kyoto Magazine has launched a newspaper about legal time. You can report it after the Lantern Festival. You will do an internship there for half a year. After July, I'll see the situation and give it to you. Change units."

Zhou Niannian can really describe his mood at the moment as overjoyed.

She didn't expect Guan Ping to arrange everything for her.

"Teacher, thank you so much."

Guan Ping rubbed her hair with a smile, "I am your teacher, and I am also happy to see that my students have a bright future."

Speaking of this, he put on a straight face, "The teacher only arranged for you a unit. It is best to rely on yourself whether you can make achievements in the unit."

Zhou Niannian smiled and raised her hand to promise: "Don't worry, I promise I won't let you down."

The master and apprentice talked and laughed, the door opened from the outside, and Guan Pengtian walked in.

"Brother Pengtian, you are back." Zhou Niannian stood up and greeted Guan Pengtian with a smile.

Guan Pengtian seemed a little absent-minded. When he saw Zhou Niannian, he froze for a moment, and forced a smile from the corner of his mouth, "Oh, Niannian is here."

Zhou Niannian nodded, "Are you okay? Brother Pengtian, I don't think you look very well."

Guan Pengtian shook his head, "I'm fine, maybe I have a cold, you talk, I'll go in and rest first."

After all, he pushed open his door and walked in.

The figure was a little hasty, and he didn't even say a word to Guan Ping.

Zhou Niannian and Guan Ping looked at each other, confused.

"Brother Pengtian looks like he has been stimulated by something. Is he okay?"

Guan Ping swallowed the tea slowly, and smiled, "Didn't you find some economist for him?"

"He has often gone to people for advice recently. I guess he was stimulated there."

Zhou Niannian's heart moved slightly, did Guan Pengtian go to Uncle and Aunt Chen?

Did something happen?

Otherwise, why did Guan Pengtian look so restless?
Coming out of Guan Ping's house, Zhou Niannian had just returned to the gate of the compound when he saw Uncle Chen wandering in front of the gate.

"You're finally back." Seeing Zhou Niannian, Uncle Chen rubbed his hands excitedly.

The speculation in Zhou Niannian's heart surfaced, "Uncle Chen, let's talk about it at home."

Uncle Chen nodded, "Well, good, good."

Zhou Niannian led him back home, but there was no one at home, so Uncle Chen explained his purpose straight to the point.

"You want to do a paternity test with Brother Pengtian?" Although Zhou Niannian vaguely guessed it, he was still a little surprised, "Do you think Brother Pengtian is the child you lost? How sure are you?"

Uncle Chen sighed, "He really looks like your Aunt Chen's brother. Your Aunt Chen looks more and more like him. These days, he seems to be in a daze and sick in bed."

He smiled wryly twice, "I really had no other choice, so I told Xiaoguan about it, Xiaoguan him"

"Brother Pengtian refused, did you?" Zhou Niannian said.

Uncle Chen sighed and nodded, "He doesn't believe that he is not the Guan family's own, and he refuses to cooperate with us in any identification."

Zhou Niannian understood.

Anyone who was suddenly told that it might not have been born by their parents probably couldn't accept it.

Just like myself in the previous life, when I learned that Bai Yuqing was the Zhou family's own and I just picked it up, it was like a bolt from the blue.

Because I've never thought of anything like this before.

No wonder Guan Pengtian was restless when he came home today.

"Qingfeng is not at home, so I can only ask you for help. You have a good relationship with him, can you persuade him?" Uncle Chen looked at Zhou Niannian cautiously.

"Your Aunt Chen really wants to find Xiaotian. She is seriously ill now, and I'm afraid of her." Uncle Chen's voice was so choked that he couldn't continue speaking.

Zhou Niannian sighed, "I'll try to talk to Brother Pengtian, but it may not work."

Uncle Chen was so happy that he lost his composure. He touched his eyes, "Whether this can be done or not, I, Old Chen, will be grateful to you."

Zhou Niannian felt a little sour seeing him like this.

Uncle Chen and Aunt Chen lived for the rest of their lives only to find their lost child.

For this purpose, they can endure no matter how much hardship they suffer and no matter how tired they are.

How could they pretend not to see a glimmer of hope after finally seeing it?

 There will be another update after four o’clock, it’s the end of the month, please ask for more monthly tickets, hee hee~~~
(End of this chapter)

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